Serpent in the Staglands folks seen this? Old CRPG game made by a husband and wife semi funded by kickstarter, looks pretty interesting. Get involved...
View ArticleThe Spectral Brand's Spectral Blades.
I was experimenting with the dancing weapons summoned by the Spectral Brand scimitar and I noticed that they are killed by True Seeing. I am not sure what to make of this. I am pretty sure that it is...
View Article"We're All Doomed" - a thread covering Blackraven's Charnames' attempts at...
Hey folks, I've decided to just use a single thread, this one, to report on the progress I make with different Charnames in my SCS No-Reload playthroughs. So far they just keep on falling, in early SoA...
View ArticleWhat is your favorite early Candlekeep Quest?
Sup fools!Restarting the game for my playthrough journal ( the first quests is...
View ArticleAdditional Spell Memorizatioin Items. Stackable?
Can items that add the ability to memorize additional spells be stacked? For example, could I wear an amulet that grants additional memorization of 1st, 2nd and 3rd spell slots and also gain additional...
View ArticleAnother No-Reload Adventure !
Hello guys, today I'm starting a new solo no-reload playthrough but this time without SCS, firstly because I'm playing some multiplayer without it at the moment and secondly because I thought it would...
View ArticleWhat's your best stats roll?
I just started vanilla BG2, and wanted to make a character. I tend to play with the first 80+ roll for my PC. But this one I got upon the very first roll (after stats re-assignment).STR 18/99DEX 17CON...
View ArticleThe Most Magical Mage Class v.2
Number six in my class poll series, and this one's a doozy! Lots of options here. As always, this is for personal preference, and not to say what is the strongest kit. That said, feel free to debate to...
View ArticleChronic Restarting Detox Camp
Hi, my name's demented and I'm a chronic restarter. I wasn't always this way, I use to play games with only one character and saw it through to the end. There would be no roleplaying or multi-classing....
View ArticleAuthentication?
I have three friends behind a slow internet connection and we are going to copy my install to their machines. They have each bought copies of the game. Will the game prompt for the email/password when...
View ArticleAll you wanted to know about the “Adventure Y”
Now with BG2:EE released and we all know about Hexxat at last it’s time to anticipate something new. So I think the discussion about the “Adventure Y” is going to be the next hit. There’ve been several...
View Articlebg questions
I have been playing both BG:EE and the BGII:EE and had some questions with regards to them.In BG:EE I noticed a much nicer looking interface, and several new and imo better voice sets. And it may be my...
View ArticleGoing to try the ultimate challenge - BG2/SCS Solo No Reload...with a...
Hi, long time BG player but new to these forums :).I'm going to start a solo no-reload game of BG2 with a bunch of the popular mods, including Ascension, SCS and Item Randomiser. I will do a write up...
View ArticleReclassing npc's
Hi everyone. I've been playing the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series since they've come out and followed them since Bioware had little tombs of them on a bookshelf on their website to click on...
View ArticleIn honor of the World Cup: Who would be your Baldur's Gate NPC Starting XI?
So, World Cup is on my mind these days, as I'm sure it is on a lot of others.So lets make a Baldur's Gate NPC starting XI!We can do lots of things. -One team with all joinable NPCs, one with all...
View ArticleTeach me how to trap
Confession: I have never used the Set Trap skill on a thief. Ever.And yet, everywhere I go on these forums, I read all these cheese-tastic stories about how powerful traps can be! So, people of...
View ArticlePriest of Lathander
How do you guys think this kit compares to a fighter/cleric dual or multi? I know those options will probably be more powerful in the long run but I feel like the kit might actually not be that far...
View Articleimpact of game if changing ingame stats?
GreetingsI am new to BG and i have downloaded the BG2,EE for my mac and i can say i really like the game. Thing is that i have messed up a little bit my stats and i cant create a new character and...
View ArticleRolling (Keepering) non-standard races... Advice please!
So, I'm planning to run Murdo, a Neutral Evil Dwarf Bounty Hunter.Generally a mean cove, chasing an easy buck. I'd like to keeper him to be a Duergar, to make him even more disreputable, but I'm unsure...
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