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Did you *actually* know?

I started posting random trivia about Baldur's Gate and Co. on the activity page, but it have become so many that I decided to start a new topic. If you have you yourself know an interesting piece of trivia, feel free to share.

Either way, here we go:

Did you know?

Alora isn't a halfling, she actually is a really short and petite gnome.

Bhaal and Cyric used to be lovers but Bhaal cheated on him with his sister which is why Cyric killed him.

Dynaheir sings "These boots are made for walking" by Nancy Sinatra because Dynaheir used to be Nancy Sinatra's old D'n'D player character.

CHARNAME isn't actually a Bhaalspawn, they were accidentally switched as a newborn with the temple's janitor's child. Alaundo's prophecy is just a fraud.

There is a squirrel with a powerful magic ring somewhere in the original Baldur's Gate.

Icewind Dale was named after Dale Ace Windy, a famous Canadian popstar from the 80s.

If you shoot a Magic Missile at Gorion in the very beginning of the original Baldur's Gate in Candlekeep, he will give you some very useful potions in return.

Adventure Y was originally supposed to be called Adventure Z but the devs reconsidered to avoid a potential legal suite from Bandai because of the similarity to Dragonball Z.

Kivan never had a wife, he just made the story up as part of his wrestling persona.

Sarevok was voiced by Jaleel White, who is most famous for his role as Steve Urkel in the 90s sitcom "Family Matters".

Nothing can stop the Smooze.

Edwin is actually a virgin, he is just overcompensating all the time.

When your familiar dies you may lose one constitution point, but if you keep it's corpse, Cromwell will forge a Katana +4, +2 bleeding damage/ round for 10 rounds from it.

There are actually no spambots on these forums, the mods just ban random people because the motherbrain tells them to do so.

If you wish to save Clara you need to choose the following dialogue options after meeting her: 2, 4, 1, 1, 3

There is a glitch that let's you one-hit Beholders, if you cast barkskin *and* stoneskin on yourself and then attack them with a Quarterstaff +1.

Gorion and Jaheira used to be a couple back in the day.

Paw to hit enchantments

What enchantments do the polymorphed forms have to their paw attacks? I've read that werewolf has 0 enchantment whilst the greater version gets +2 enchantment. How about the 2 bear forms and the wolf form?

Am I missing something in the character screen which tells me this? I've tried looking at it in all forms but other than the "to hit" (thac0) bonus from the extra strength these forms give, I cannot see anything which looks like it.

To clarify, I'm specifically asking what the enchantment level of the various paw attacks are so I know which monsters I can or cannot kill.

I would run tests by summoning shadows, stone golems etc but I cannot find a .cre list for the enhanced editions of bgee.


If BG came out today...

We have a successful You know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when... thread.

Recently, having seen a post by @terzaerian‌ , another idea of a thread came to me.

So, if BG came out today...

1. Each stronghold would have been a $25 piece of DLC

2. Steam would explode with 1 000 000 000 of people currently playing BG

3. People would name their children "Sarevok" and "Shar-Teel"

4. There would appear 1000+ mods about cars, underwear and bras on the Sword Coast

5. We would have the proper TV series about the Iron Throne

"Bhaal-themed" spells

So I was gonna roll up a Sorc for my next playthrough, and I was trying to think of how to make it interesting when I thought: hey, why not have a Bhaal-themed sorc? I’ve always played a sorcerer’s spells as an evolutionary thing—a mix of your blood and your environment determines what you get to help you survive. Like, say I play a sorc living in Icewind Dale, descended from a blue dragon--he gets stuff like Protection From Cold (environment) and Lightning Bolt (blood). So THIS sorc would end up developing spells of the "kill everything" flavor, because Daddy is Murder.

Her first picks would be along the lines of "gimmick" or "useless" spells, because growing up in a safe environment means you can develop something like Color Spray without worry. Initially she'd gain only defensive spells, because the taint isn't fully awakened and she's reluctant to fight, but around level 7-ish (3rd level spells) she starts to develop more of an offensive arsenal.

As the trilogy goes along, both the growing influence of her divine blood and torture under Irenicus will cause her to develop a harder, "grittier" outlook, and pretty much all her spells from then on are the nasty type, the only exceptions being things that make it easier for her to kill others (Breach, Lower Resistance, etc). Part of her roleplay/character development would be struggling to use these spells without falling prey to her heritage. For all you tropers out there, think Dark is Not Evil.

I figure, for the awakening of her blood, a lot of Evocation and Necromancy spells would best represent her Bhaalblood, particularly save-or-die. Maybe Illusion too, since he was an Assassin. I don’t have all the spells figured out yet, but so far it’s looking like this (roughly in order taken):

1) Sleep, Color Spray, Shield, Spook, Magic Missile
2) Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Resist Fear, MAA
3) Protection From Missiles, Skull Trap, Remove Magic, MMM
4) Stoneskin, Minor Sequencer, Greater Malison, Emotion
5) Breach, Lower Resistance, Sunfire, Animate Dead
6) Chain Lightning, PtfMW, Death Spell, True Sight, Disintegrate
7) Spell Sequencer, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Project Image, Finger of Death
8) ADHW, Spell Trigger, Power Word: Blind, Symbol: Death
9) Time Stop, Chain Contingency, Wail of the Banshee, Improved Alacrity, Comet/Energy Drain (Energy Drain probably fits the theme more, but it’s Energy Drain ffs)

Looking at this, I don't *think* it's a bad selection. Having lol-worthy offenses in the beginning is a problem, and I'm definitely going to miss the Wishes and the high-level defensive spells, especially since I use SCS. I'll be running with a party, so hopefully these issues won't be as big as they could have been. That said, I'm considering installing SR to make some of these choices less useless *coughEnergyDraincough*. Anyone have any “Bhaal-themed” spell selections, or suggestions about spells that at least don’t break the theme? Thoughts, comments? Is this a really dumb idea? Am I just talking to air here?

If BG was released as an MMO with poor business choices...

As inspired by @bengoshi 's "If BG came out today...", let's imagine a completely HORRIBLE world where Baldur's Gate was a terrible MMO that used every tactic it could to suck the gold our of your purses!

[["Gems" is my term for in-game currency that is only obtainable by spending real money]]

0. First off, the game would cost ~$30 beforehand. You can buy the "Enchanted Enhanced Edition" for $55, and it comes with a starter pack, 100 free "gems" and a limited edition Dorn skin. Or, you could buy the "Extra Enchanted Limited Edition Enhanced Edition" for $120, which comes with an extra portrait pack, 200 free "gems", free Premium membership for a month, a "super rare" item and an extra Neera skin, but NOT the Dorn skin. You need to purchase the game twice for the extra Dorn skin.

1. Rerolls, instead of being infinite, would cost "gems". If you get a crappy roll, you're stuck with it.

2. To make matters worse, you can't get a roll higher than 82, because you need to buy a premium account to unlock "the full potential of your dice".

3. Treasure becomes a lot worse, but you have the option to "Reloot" certain objects for a "Higher chance at super rare items!" (Something like a 0.1% chance), at the cost of "gems", of course.

4. Your level cap is 10, but Premium Members get a level cap of 15, Super Premium Members get a cap of 20, and Super Extra Premium members get a level cap of 30.

5. [The final boss] becomes five times harder, forcing you to need the higher level caps. When you beat them, there's a chest that requires a special golden magical key to open, which can be purchased at "The Super Shop".

6. "The Super Shop" is only available to Super Premium members, where you can buy various secret items such as a "special golden magical key"... all for the price of gems, of course.

7. Purchasing a Super Extra Premium membership will give you a "cool limited edition badge" on your forum profile.

8. Any modifications made to your copy of the game through means of third party tools will result in a permanent ban. No refunds on any memberships, "gems", DLC, or anything else you may have purchased.

9. Always Online DRM. Disconnecting through means other than pressing ESC and selecting "quit" will result in both a temporary ban and a 10% reduction of your current EXP and gold.

10. Premium classes and races that are stronger than the default ones. Alongside this, premium "Cool" portraits for male characters and "Sexy" portraits for female characters... all bought with "gems". Oh, and you're limited to one character, unless you spend "gems" to unlock more character slots!

NPCs you love to kill

Got any NPCs that you enjoy putting an axe to?

For me, it's the guild leader of the baldur's gate thieves' guild.

He tells you that he has a job for you, planning to kill you when you are done.
If you insist on being paid upfront and knowing how much you are going to be paid, he attacks you.
If you do the job, he lets a powerful wizard attacks you, and only offers a half-hearted apology, explaining that he realizes now that it'd be too hard to kill you.

No reward. No real regret. No payment for a job that he sent you on. Just sadness that you are beyond his reach. There are few people as deserving of having the walls painted with their guts.

How about the rest of you? Any other NPCs that you enjoy taking down?

BG2:EE Story Tweaks Mod (FEEDBACK!)

Cross-posted from the BG2 Modding section - that one's looking for help on the programming side, this one's meant for commentary on the creative aspect.

This is a proposal for a BG2:EE Story Tweaks mod, designed to address certain plotholes and inconsistencies in the EE content. The scale of these proposed tweaks is deliberately small and limited, to interfere as minimally as possible with existing game content.

Attached is the general overview; I've been working on dialogue/banter, but decided to pause and gauge interest in the project before committing any more time and effort.

So: feedback/technical suggestions are welcome!

What are your favorite quotes, dialogs, and NPCs from the new content? (spoilers)

Here are some of mine:

"I try to have at least three phenomenally bad ideas a day. I'm counting this place as two." ~Charname, spoken to Dragomir.
(I actually like a lot of Charname's responses in Dragomir's tomb but this is the best one.)

I like the monk that guards the bridge to the twofold temple. It is funny how subtly moronic he is. One of my favorite parts of that dialog:

Charname: "How is it someone whose skull has never known the moist, warm touch of a brain can remember to breathe?"

Monk: "What're you getting at?"

Charname: "You're not very smart, are you? Quite the opposite, in fact. You're stupid. A dunderheaded moron. An idiot. A cretin. An oaf of such staggering thick-headedness that even other oafs look at you and say, "Wow, what a dimwitted simpleton he is." You're an imbecile, a dolt, a lackwit so lacking in wits that I can feel my mind growing more sluggish and dull each passing second I talk with you. You're senseless, obtuse, laughably thick: a clodpate. In short, what I'm saying, you lethargic dullard, is that you're a brainless lout too stupid to live. Therefore, and I say this with absolutely no regret whatsoever, I am going to kill you."

Monk: "Huh?"

Charname: "Just draw your sword and die, already."

Monk: "You think I'm stupid, PRO_RACE? I'll show you stupid!"

Then there is Baeloth. He is just great. One of these days I will have to finish the Black Pits 1&2...

Wilson's dialogs are funny too:

Wilson: "Growl?"

Charname: "I am CHARNAME. What are you called?"

Wilson: "Growl. Growl growl."

Charname: "You call yourself Wilson? How pedestrian."

Wilson: "Snuffle growl."

Charname: "Forgive me. I didn't realize it was so common. To be honest, I've not had the opportunity to speak with many bears."

Neera: "Uh... You know that's a bear you're talking to, right?"

Does anyone else have any favorites in the new content?

Rasaad's TOB quest has some serious problems.

Okay, so I'm currently fine steamrolling pretty much everything else in the game. Hell, demo-gorgon went down in about 2 minutes or less. Yet for some reason with Rasaad's quest my entire party is constantly either getting one shot by monks or taken down by Omaha beach style archery spam. However, despite this strange difficulty explosion, my real problem lies with how every 10 seconds, I have some dwarf run up to me and forcibly "escort" me to some new area, causing me to lose all the dropped gear from my fallen party members. All in all, I think this deserves some attention, as It's really causing me to have absolutely no interest in bothering with the quest-line.

I'm going to do a no-reloads solo mage run through the entire game. I need advice.

Hi, I'm planning to do an ironman solo run with a mage and I desperately need advice to make it successful.

1. core rule. random hp per level ups.
2. no sorcerer. I've already done it once. I'm going to pick a human race.
3. delete a save when MC dies and retry from Candlekeep. Even if MC dies in BG2 part, I will start back in BG1.
4. no cheese tactics. I did that with sorc(3 skull traps in contingency spell to kill boss even before they get their defenses up) and the game was extremely easy and unfun.

1. Specialist mage, wild mage, or pure mage? If specialist mage, which specialization?
2. Conjurer is probably the best among specialist mage. However, how do I detect invisible and hidden foes with solo conjurer? Dispel won't work on an invisible enemy mage if his spell shields are up. I should to be able to fight against boos enemies without dying.
3. Does chaos shield affect 5% surge? I will probably have to avoid using spells on myself as a dispel can cause surge by 5% and turn my character into a stone. Is wild mage, although the second most powerful mage next to sorcerer, worth all the trouble when ironman soloing?
4. How do I deal with traps? I don't remember their locations.

I would appreciate any advice besides answers to my question and your experience with a mage solo run as a class other than a sorc.

Thoughts on NPC Project mod?

I never tried any mods back when I played the original BG1, but I recently decided to give the "experimental" version of the NPC Project for BG:EE a try. Although I only tested it out relatively briefly and experienced only a fraction of its content, I was curious to see other people's feedback on it, and perhaps get some advice on how to better my experience with it.

For anyone who needs a refresher, here's a list of the mod's components, nearly all of which are optional (except for the one that explicitly says "required modifications"):

An issue that I had expected to have even before I installed the mod, is that I appreciate the "less is more" approach of the BG1 NPCs' personalities, which allows you to form your own interpretations of the characters. However, the Project projects someone else's interpretation of the NPCs into the game, which may not necessarily be the same as my own.

On one hand, I do like what I've seen from Imoen. The little snippets of dialogue that we see from her in the original game suggest that she's upbeat, outgoing, nosy, intrusive, and somewhat childlike - but this portrayal was greatly undermined by the fact that she was a late addition to the game and lacked properly developed dialogue. With the Project now installed, Imoen's behavior is much more consistent with her "nosy little sister" personna IMO - pestering me with questions, interjecting herself into nearly every conversation with characters that we meet, etc.

By contrast, I'm much less enthusiastic about how Kivan was handled. To me, Kivan had always presented as a quiet, gruff, occasionally offensive character (hence his low charisma), but the Project depicts him as talkative, reflective, even somewhat polite. I imagine Kivan as someone who would tell Imoen to "Shutup!" or "Leave me alone!" rather than engage in extended conversations with her. Even in the few conflicts/arguments with other NPCs that I've seen, his responses were far too polite IMO. I also don't like that he talks about his background, which I would prefer to be shrouded in mystery.

After having Kivan share a party with Xzar and Montaron very briefly, a conflict developed between Kivan and Monty over the fact that Monty apparently has "torture tools" in his possession, which ended with me having to decide whether to keep one or the other in the party. I didn't like this altercation because,
1. It seemed to happen far too quickly after having added those NPCs to my party,
2. Kivan's responses still seemed uncharacteristic to me - they were still somewhat polite even in defiance, and I'm not sure that he is the kind of character that would object to the possession of "torture tools," even if he had been tortured himself. I imagine him as the kind of character that would want to give his enemies "a taste of their own medicine."

In general, I felt that the intra-party banters happened far too often - sometimes with barely a minute in between. Likely not coincidentally, I did install the component that accelerates the frequency of banters - perhaps I shouldn't have done this?

Alternatively, I'm toying with the possibility of not installing the "banters, quests, interjections" component of the mod (which is considered the primary feature of the mod), and instead just installing some of the smaller features like the accelerated banters or the added portraits for non-joinable NPCs - has anyone here ever tried that?

I'm also a bit curious about some of the romance options that are available for my (female) character - but what should I expect from a romance that's described as "adult" rather than "teen"?

Thanks for any feedback.

PS, is anyone else running into a problem where any time a mod is installed, it causes a problem with scrolling to the left? I know others have complained about this, but it seems to happen to me only when I have a mod installed.

I love the beginning portion of BG1.


To be honest, I don't think highly of BG1. I don't deny its monumental importance in gaming history, but compared to BG2, BG1 lacks in many parts even when played with EE. However, I find myself playing BG1 more often than BG2 and I realized its because I love the beginning part of BG1 after you leave candlekeep.

Having Imoen killed by a wolf and getting your entire party wiped out by a direwolf are too fun and it is nowhere to be found in modern gaming. I've seen lots of people complaining BG1 has no regards towards balance at the beginning, but don't you love it when your wimpish character who struggled against a wolf later literally becomes a god rather than having the exactly same challenge from the beginning to the end as in scaled enemies?

I miss BG1's beginning of having less than 10 HP and having to struggle to survive because it is both immersive and perfectly fits the in game narrative. I dislike modern RPGs that give you tutorial level at the beginning in combats; despite its story telling you you are in a grave danger, you roflstomp everyone and earn enough gold to afford all gears needed at the beginning. I wish more games focus on synchronizing narratives to gameplay experience rather than focusing on game difficulty balance that makes casuals angry if not equal throughout the game.

Does anyone like this part of BG1 for the same reason?

Help me pretending I have never played the series before

So have been playing since 1999 and the series still amazes me. I have purchased the bg ee on DVD. I am that old-fashioned. And have now preordered bg ee 2 DVD (for the Europeans it's available for preorder at amazon.de for delivery approximately 5th to 8th of May and for me it's a must have). I have decided to play through the series as if I don't know the story, the canon NPC's, where to get quests, questline info and so on. But knowing the game by heart it's more difficult that I thought.

At the moment I have finished with the canon party and is on the second playthrough with no canon NPC. Where I for gaming reasons have chosen to not even talk to the canon NPC's. That means some new and some non-recruitables for BG ee 2 at the moment. Next to come are an evil party. I just need as many and as varied charnames to export for the sequel.

But how to do it with all the meta knowledge I have? Any ideas are welcome to make charname no 1000 feel like the first one.

BG2 Solo SCS Spell Guide

Download link (Word): http://www.filedropper.com/bg2soloscsspellguide

BG2 Solo SCS Spell Guide


Spell guides: there are dozens already out there and while everybody's opinions differ, we all know that Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Skull Trap, Stoneskin, Breach, Protection From Magical Weapons, Project Image, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting and Time Stop are all you need, right?

Trouble is that nearly all the spell guides already written are for the vanilla game, where indeed a handful of powerful spells are all you need to conquer everything. See a mage? Breach him. Melee opponents getting to you? Stoneskin. Want to kill a bunch of enemies? Horrid Wilting. And so on.

When I first started playing with SCS I was amazed at the additional complexity of the AI. In particular the improved mages were remarkable. In the vanilla game I had never blinked at seeing a Yuan-ti mage. Now with SCS they were an utter nightmare, they hung around for ages, dispelled all my protections, and peppered me with Magic Missiles. The game had changed and the old tricks no longer worked.

At first I had no idea how to get through layers of magical defences. Then I read through the spell descriptions and gradually began to work it out. So I need a Secret Word to get rid of that. But first a Spell Thrust to remove this. And only then can I Breach. Do I have a Secret Word and Spell Thrust? Of course not. Who in the vanilla game even looked at those spells, let alone memorise them?

For the last few years I have exclusively played solo no reload. Party games no longer appeal to me, I know the companions, I love the roleplaying, the story is great. But I've already been there and now the challenge I'm interested in is the strategic combat aspect: to fight the full array of BG2 opponents at their utmost power, with their AI enhanced by SCS. And to do it without any kind of cheesy tactics or crutches, and most importantly, with just the one life. To survive everything they can throw at me and to find a way around it and ultimately to have the Bhaalspawn prevail.

I have lost count of the number of no-reload SCS games I have played. Most fail quickly (damn you Dire Charm!); some last longer (how the %*$! am I supposed to deal with the Shade Lord's aura?!). Some get very far and then succumb to restart-itis (Okay I'm in Suldanessellar but how cool would a Berserker-Assassin with Swashbuckler AC bonus but no armour and no traps be?).

One thing I've realised from my experience is that while all kinds of classes and combinations can do well if utilised intelligently, mage types have a far better chance of survival than any other class. Moreover, the sheer complexity of arcane magic adds a huge amount to the strategic element of the game. If you're ever going to beat a no-reload SCS, you need to understand the magic system.

I decided to write this spell guide from a specific perspective. This is not a vanilla BG2 spell guide, nor is it a guide for party play. This guide is for a solo character with SCS. My explanations and ratings for each arcane spell below are based on my experience playing the game under no-reload conditions. Naturally if you play with reloads, you might not weight so heavily towards some defensive spells that I rate highly. I should also add that I play with Item Randomiser, which I think is a wonderful mod which makes every game different. As such, I have not assumed that you will have specific equipment that would otherwise be easily or quickly obtainable and which would make certain spells obsolete.

Finally I should point out that this guide is written for BG2, ie SoA and ToB. If you're playing from BG1 then bear in mind that while the majority of the guidance and explanation is still relevant, some of the nuances are different. For example spells like Sleep are very useful in BG1 and totally useless in BG2, so the rating below would not be applicable for the BG1 portion of the game.

Two Types of Casters

In the descriptions below I make reference to two types of casters: pure spellcasters and fighter-types.

Pure spellcasters are those classes that rely almost exclusively on magic. These include single class mages, sorcerers, cleric/mages and most types of thief/mages. Pure spellcasters have to use spells to cover all functions: summoning, damage, defence, debuffing, crowd control etc. They therefore require a wide ranging spellbook and do not get too much mileage from spells that enhance combat prowess.

Fighter-types are those classes for whom magic complements their weapon skills. These include the various types of fighter/mages and swashbuckler/mages. Fighter-types have slightly different requirements from their spellbook: they do not need magic for their damage output, they can use their weapons and thereby get by with fewer damaging and summoning spells. Fighter types can instead concentrate on defensive spells as well as debuffing and crowd control. They are especially interested in spells that enhance combat capability.

While the value and utility of most spells are similar for spellcasters and fighter-types, certain spells have nuances that favour one type more than the other. I have noted these where applicable. Likewise some spells get a higher rating for one type over the other.

Explanation of Ratings

I have rated each spell out of 5, with 1 the lowest rating and 5 the highest. Below is an explanation of what each rating means.

1: These spells are either useless or of such limited utility that you will hardly ever need them. You will pretty much never need to memorise these spells.

2: These spells are of limited utility. They have some value and may be helpful in certain situations or for a specialised strategy. But on the whole they are not spells you will use regularly. You will rarely need to memorise these spells.

3: These are solid spells that will serve you well. You will likely use these spells regularly and they will be an important part of your spellbook. You will memorise these spells frequently.

4: These are strong spells and will form a key part of your regular strategy. You will be using these spells in any tough encounter and will memorise them on an everyday basis.

5: These spells are essential for your character to thrive and survive. These are the spells around which you will form entire strategies. You will need to prioritise these spells and ensure you never leave base without them.

Could you explain AD&D levels in terms of narrative context and analogies?


Recently started playing BGEE and BG2EE. I've always been a role player and I would like to know what each level means in narrative context so I could better immerse myself with the game. Because I look at the game in RP perspectives, I am playing without adjusting the first attribute rolls I was given, on a core rule with no-reloads. I am aware many NPCs in the game are inflated in terms of levels, but it will still help my RPing greatly to have a notion of levels in AD&D.

I'm looking for something like this with warrior/wizard/rogue for AD&D, respectively:


It could be a lot to ask for, but I've not come across much on this topic in my research, and this thread can help those who are looking for the same topic. I would really appreciate as detailed explanations as possible for each level; I want to feel sense of accomplishment with each advancement. :)

Multiplayer to singleplay portrait problem

I created 2 pcs to play with via multiplayer game, (selecting tc/ip protocol) and started bg2:ee. After Irenicus cut scene Imoen came, I saved and transferred my save game to save folder from mpsave folder. I've used this trick for bg1&2 and bg:ee with no problems.

However, now when I load up the save from single player game, the portraits of all of my party (except my protagonist) are changed to default man1m portrait (the knight-like looking one, the one used for Abdel) and in a very bad resolution too, very blurry. I can fix this by choosing my created 2nd pc and customising his appearance to choose my own portrait, but I can't change Imoen's and she is stuck with a blurry Abdel portrait. If I save after changing portrait manually, upon loading it is changed back into Abdel portrait. This makes me sad. There is no such problem in multiplayer mode, but it is a chore to load a game via multiplayer (clicking and accepting all party members each time) and you can't pause as fluently as in single player.

Any solutions/ideas?

It turnes out that the Spring is usually a calm period for Beamdog

I've made a small research and from all the information available it turnes out that during the first months of nearly every year the public activity if Beamdog in terms of game/patch releases, news, media publications, hints and interviews is low.

Usually a big event happens during the Autumn. BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE were all released in October-November with an announcement coming in August-October. We all remember a much anticipated 1.3 patch for BG2EE as well.

In fact, last year, just as it seems this year, during the first 3-4 months the number of Devs' posts here is close to 0.

It's understandable, though. I suggest that every company has its own production cycles and it could be quite the case that after the start of each year Beamdog representatives actively commucate with their partners, agreeing contracts and so on.
Also, I think that the fact we actually get something from Beamdog every Autumn is very much because this something has been in production for a long time already.

Moreover, at least this year, a lot of Beamdog employees were ill for quite a long time due to a sudden plague. Trent Oster has just returned from his - again not the shortest- vacation/business trip (it's unclear which one of the two). Also, before he was busy on a certain public event or two.

So, for those wondering why we don't get tons of information about future projects of Beamdog after Christmas of 2014, I can say that it's absolutely normal, as the history of Beamdog shows.

And as it shows, when we actually hear something closer to the Summer, this something is rather big and entertaining. Maybe not only Adventure Y this time, but an update on PSTEE/IWD2EE/IWD3.

Let's just wait again and while waiting actually finish our IWDEE/Throne of Bhaal runs!

Simple Guide of how to slain the new Drizzt

Acquire Algernon's Cloak or Nymph Cloak.
Acquire a long range magical weapon or a bunch of ranged weapons.

And then create the wall of folk force xDDDD

Misheard quotes!

This discussion was created from comments split from: Small things amuse small minds.

Because I thought it deserved its own thread! Post what you used to think the characters in BG were saying.

Icewind Dale RP/No Reload Run

After my failed Baldur's Gate attempt, I've decided to fail at Icewind Dale next.

The rules:

(1) When rolling stats, no stat can be changed by more than +/-1
(2) No metagame knowledge that wouldn't make sense for the characters
(3) If a character gets chunked...well, that sucks. Drive on. No-reload, right?

Time to meet the cast!

Part 1.1: Morlaen

"My given name is Morlaen. My mother gave it to me. But nobody here calls me by that, they just call me Mor. That, and they ask me what I am. Truth be told, I'm not all that sure. Mother tells me that my father was an elf, but I'm not sure that I believe her. Sure, I've got the pointed ears, but how does this explain my skin? That, or...how do I put it? My ability to make things happen. You know, bending spoons, making things float. Seeing things. I...well, never mind that. Mother says that father was an elf, and so far everyone believes her. Pale skin or no, so long as my ears point and I don't let my abilities be too obvious, I'll be fine.

[spoiler] image [/spoiler]

What I really need to do is get out of his pissant village. Either it's too damned quiet or...well, that's all it really is. I hear that Hrothgar is putting together an expedition to go help Kuldahar. I'm signing up. Mother will understand, I'm sure. It's just that I'm so bored! The most excitement that I had all week was convincing Old Jeb to stop drinking. *Again*.

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He'll be back on the bottle in a day or so, once he finds another fool to buy him one. Gods above and devils below! I have no idea what problems ail our tree hugging neighbors, but whatever it is, it's got to be better than staying here."


1.2 Lief

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"Alright...alright. I'll admit it. This isn't exactly what I was expecting when I joined the Cult of Tempus. They said that they needed somebody to catelogue all of the heroic whatnots up north. Easthaven is...well...it's not Waterdeep, let me put it that way.

Still, I can't feel sorry for myself. There is some sort of expedition that is going to be mounted. Everyone who can swing a sword is signing up. I can't wait! A nameless evil rises from the wastes, and only...ah, I'm doing it again, aren't I? Sorry, sorry. Hey, wait now. I've got something interesting to tell. You won't believe it, but I came across a sea-elf, who had me return the lost blade that slew the wyrm Icasaracht, to Jhonen, the descent of a great hero who fell when slaying the beast. Don't believe me? Well, sit down for a spell and listen."

"He hewed with the brand!
Long since he went to Easthaven for the slaying of the Worm,
There he won glory and the name of Wyrm-doom,
Since he pierced that serpent through, with the blade of inlaid steel.

He hewed with the brand!
Young he was, when east of Oere-sound he made good breakfast for the wolves,
While his steel sang on the high-crest of the icing-death,
Blood-stained the sea, the ravens waded through.

He hewed with the brand!
Ere a hundred years has passed o'er us, we who shake our spears,
At Easthaven's mouth was the hero laid low,
Warriors died! The crimson death colored the sea and ravens feasted.

He hewed with the brand!
The war-god loved him when he was sent to the might halls,
Keen was the raven feathered arrow that we sent ere his passing,
Dirge was the music of sword on scale and cleft was shield.

He hewed with the brand!
Great was his courage when he faced Icasarcht, 'mid his winged steed, died.
No jarl more fearless was sent o'er the main;
His stout heart drove him, fearless, by the ice-devil's haunt.

He hewed with the brand!
The brand bit sore, the sword flew from its sheath,
Crimson the borders of our mood-shields when he died,
Loud roared the spears of his kin, as low law the drake.

He hewed with the brand!
His life was well-nigh o'er; sharp is the pang that the serpent gives.
For the snakes nest deep in the heart. No more may his children rest
Great wrath will fly for the undoing of doom.

He hewed with the brand!
Full gladly did he go! See the Valkyrjar fresh from Tempus' halls!
High-seated among the heroes shall he quaff the yellow-mead."*

...tis true, I swear! What do you mean? Ask Jhonen, indeed I gave him that very same blade. What? Yes, it was broken when I gave it to him. A liar? Here now! There is no call for that. As Tempus as my witness I tell the truth? Shall we go to the temple to swear it? Hey, come back! Come back you churl! Oh shyt he's coming back..."

* Note, this is only very loosely changed from a viking poem. Any other poetry that comes from Lief will likely be taken from other historical poems.


1.3 Godric

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"Tempus, the lord of battles. I am his sword. I am war made flesh. I shall fear no evil. I shall feel no fear! There is glory in righteous battle, and I shall reap what I sow!"

"Y-yes. Of course. But about the wolf in my shop?"

"There shall be a reckoning! My blade unsheathed shall drink deep this day!"

"I see. Very good. Now, to get in the door-bloody hell. He just kicked it down."

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"The hound shall trouble you no more."

"Hey, thanks. But are you alright? Your leg is bleeding-, oh, look at that. You can heal yourself?"

"A broken blade is of less use to Tempus."

"Yup, I'd imagine. Speaking of which, please, take this. It's a knife that I made. Scrimshaw, it is. As a way of saying-oof! Uh, yes. You're welcome. You can stop hugging me now. Eugh, gods, I've got blood on me new shirt! I mean, yes, you're welcome. If I need anything else I'll-yeah. Yeah...

Bloody paladins. Now I've got to fix that door..."


1.4 Brunhilda

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"Sister Accalia, it is a pleasure to have finally arrived in Easthaven. Yes, I know you were expecting us, and I thank you for the warm welcome. No, no. Brother Godric isn't here. No, that isn't his real name. "God's Strength", yes, really, he chose that. He is most fervent in his desire to be worthy in the eyes of Tempus. Paladins, right? Anyways, our swordmaster told us to make a pilgrimage here. He said that there were portents. Could you tell me anything about this?

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Interesting. So there is an expedition that is going to be mounted? Is there anything else you can tell me about this? I see. Well then, I suppose it would be best if we joined as well. I wouldn't leave Godric here for more than a few days, or he'll just end up charging off alone into the wilderness to hunt orcs. And I swear, if I have to cure him of frostbite one more time...oh, yes. Of course. Thank you sister. I will seek out Hrothgar immediately."


1.5 Thorek

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"Ale, wench! Look, I've cleared out ye-ah, that's better. Thank ye most kindly."

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"So then, who am I? Name be Thorek. Thorek Bloodfist! How'd I get the name? Earned it, o'course. Why be I here? Because where else should I be? In a mine?! Pff-haw! Lass, ye want to tell me where the nearest dwarven mine be? Ye tell me, an I'll show ye the nearest orc den. Nay, our time be done. What's the point livin' a wastin' death, watchin' whats left o' me people slowly rot? Nay, better to wander like I do. Make the coin where ye can and drink it before ye die. Much easier that way. Least then ye don't have to watch any more o' ye clan mates bite it, ye ken? Anyways, I think that ye owe me another drink for that. Make it a mead this time, that's a good lass."


1.6 Elthraen

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"...who would have thought that he would have cared so much about the purity of his daughter? Anyways, what I'm saying is that he was clearly overreacting. It really wasn't my fault that I missed my ship to go on the retreat. Why, if you had that many axes, shovels and nooses chasing after you, well, you'd run out into the wilderness too! Well, thank you for the ride. When they chased me to the lake I thought that I was done for. Where did you say that we were again? Easthaven? Huh...Easthaven. Haven't heard of it. Well, thank you again! I'm sure it will work out just fine. No, no I don't need to go back. I've got a good feeling about this."


1.7 Forming the Party

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And so it was that the party was formed, though at the time they were but one squad. Hrothgar, an experienced adventurer himself, put them together based on his background. A paladin and a dwarven warrior to hold the front. An elven...well, something, nobody was quite sure what, to act as a scout. A priest of Tempus to patch them up, a sorceror to patch them up...and a bard. Because he had already made up all of the other squads, and there was nowhere else to really put him. So Hrothgar decided that if anything, the paladin could keep the bard out of trouble and also save him from getting his neck wrung by everyone else.

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