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Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced Beserker Dual Wield weapon(s)?

I am a War Terror - I am of a people so founded to their glory of fighting, they inhabit the Terror Form. It is when their innerblood becomes too engulfed in their power, for the world to stand for, so they must consume the lives of their inferior.

He was in an epic battle of his and his likely foe, when "putrid wretches" enslaved the last few living. He broke out of his dungeon, and performed his task against the wall guard, then embraced his Terror Form, upon the people too distracted on the gladiatoral games. The last of his people, were reinspired, and took up against the captors. They had decimated the "putrid wretches" and consumed them in all havoc and terror alike. But not before the last of his kin, were shot down with arrows.

So now The War Terror, is on the path, to reclaim his Glory, the standing legend, of their everlasting existence. Tried taken, by the inferior "wretched spews", he will only unite with those likewise worthy of the Terror Form.

What weapons should I dual wield with on him? I have been throwing down the cycles of RPG/State-game based interaction. I just cant come to anything definitive.

Half Orc -
Two Weapons-
3.Long swords?
4. 1,2,3/hammers?

Is one Pip on TWF worth?

So I noticed single class rogues (Thieves/Bards) can put one point in dual wielding. Is it even worth?

Provision of toilets in 'Adventure Y'?

'Adventure Y' promises to provide some continuity between BG1 and BG2, which obviously means the subject of internal plumbing is going to have to be addressed. Perhaps the most significant difference between the two games is that in Baldur's Gate, despite the existence of an elaborate sewer system, there are no toilets, while in Shadows of Amn toilets abound (there are four on the first level of Irenicus's dungeon and a Sewage Golem to keep them serviced, which suggests that the real reason behind big Jon's behaviour could be that he is suffering from IBS and has a fear of getting caught short).

A decision must have been taken on this subject but the devs remain strangely quiet on the matter. It's time to make your voices heard people. Do we want toilets in 'Adventure Y'?


It doesn't always heal me when I let sleep run all the way through the cut scene. Both in taverns and wild. What gives?

Stupidest things you have done in Baldur's Gate

So... I just found a cool potion in this game that reminded me of a story from way back when I was like 13. I found this really cool looking potion in one of the bandit camp rooms. It was called an "Oil of Fiery Burning".

"Sweet! Maybe I'll shoot fire out of my hands or become like the Human Torch or something"

BG can be crazy hard sometimes, and when you are young the enormity of the game can confuse you. I also remember being fatigued and thinking how lazy my characters were and another time being shocked that my potion of healing wouldn't cure my poison.

There are so many areas where you can just screw up in hilarious ways as a new player. I'd like to hear some stories like this. Come share your growing pains and have a laugh or two at your noob past selves

What is a Paladin?

So, I'm not asking for the obvious, "Oh, they're holy knights, blah blah blah."

No, I mean what is the difference between a Paladin and a Cleric/Fighter? I always felt the Paladin was a redundant class when multiclassing is a core part of the system.

I get in settings/games like Warcraft where by lore they are priests that took up arms and there is no multiclassing but D&D I feel as though Cleric/Fighter fills the trope nicely already.

So, I feel like the reasons for a Paladin's existence must be a lore reason. To be exclusive to humans (except Dorn), this must mean a Paladin is specifically a human type of Cleric/Fighter that receives different training.

I get the Paladin subclasses such as the Inquisitor that is more of a soldier that hunts out heretical mages and such, but the base class and Blackguards feel. . .uneeded?

I love Paladins and Blackguards to death but a Holy Cleric/Fighter and an Unholy Cleric/Fighter seems to fit the trope just the same.

Hell, even normal Clerics are plate wearing, warhammer and shield, face smashers.

So, what is a Paladin and why is it different than a Cleric/Fighter?

D&D Stats Explained with Tomatos

An awesome pic I found on facebook that I thought I'd share here.

https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1499676_10151867566753063_622922631_n.jpg Link to the thread.

Strength is being able to crush a tomato

Dexterity is being able to dodge a tomato

Constitution is being able to eat a bad tomato

Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit

Wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad

Charisma is being able to sell a tomato based fruit salad

Response 1:

A tomato based fruit salad would simple be salsa


The moment I have been waiting for - the DVD version

My my - I am lost for words now holding this gem in my hands.

There is a wonderful description on how it will kill me if I play too much - but hey it is in German and I am Danish.

And it includes a beautiful dobbelsided poster. One side with Bodhi and the other the party fighting a beholder. Now to convince my significant other to put it on the bedside wall. Teenager style. And of course on his side of the bed so he will start to grasp the wonders of this game and start playing himself.

Pictures of the wonder is included - and it is available at the German Amazon page :D

Do you prefer Baldurs gate thieves or later thieves/ rogues?

Choosing a Single Class PC for First no Reload Run

I'm trying to decide on a class for my first no reload run. My self imposed rule is that I will use as little cheese as possible (I.e. no abusing Staff of the magi, no using Shield of Balduran, moving Robes of Vecna and Vhailor's Helm to ToB, no stealing/selling for infinite money, etc.) I want a single class PC because most of my playthroughs are with multi/dual classes.
I've narrowed it down to Bounty Hunter, Avenger, Kensai, Undead Hunter, or Priest of Lothander (sp?). I'm also open to other suggestions with sufficient reasons as to why :)

Note: Game will be played on Core with SCS installed and it will be entire trilogy. I am looking forward to this since if PC dies it's game over and I'm not sure how I'll handle it...I've never not finished a playthrough.

Tell a joke thread. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and D&D related jokes

An idea of this thread has come into my mind recently.

So, let's go!

1. - Did you hear my friend John has been fired?
- Yep, I've just heard it. Apparently he's failed a save, or something.

2. - What is the most useless thing in the world?
- The ring of infravision.

3. [spoiler=because of the size]

(from http://www.ironworksforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2043):

There are three Flaming Fist Mercenaries on horseback out in the river bottoms. As they are riding along a small wounded gibberling runs out in front of them. It stops and turns their way.

The poor gibberling was mortally wounded (slash through the midsection by a long sword +1).

This was no oridinary gibberling, it spoke Common. The three FF mercenaries were astonished and dumbfounded when they heard this.

The gibberling said, "If you help me, I will grant you three wishes, or if you kill me a great death will come upon you."

The FF mercenaries decided to take the lawful way, and help out the poor monster. They took it to the local healer (Temple of Helm) and he gladly helped out anything in need.

After it was all cleaned up it was about to leave. Than it turned to the FF mercenaries and said, "about the three wishes, you must split them up between you; only 1 wish apiece."

The FF mercenaries were not happy; they thought they were getting 3 wishes apiece. The mercenaries were all different in one way. One of them was very fat, the other was a tall and skinny man, and the last was small and fat.

The gibberling then said, "I can see that you are not happy with my decision, but I will give you two days to decide." Once you have decided I will be waiting here for you," said the gibberling.

The mercenaries left and talked on their way back to their houses. "I dont think that is fair, we cared for that little beast and this is how it repays us," said the fat one. "Yea, I say we get the wishes and then we kill it for sport," said the tall one. The small and plump one was happy unlike the others, because he was a poor halfling with a bad house and job (being a FF mercenary must suck).

As they split up to go their seperate ways they waved good-bye. The tall one went to the left, fat one the middle, and halfling the right.

The next morning the local town crier was distributing the newspaper called the Elven Classic. The fat and halfling mercenaries met in the town square where he was. They asked for a newspaper to check out teh local problems. There on the front page, read in large letters "FLAMING FIST MERCENARY MURDERED"

At the site of this, the fat and halfling mercenaries started to panick. They went to their friends house.. and to their suprise there were many guards out in front. They went up and asked one of them what had happened here. He said that the FF mercenary inside was murdered during the night. They said his head was shoved though a wall with slash marks over his body. The FF mercenaries were scared out of their wits that they ran all the way back to the town square.

By this time it was turning darker, and the sky turned a deeper blue. "I better get home soon, incase my wife needs me," said the fat one. The halfling split up and went his own way to his house. As he entered the door he locked it and checked all the windows. He got in bed with his sword and shield by his side. He got up in the morning to find his body was still intact. He went outside with his armor on. He then went to the town square to meet his friend.

Today was the day he would get his wish he thought as he headed to meet his friend. He arrived and did not find his friend inside the town square. There the town crier was selling more newspapers. The halfling bought one and AGAIN on the front read "ANOTHER FLAMING FIST MERCENARY MURDERED".

The little halfling was shocked and at this he ran over to his friends house. There in front were some more guards. He couldn't believe that his only friends had been murdered by some beast. He than thought of the Temple of Helm and his wish. He ran over there as fast as he could. There just as he said so the gibberling had waited for them.

"Where have you been, its late in the day and I must get going," said the gibberling. "Sorry to be late, but my friends were murdered in the night," said the Halfling. "Sorry to hear that *snicker* *snicker* I hope you are ready for your THREE wishes now that your friends are gone," replied the gibberling. "Really!? I get three wishes now! Cool!," said the halfling.

At that the halfling used up two of his wishes, one on a new house and the other on the strongest shield and sword in the land. On his last wish he thought very hard, and decided to bring his friends back from the dead. At these last words the gibberling casted the spell/wish and his friends appeared in front of him. Just as he did this the gibberling said his good-byes.

He ran off down the ridge and over the hill out of sight. The halfling asked his friends if they were feeling ok. They replied in unison,"We are fine, but we still remember what killed us. In the faint shadows we could see that it was a small beast the size of a gibbe...OH MY GOD! YOU LET THE BEAST GO!!!."

At those words, they glanced the way that the gibberling had ran. "Do you think the wound that that gibberling had was from a sword of an unhappy customer?" said the Halfling. "We shall never speak of this again," they all said together. Was it the gibberling who had done the carnage? Or was it another monster still lurkering in the city limits?


BTW, once upon a time, there was a similar thread here: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/16145/share-your-baldurs-gate-d-d-jokes

Beamdog's D&D Tabletop Game Live Stream

What do you do when roleplay and stats contradict?

Hello once again my fated forum friends! So I've spent a good 12 days now trying to decide my party of IWD:EE on my iPhone. Being it's on my iPhone I have no mods and such available like I did on my PC run of the game. Anyway, I had an idea for a really airheaded Cleric character. Like they are intelligent and such but are devoted to Talos, God of Storms. The character is chaotic neutral and I'm going to RP them as a sort-of nature caster. Granted the character is a gnome so I can't make them a druid. Anyway, I imagine the char stats to be something like 15 str, 16 dex, 16 Con, 14 int, 9 wis, 14 cha. The only issue is the 9 wis. Wisdom is the Cleric's primary casting stat. . . fortunately they aren't a mage or they wouldn't be able to cast high level arcane spells. Anyway, should I sacrifice my RP idea for the char and raise their wis or keep it low in line with their personality?

Took me 130 hours to beat BG2. What am I doing wrong?


I've already played BG2 before and I am familiar with all game mechanics. I only did the main quest and important side quests(ones that appear on the map). I didn't even bother buffing pre-battle to save time as all encounters felt easy. I never died and was forced to reload. It took me 130 in-game hours to just beat BG2 portion of the game, however. (I measured it using a software.)

Then I went to (http://howlongtobeat.com/) to find out that BG2EE, on average, took

57 Hours for Main + Extras.

Am I doing something wrong? How is it even possible to do the main quest and major side quests in 57 hours?

Hullo, how do I use EE Keeper on my android phone?

Heey, my question is pretty much in the title.. I've just bought bgee for my android and I'm loving it! But I'm sure I can use EE Keeper for it, I'm just not sure how..

I've downloaded EE Keeper on this phone, but it's asking me what program/app I want to open it in - I have no idea =S

Or have I got the wrong idea, do I need to use the EE Keeper on my PC to somehow edit my android files? If so, what's the best way to move files across and back from my phone to PC? I've just been using email/dropbox the few times I've had to move a photo or something..

I'm fairly computer literate, but this is the first smartphone I've owned and it's pretty new so I'm still getting my head around it - so any more in depth replies would be much appreciated =)

Thank you,


P.s. I have tried googling this but couldn't find anything, so apologies if this has already been covered a hundred times!

Portraits for Baldur's Gate from Dragon Age: Inquisition

You all possibly know my love for portraits that can be used in BG (and IWD).

Recently, I've been quite sucked into Dragon Age: Inquisition. There can be many opinions on whether that game is good or bad but I think that the artwork and the characters' design in DAI are top notch.

Here I present you the portrats of DAI companions in the suitable format for BG (210x330 pixels, 24-bit BMP)

image image image

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image image image

Behind-the-scenes documentary about Adventure Y

Although it hasn't been formally announced yet, it appears that a docu about the making of Adventure Y has been filmed. Only snippets of it have been leaked thus far, but if these clips are any indication, I'll be holding my breath waiting for the rest of its release!

First, this clip shows the inception of Adventure Y:

The next one shows how life has changed for the devs since the game was announced:

In the next clip, the devs respond to some of their critics:

Unfortunately, the devs also receive some bad news:

I'll be keeping a lookout for any more clips that may get leaked!

Will Baldur's Gate Die In 15 Years?

I am wondering if Baldur's Gate will be dead in 15 years. What do you personally think? Is it an immortal classic or is it just a popular old game? Will thousands still play Baldur's Gate in 2050? Realistically is Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition the last release of Baldur's Gate? The game will die eventually, it is inevitable; but when and why?

Is cloud-saving still a development priority?

There was some talk a while back about allowing saves to sync across multiple devices. I know that's probably quite difficult to implement when you're talking about syncing games between a PC and an iPad, but has anyone found some good solutions for saves between PCs?

I travel a lot for my work and have been using Google Drive (as well as a thumb drive because I don't always have internet on both machines) to transfer saves between my desktop PC and my notebook. It works, but it hasn't exactly been convenient - are there any plans to implement a cloud save/syncing feature within the game itself?

Call for assistance - list of MR-granting items

I'm working on a mod that will provide numerous option for changing the way MR works in the game. One of the major tasks is to find and edit all of the magic items that give or increase or otherwise affect the user's MR. I basically never use these items when I play so I don't have thorough knowledge of them.

SO: if you don't mind, can people throw out lists of every MR item you can think of, from BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE, or mods, along with what game/mod the item is in? Like,
- Cloak of Balduran, BG1
- Holy Avenger, BG2
- Super Dagger of Whatever, Billy-Bob's Item Pack

- etc.

This would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance! :)

EDIT - if you have opinions on how you might like to change the MR system, feel free to discuss it as well. I have a few ideas based on what I know is possible, but it's also good to hear totally new ideas and then go find out whether they are possible. Cheers!
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