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Please do make Baldurs Gate 3

I found the game to be even better than the original Baldurs Gate in all aspects. It works better, plays better, and its more fun. Overall would do a tremendous job with Baldurs Gate 3. Those that...

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Neera: "Jerome and Anton"... who?

Just started ToB, and at one point Neera starts musing about what she'd do if she wasn't here with charname -- birdwatching is one option, she claims. You can then reply: "Birdwatching? Jerome and...

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Is there a way to switch romances with save editing?

I know you can't do it in-game, once you piss them off they're gone for good. But is there a way to reset their romance value so that it can continue again? (And then ending the romance you had going.)

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BG2EE 50% off on Steam Now!

Until June 30th.Perhaps a 75% off sale is coming...

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Lycanthropy question

I didn't come prepared to take on the GWW, so took the easy option of just attacking the village on Werewolf Island, and then killed the Loup Garou on the boat with no problems. I don't recall being...

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Yeah, so ... I messed up! .. No what?! :(

I just mannaged, for some reason to save over my savegame, and to make matters worse, I just got out of the Underdark, and for the first time actually took the time to do all quests and what have...

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Fighter/Mage Trilogy Run Build

I had been playing a Kensai with the idea to become a K/D (CH4) A class a thoroughly enjoyed when I used it to complete SoA for the first time many moons ago. It was much more fun starting in BG2. I...

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Best defensive character class for a non-metagamed run through the entire...

Hi everyone. @Ygramul's comment on a post of mine a few days back, that he only does SCS no-reload and non-metagamed playthroughs these days, which is generally my approach to the game as well, had me...

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Run through Watcher's Keep

This is just a documentation of my run through WK. If anyone wants to listen in, feel free.

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Druid grove, barrier

I released Cernd and he was supposed to meet me in the Druid grove. But there is a wall of rock blocking the way after I talk to the other druid there. And I can't find him.

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How would an NPC react to a given situation?

@Quartz mentioned in the meme thread that no person in their right mind would return the girdle of piercing to Unshay (its proper owner).Anyways, this got me thinking of an idea for a thread. A thread...

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Geas - Sarevok - only for those who know lore and the Ascension mod by Weimer

I got the mod ascension installed.Imagine that you placed a geas on sarevok. Now imagine that you talk with him. There are various outcome for your dialogues, but the (bad) outcome I'm referring to is...

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Help Can't Get cluaconsole to work

helllp... lost Gaal's key :(i see 'Program Options', 'Debug', '1', in my ini file... but hit control space and I got nothing

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Can you change party members with EE/Console commands?

I'm in the long arc in the middle where you can't get back to the map for a good 30 hours, and I didn't realize I'd be stuck with my current set up for so long when I headed for Spellhold.Is there a...

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Where does imoen go if you got low reputation?

My imoen leaves if I dismiss her when I've got a reputation of 3. But it seems that she is nowhere to be found right after she walks away. CAn someone tell me where I'm supposed to find her?

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I've come to feel that BG2 is very overrated as an RPG

BG2 is often rated as the best PC RPG of all time. Admittedly, I probably felt the same way about it the first time that I played it. However, I've liked the game less and less with each successive...

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The Classiest Cleric

Moving right along to Cleric, this is the fourth of my favorite class/kit polls. As always, this is for personal preference, and not to say what is the strongest kit. That said, feel free to debate to...

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Human beastmaster - thanks random character generator! So. Advice

So since I have crippling crs, I decided to make a character via the generator thread. I rolled human beastmaster. I just... Yeah. So, I promised myself to beat BG2EE with whatever I got (have never...

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How do you feel about Shar-Teel's weapon profs?

Overall, I think that the devs did a good job of transitioning from the broader weapon categories of BG1 to the more specific ones of BG2. But Shar-Teel's case is one that raises some questions and...

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Bernard has gone hostile??

So Bernard (copper coronet barkeep) has gone hostile for no reason...obviously this complicated the game, can someone tell me what global variable to change with ee keeper (and what to edit the...

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