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The Original Baldur's Gate Better than Baldur's Gate II?

I was comparing the two games and I counted the Non-Player Characters
30 + 5 +1 for the Original Baldur's Gate
22 for Baldur's Gate II
It got me thinking, was Baldur's Gate II worse than the Original Baldur's Gate?
Also It seems that Baldur's Gate II has less Areas and far less world map areas than the Original Baldur's Gate along with the game progression being more linear and less 'wild west' and free range. As in one is free to explore most all of the world around the character in the Original Baldur's Gate and can enter 'impossible' areas at low level like Durlag's Tower and the Ice Dungeon and is only really barred from the City of Baldur's Gate and Returning to Candlekeep from after a skippable tutorial level (Candlekeep). While in Baldur's Gate II there is an unskippable 'notorious' prison dungeon that the party must escape and is then more or less fed areas to progress into and cannot openly and freely explore or progress into the world around the character for the areas don't exist. For example there are interesting areas towns outside of Athkatla that the player is forced to never enter and it seems that the developers lost the 'everything on the maps goes into the game' moral decision that is found in the Original Baldur's Gate (Map: http://www.pocketplane.net/volothamp/images/faerunlarge.jpg ). Also did you notice that in the Original Baldur's Gate II there are only 3+1 Evil Non-Player Characters and it is impossible to have a pure evil party unlike in Baldur's Gate One?

The Item BAM [Icon] quality in Baldur's Gate is of higher quality (opinion) for most items are 3D Modeled and or Altered from 3D Models while the items in Baldur's Gate II are just blurry painted icons that look as if they were 'reduced in quality' to create more of them. [The item colour structure and item concepts are not to be confused with technical quality]

I like the advancements in some areas, as in most of the engine changes and the 'more fleshed out' Non-Player Characters in Baldur's Gate II but I feel as if the game is not the same as the Original and it is not an improvement 'across the board'.
I'm curious to hear what everyone has to say one the subject and I know I'm missing good and bad points on both sides but I wanted to give some thought provoking material for everything to think of and then write a comment on. So what game is better or worse (maybe they are the same) and for what reasons?

Harper pin rejection

Ok so my issue is with a butt hurt Jaheira after her ejection from the party. This was done after her completed quest line, not in a relationship, and now the proud recipient of a coveted harper pin. She complains about falling out with old allies (who were dicks anyway) and not being able to return to the harper hold. I thought she was being a little dramatic as she is now a favoured harper because of CHARNAME, free to go off and do what she wants. Instead she storms off, give CHARNAME back the locket (ok I can see the logic in that), and her harper pin?!?, thats yours love, you earned it! Not to be seen again, not even for a quick pint, and a catch up, or even to do a bit more adventuring etc. I know I'm looking into this too much but giving back the pin silly, It'd be good if she found you later and demanded the pin back as she made a rash decision.

Script identification

I've been playing in English for quite some time now but I orginally started playing BG(2) in French and though it would be a nice chance of pace. Since the translation in not yet complete, I've installed an incomplete tlk but it's good enough.

My only problem is that the game crashes when I open scripts for NPCs. Since I can select them with EE keeper, I would like to know if there is a way to identify scripts outside of BG:EE so I can change them.


What level should i dual my Berserker to a Cleric?

I've searched around and some forums say level 9, some say level 13.

What level should i be looking to dual at? Whats the pros and cons of dueling at level 9 or 13? Or any other level for that matter.

Two questions: RPing as a different race and Dread Necromancy.

Hey! I have two questions I'd like help with.

The first is do you guys think it's k to RP as a race not represented in IWD/BG? I love RPing as Drow in tabletop games and so I usually make an elf and give it the black/blue skin and white hair. I

Second, the Dread Necromancer is one of my favorite classes from 3.5. I'm seeking to play a similar character for Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. Would a Cleric be more similar to this class or a wizard? Or maybe a Cleric/Wizard? Also is it possible to use EE Keeper to make that a Cleric/Necromancer?

In my past threads I've discussed necromancy a lot as it is my favorite fantasy archetype. Atm sort of going through an identity crisis in that in IWD and BG I don't know what to make my charname to be the best necromancer :(

TOB banters - where are they..? :(

So I've been in TOB for 91 game days and so far all I've had is a couple of love-talks from Anomen to my PC and one between him and Aerie. And those were a very long time ago. I've got Sarevok in the party with a view to redeeming him to Chaotic Good but there hasn't been a peep from him - for 3 adventure-filled months! Anyone else have very sporadic / non-existent party talk or should I just wait and see..?

Come suggest some theme songs for each NPC!

For the music lovers out there!
What songs do you guys think would be fitting for each NPC? Share a tune that fits their character, their story or their attitude.

All suggestions welcome!

I'll begin with some:

Due t his marriage difficulties and his wife's name, I'll give Keldorn "Maria, Maria" by Santana. The pain in his voice when he says "Maria!" after his wife says "What if I don't love you anymore?" is just heartbreaking. Also, Manowar's "Heart of Steel" just describes his attitude toward evil perfectly for me

Dorn must have some kind of song about being badass and evil. The songs "Bad to the Bone" by George Thorogood would fit, but I'm a big metal fan, so I'll give him Iced Earth's "Pure Evil"

Eldoth just has to be an outlaw country song, so I either have to go with "Didn't Your Mama Tell ya 'bout Boys Like Me" by Montgomery Gentry or for a better song, Iron Maiden's "Running Free"

Skie would definitely be the Upper Middle Class spoiled girl who totally thinks she's cool for listening to rrap, so I'd have to give her some Kanye (the go-to artist for these people). She's also the totally non-metal sorority girl who constantly misuses Dio's horn sign while listening to Blink 182

For Yoshimo you gotta go with image

Please Share! :)

Find Traps spell vs. Find/Disarm Traps ability

I've been trying to get a handle on this trap disarming proficiency but nothing seems all that clear, specifically the probability that a thief can disarm a trap revealed vs. the Find Traps spell.

First off, does anyone really use this spell at all? It seems worthless to me since a thief must be part of the party to disarm it anyway. The thief would likely be able to spot the trap using their ability ability rating so the benefit of wasting a spell slot to do what the thief can do anyway seems... ummm... pretty idiotic to me.

If there is NO party thief, what possible good could spotting traps provide other than perhaps suggesting that an alternate route (if available) might prove a better option. The main failing that I see is that Find Traps does not identify the type of trap which WOULD be a useful bit of information to have (though I do recognize that a thief cannot identify trap types with their ability either). It would easier to plow through a trap field if their effects could be predicted and equipment and/or buffs adjusted accordingly. Anyway, I've yet to find the spell useful in any run-through I've done so would be interested in reading if others have found a use for it and under what circumstances. Even without a thief, summons or charmed can be forced into trap fields to trigger them but it's not really needed to see the traps if you use summons/charmed for recon in standard practice.

The second part of this question is equally baffling for me. If a caster does indeed cast the spell and the trap(s) become(s) visible, what Find/Disarm Traps ability level is needed to disarm those traps revealed in this manner? I am assuming that any trap that is "naturally" revealed using the thief's Find/Disarm Traps button can be disarmed, but this is just from personal experience, not thoroughly tested under diverse conditions. Suppose a thief only has the slight amount set to traps at creation plus perhaps a bit more from the DEX? Does that mean all traps revealed by Find Traps spell can still be disarmed anyway? This is very confusing for me and am hoping someone here has experience dealing with how the spell & thief ability interact.

Thank you for your time to read and consider this.


P.S. I recognize the fact that in other AD&D versions the Find Traps spell also disarms them, but for BG that is not the case.

Shadowdancer dual-class... what's the most interesting choice?

So I'm really liking the new patch and started a brand new game with a Shadowdancer, attempting to try out the rebalanced version.
After a few rolls I got lucky and hit a 96, which allowed me to have decent stats in STR, WIS and INT. High enough to dual class in Mage, fighter or cleric eventually.

I'd like to see some opinions about Shadowdancer duals... should i dual early, late, not at all? And what class?


Misheard quotes!

This discussion was created from comments split from: Small things amuse small minds.

Because I thought it deserved its own thread! Post what you used to think the characters in BG were saying.

Little things that annoy you

I has been bugging me for some time: why does the Amaunator gives you a shield that belongs to Bane worshippers? It is even called the Saving Grace!

Are there other little inconsistencies in the game bug you?

PS: Hurray my first evil party in BG2, Dorn's wedding crashing ability really lowered my reputation. There seems to be very few banters though.

The Baldur's Gate Soundtrack MIDI Covers

Hi everybody!

This is my attempt to recreate a MIDI mockup of Baldur's Gate videogame soundtrack that I loved so much, starting from simple listening composer Michael Hoenig's OST audio cd.
Everything has been played and recorded entirely by ear, listening and analyzing to the original soundtrack.
The lack of any available orchestral score sheet or midi file (as much as I know) made the task particularly complicated, due to texture complexity of the original arrangements.
Therefore, this work does not claim to be an exact copy, but a cover, played with today's virtual instrumentation technology.
On the other hand, I tried to remain as faithful as possible to the original sound for obvious reasons of loyalty and gratitude to this great soundtrack, as it is.
Analyzing arrangements and instrumentation has been a useful task as well as exciting.
I put all my enthusiasm for this project, hoping that my efforts can be understood in its pure meaning of paying a homage to BG music, which gave me fun, in those years when I was little more than a kid, beginning to approach movie soundtracks.
I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies and possible error in this "impossible mission". I too am a human being with all my own limitations!
Any question or suggestion will be appreciated, feel free to post any comment you want.


Thanks for watching!

G.Pascal Marchese


Was there ever a decision on Bdog -> Steam cd key conversion ?

as per title, had a only found the old archive thread, so apologies if this has been done to death, but was there ever a definite answer ? last i saw / could find was "pending Atari decision" but that was 2013 so :(

Is this too strong? Barb mods for complete playthrough.

Alright, so I played IWD way back when it first came out and never played these two. I want to go back and do the experience, and having done some research I want to play a barbarian, with a big dumb two handed weapon. Now, my objective here is the most fun experience possible. I've messed around a little bit(went archer up to level three or so) and the most fun I've had is watching Dorn just annihilate people. Barbarian seems to be weaker than berserker, perhaps illogically so, and dual wield seems to outscale 2h pretty massively lategame. I want to play a barb for aesthetic reasons, and I want to use 2hs other than swords(probably halberds, even though the consensus seems to be they are weak). I want to mod my game(right now just using SCS, playing on second highest difficulty, it's hard heh) but I don't want to go so crazy that it just becomes too easy as I progress.

So here are my proposed mods:
Add a 3rd pip to 2h style which only barbarians can take, which adds crits at 17&18
Take the mage slayer innate(1% magic resist per level) which everyone says is terrible and double it to 2%
Add a str mod for going past 25 strength so that raging isn't wasted when compared to berserker lategame

Anyway, I want to play one time, on a hard difficulty, but I also don't want to feel like my char is just a tag along to the party. Would these changes be too broken, or just enough to accomplish my objectives? Just don't want to get halfway through BG2 and feel like the npc paladin/dual wielders/mages are carrying Charname.

Probably rolling dwarf, if that matters. Dwarf with a halberd seems amusing.


Weapon Recommendations for Swashbuckler->Mage? (BG:EE saga)

May I ask for ideas for weapon styles with a Swashbuckler (10) -> Mage?

I am planning BG:EE as a swashbuckler & dual at the beginning of BG2:EE to mage, and having trouble deciding between single weapon or two weapon

a) single weapon for ease of switching between melee and ranged
b) two weapon style with (weapon style) and 2/3 in two weapon fighting

Any ideas for a swashbuckler>mage on when to take what weapons/styles?

"Killing" Elminster in BG II: SoA

Hi everyone, this is my first topic and I wanted to share with you a gameplay I had where I try to kill Elminster in BG II: SoA

This is a gameplay I had from around 2001 where I could trick Elminster into a fight and "kill" him.

Unfortunately, when he is "Near Death" he will teleport away with his spell Elminster's Evasion instead of dying and leaving behind a nice loot :P.

During the fight we can see him using some items such as Elminster's Eversmoking Pipe which is triggered right in the beginning. Also it is interesting to note that he has an infinite cast of Prismatic Spray that he will keep casting until he is near death and teleport away.

Also, I'm sorry for all the pauses during the gameplay but it has been a long time since I played BG.

Hope you enjoy and let me known if anyone ever succeeded on this


new balance 574 vewz rxto xezj

Themed Parties

May I ask if anyone's ever done a themed party in either of the BG saga EEs (eg. alignment, race, gender or class etc.)


Race (example) - Elves & Half-Elves - Khalid, Kivan, Coran, Jaheira, Viconia, Xan, Baeloth
- Dwarves, Gnomes & Halflings - Kagain, Yeslick, Quayle, Alora, Montaron, Tiax
- Humans & Half-Orcs - everyone else not already mentioned

Class (examples) - Warriors - Khalid, Jaheira, Kagain, Shar-Teel, Yeslick, Coran, Minsc, Kivan, Ajantis, Dorn, Montaron, PC Fighter/Mage
Priests - Yeslick, Branwen, Viconia, Jaheira, Faldorn, Quayle, Tiax, Xzar *1a, Dynaheir *1b, PC Cleric or Druid (any)
Wizards - PC Fighter/Mage, Quayle, Imoen, Safana *2, Dynaheir, Xzar, Xan, Edwin, Baeloth
Rogues - Coran, Shar-Teel, Branwen *3, Imoen, Safana, Tiax, Alora, Montaron, Xzar *3, Eldoth, Skie, Garrick, PC Thief or Bard (any)

*1a - one WIS tome required; *1b two WIS tomes required
*2 - one INT tome required
*3 - one DEX tome required

Representing the Faithful (without mods)

The bare-bones cleric class is pretty generic. Then again, it has to be, since it's a catch-all class for representing various faiths. But what if you want your cleric's choice of god to have an impact on how he or she plays? Here are some ideas I have for representing the various gods of Fearun. Feel free to join in!

Lathander: Obviously, the Cleric of Lathander kit does this well. But a Sun Soul Monk and Paladin can do this as well.

Helm: Cleric of Helm and Paladin can fill this concept.

Talos: Cleric of Talos is one way to do this. You could also fulfill this role with a multiclass Cleric/Wizard who focuses on using spells like Shocking Grasp and Lightning Bolt.

Tyr: In Icewind Dale, using the Priest of Tyr kit. Paladins also fit this concept well.

Tempus: Icewind Dale pureclass clerics can use the Priest of Tempus kit. However, a Fighter/Cleric is also a strong contender.

Shar: Dark Moon Monk is one way to handle this. So would a Cleric/Thief, I'd wager.

Lolth: Harder, since Elves (Drow) can't multiclass Cleric in any way. But one thing that might work is a Half-Elf (Half-Drow) Avenger Druid who exclusively uses spells like Web and Insect Calling and who only shapeshifts into Spider Form.

Talona: The Blackguard kit, with its Poison Weapon ability, fits the Goddess of Poison pretty well.

Gruumsh: The Orc god needs to be Worshipped by Half-Orcs, obviously. Definitely another god represented well by Fighter/Cleric worshippers, especially those who focus on using Staves (specifically a Staff-Spear which can represent Gruumsh's holy weapon).

Garl Glittergold: A gnomish god, so most of his priests would be gnomes. Cleric/Illusionists would be a good fit, playing up the Illusion spells for all that they're worth. A Cleric/Thief who focused on Stealth would also work well.

Oghma: The God of Knowledge actually works with just a vanilla cleric. Said cleric should have maximum Wisdom and Intelligence though, for that lore boost. Alternatively, one could use a Bard who respects the Clerical weapon restrictions (never uses bladed or piercing weapons) and who mainly uses spells that both clerics and wizards can learn, like Protection from Evil and Hold Person. Bard's aren't technically divine spellcasters, but that super lore just fits the concept so well!

Unsuccessful banter attempts


I'm just wondering - why do some banter attempts between NPCs fail to activate?

What I mean here is a situation where an NPC suddenly stops in their tracks and plays their selection response, seemingly without a reason. Sometimes if they're just standing around, two NPCs will turn to face each other, one of them will say the selection line and nothing will happen.

You can see it very clearly when speeding up banters using Ctrl-I.

It's a bit annoying, cause when it happens, I know I just missed out on a conversation and will have to wait again for the next one ;p.

I'm just curious as to how it works.

The only explanation I can come up with is that the game wants to trigger a next-in-line banter, but a Global Variable for that is not present/prevents the banter somehow. I draw that conclusion from tests involving speeding up LoveTalks with only Charname + romanced NPC in party. The LoveTalks usually have even numbers, while odd numbers, from my understanding, indicate a situation/time period in between talks. Unless I manually set the LoveTalk to the next even number, the romance conversation will never occur. In other words, when the LoveTalk variable is an odd number, the romanced NPC will look at my Charname, say their selection line and, I guess, they will just have a nice, long stare into each others' eyes ;p. Actually, even if the variable is set to an even number, I still usually have to force talk the NPC, instead of them initiating the conversation properly, but that's a minor thing.

Am I understanding this correctly, then? One would think the game would just search for an eligible banter when a banter trigger occurs, play it if search was successful, or do nothing at all if an available banter was not found. It doesn't seem to work that way, though. Somehow the game gets stuck along the way and as a result, the NPCs want to start talking, but forget words in their mouths ;+).

I placed the thread in General, because, although the situation occurs mostly in BG2, it can also happen in BG1, particularly when you have NPC Project installed (and probably when EE NPCs want to talk). Just to clarify, stuff like that happens on a clean install of BG2EE, without any mods involved.

Thanks in advance for any insights on the matter!
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