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Shadowdancer hide in shadows/hide in plain sight discussion

So i have an issue, how does hide in shadows/hide in plain sight works?

From experience i can say that where i try to hide in shadows change the chance of sucess, at least in BG every time i try to hide in shadows under a shadow spot (of a tree or another object) my chances highly increases.

So how hide in shadows work? Every detail of it would be appreciated.

Also, about hide in plain sight, does it induce an penality on my % of hide in shadows and move silently when i try to do it with enemies that can see me around? How much penality is imputed?

Atm i have an project of a chaotic evil female shadowdancer (13)/cleric going on (with 18 in dex at character creation), it's just level 9 atm (in BG:EE) so i wish to know my limits to use my thief skill distribution perfectly.

For example i have 85% in pick pocket and lock picks with dex 19 atm, and i know i can go for 21 dex with machine of the lum and wish in BG2, which means 95% to both skills, plus +3 temporary bonus point for every time i use DuHM, so i already have 110% guaranteed (which means i wasted 20% points in fact).

I also have 55% hide in shadows and move silently with dex 19 atm, which means i can get +5% with dex 20 (+3%) and 21 (+2%) which gives me 60%. Shadow armor (+15% hide in shadows) and boots of stealth (+15% Hide in Shadows and +20% Move silently) get me an sum of 75% Move Silently and 85% Hide in shadows, gonna be 80%/90% when i get dex to 21 and DuHM will solve any issue to this attribute, BUT:

Does Hide in plain sight have any penality to the attempt? Cos i intent to use level 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 thief points to raise 100% of detect illusions. Should i spend more points in hide in shadows/move silently? That's my main personal issue.

BG2 Hardcore Playthrough (SCS/No Reload/No Resting)

Thought I'd do an update on my current playthrough, which I didn't think was possible but is still going strong.

It's the usual standard mods plus nearly all of SCS (no Improved Shade Lord is about the only omission). The variants are no reloading, no resting and no cheese (no running up and down stairs to avoid spells, simulacrums cannot use Quick Items etc). The only tweaks in my favour are No Traps & Locks and all items are identified.

I chose a Dwarven Berserker. Casters are useless without resting and with a Berseker I can continue to get more and more Enrages (which are key for survival) just through levelling up.

This was more an experimental run but it's turned out to be incredibly fun and a lot easier than I expected! I'm about to set off for Spellhold...here's the character.


Level 34 already :0.

I blitzed through all Athkatla quests in about 3 days. Then did a full tour of the provinces, de'Arnise Keep, Umar Hills, Trademeet and Windspear Hills, before coming back to Athkatla and doing the Planar Sphere and Chapter 3 quests. Note that of the 14 days and 2 hours, nearly half that time is Cromwell upgrading stuff for me and 2 or 3 days were travel time. The actual adventuring has been done in about 5 days! It's just constant blitz when there's no resting, I'm going straight from one fight to another, which has the advantage of preserving buffs.

I've been fatigued since day 7 but it's hardly made a noticeable difference. When THAC0 is so low you only ever miss on a 1 and when AC is so good, most non-boss enemies can only hit on a 20.

The only Athkatla fights I haven't done so far are those for which I want the Cloak of Mirroring before attempting: Guarded Compound, the 3 liches across Athkatla, Kangaxx, the Twisted Rune and the Shadow Dragon (I had no consistent way to avoid level drain when I went to Umar Hills since Enrage only lasts 10 rounds - I have the upgraded Mace now so will do in Chapter 6). Firkraag was surprisingly easy - I used the Vhailor's Helm Simulacrum for that fight and then used a Restoration scroll on my clone. The sheer melee power of 2 level 26 Dwarven Berserkers was too much for the Dragon to handle, the fight lasted less than 30 seconds and I only used the clone's HLAs, didn't even need to touch my PCs GWWs.

I will continue to update as I progress into Spellhold. The key so far is potions, I buy every useful potion I can get my hands on and use them constantly to make the PC immune to as many status effects as possible.

So as I set off for Spellhold I'm about to get my only rest until the very end of SoA (the next one will be the transition from Suldanesselar to Hell)! When I get to Brynnlaw I will have 9 x Enrage, 3 x Hardiness, 1 x WW, 7 x GWW, 1 x Power Attack, 1 x Critical Strike and 1 x Smite to get me through the rest of the game, plus any gained through level ups (I'm playing without a XP cap but I believe I can still only get up to level 50, so only another 16 HLAs left). I also have a few 1 use per day items which will help, including the Iron Horn of Valhalla and Vhailor's Helm, plus 19 charges of Fireshield Red/Summon Fire Elemental from the Staff of Fire.

I didn't originally plan to do a write up for this playthrough since I didn't think it would last, but since I've got this far I will now post updates and take any questions on strategy and tactics :).

BG:EE Combat Music wont stop when battle is over

Hey guys wasn't sure where to post this sorry if its the wrong spot. When playing BG:EE on the new patch whenever I finish a battle the battle music continues going on until I exit the screen and go to a new area. It is aggravating and i'm not sure what to do.

Has anyone here had this issue before, or know what to do to fix it?

Lets talk weapons... As this is an enhanced edition we need enhanced weapons...

As this is an enhanced edition we need to enhance the weapons.

BG:EE Needs low powered... You can't just get out of candlekeep and pick up +5 Longsword of Doom

So what ideas do you have for low powered and interesting weapons?

I love a weapon with a bit of history too it... The more the better!

Let me start

Greased +1 Axe
Greased was recovered from the ancient ruins of the Farsea marshes. However marsh grass still seems to cling to its blade and when used in combat a little of the marshes power effects the surrounding area.

Cast grease spell on target with a succesful hit.

Big Bang +1 Club
Big Bang, was made to make a big bang. Was the favourite weapon of Gorf from Amn until he lost it...

Deafens target on succesful hit

Worst thing you've done to an NPC

What's one of the worst thing's you've done to an NPC? You know, leave Imoen in Spellhold (don't deny it, you wanted to leave her at least once), ask Maple Willow Aspen about her parents' tree fixation, that sort of thing.

Should the BGII patch include Clara or a new NPC

IWD2 is unlikely to be enhanced

What the expletive deleted have they done to Dorn's portrait???

Having just completed BG1 with Dorn in my party I went to find him in BG2, only to discover that his in-game portrait on his character screen has been changed to that of a goody-two-shoes paladin. Talk about cognitive dissonance!!!! It completely breaks the immersion for me - is there any way I can change the portrait back to the one he should have (the BG1 version)?

Multiplaying BG using NPCs

Is it possible for a couple of friends playing BG/BG2 using the user created main character (CHARNAME) and the various NPCs of the story (Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, etc.)? I mean, without creating an entire team, just letting other players use the NPCs you will encounter on your adventures.

Useless spells (are they really useless?

Hi, this is my first post, if played bg1 and 2 many times and i wanted to try something a bit different.
There are tons of spells that i NEVER use, and almost never hear about. Im hoping some experts here can give interesting ideas on how to use any of the spells on this list:

Level 1: Blindness, Chill touch, Colour spray , infravision , reflected image , shocking grasp, spook
Level 2: Deafness, detect invisibility , ghoul touch , glitterdust , luck , power word sleep ,
Level 3: Detect ilussion , minor spell deflection , slow , spell thrust
Level 4: Contagion, Enchanted weapon , Icestorm , Otilukes, Polymorth other, polymorth self , Teleport Field
Level 5: Conjure lesser elemental , Hold monster , Oracle , Shadow door ,
Level 6: Carrion summons , Desintegrate , Flesh to stone , Wyvern Call , Conjure elemental , Invisible stalker
Level 7 : Cacofiend, Control Undead , Limited wish (repeatable) , Mantle , Prismatic spray , Sphere of caos , Summon djinni , Summon efreeti
Level 8: Bigbys Clenched fist , Power word: blind , Summon fiend , Symbol: death , Symbol : Fear, Symbol : Stun
Level 9: Bigbys Crushing Hand , Energy drain , Gate, Meteor Swarm

Some of these spells have some use, but there are other spells on their level with better results.

Nestled atop the cliffs that rise from all RPGs, BG have been the finest and most comprehensive game

Did you know the next 10 days lead to the 15th anniversary of Baldur’s Gate?

We can’t miss this special anniversary in PC gaming, just because while it was the first RPG released by BioWare it is still one of the biggest names in the business and arguably the best cRPG game ever.

At first I wanted to post this thread exactly on 12/21/2013 but I think it’s better for all of us to start celebrating this simply stunning event now.

Of course, some resources may say Baldur's Gate was released on November 30 but when you look at this sweet page (http://rpgvaultarchive.ign.com/archive/19981220.shtml), it becomes clear that precisely December 21, 1998 is one of the best dates ever.

How touching it is to read this official press release from 15 years back:


IRVINE, California, December 21, 1998 - Black Isle Studios(tm), the role-playing game (RPG) division of Interplay Entertainment Corp. (NASDAQ: IPLY) announced today the release of Baldur's Gate(tm) the number one new game title in pre-sale activity at certain mall-based stores. Electronics Boutique, Babbages and Software Etc. as well as independent consumer surveys have all reported tremendous interest in the game. The title is in the duplication process, and will begin shipping to software retailers nationwide today on five CD-ROM's for Windows(r) 95/98-based computers. Baldur's Gate was developed by the Alberta, Canada-based software company, BioWare Corp., and will support up to six different players in its Internet-based multi-player mode and also provides for an excellent solo play experience.

"Every quarter, GameSpot researches the PC titles market, to identify which titles are most in demand among the millions of users who use the site each month," noted Jon Epstein, president and CEO of GameSpot Inc. "Baldur's Gate has consistently climbed up the ranks since we've been tracking the game. And now, in our most recent November 1998 survey, when asked to name which title they would purchase next, our users wrote down Baldur's Gate more than any other title published in 1998."

Black Isle Studios and Interplay attribute the anticipation of Baldur's Gate to the enormous gameplay area (five CD's and over 10,000 scrolling screens) and also the promise of a true Advanced Dungeons & Dragons(r) experience for both novice and seasoned role-playing gamers alike. Several mall-based stores reported a near frenzy for the release of the game. "Baldur's Gate is definitely one of the most highly anticipated and long-awaited games of 1998. We've had very high pre-sale activity on it, and it should be a great title to end the year with," commented Bob McKenzie, director of purchasing for Babbages Etc.

"We are extremely excited about the fact that we will have Baldur's Gate to sell in 1998. We think gamers are going to be very happy that Black Isle Studios and BioWare were able to complete the game and get it out on the shelves before the end of the year," added Jerry Madaio, vice president of merchandise in Electronics Boutique's PC division.
Set in the Sword Coast region of the popular Forgotten Realms(r) AD&D campaign setting, Baldur's Gate takes the player on a visually dazzling adventure. It brings to life the grand traditions of a true AD&D role-playing game experience for the personal computer through cutting-edge art and loyalty to the AD&D rule set. The story begins with looming economic strife and mysterious murders terrifying the local residents of the city of Baldur's Gate. This causes local leaders to point the finger at the neighboring nation of Amn. War seems imminent, and the player's character is thrust into the dangerous regional conflict to unravel the mystery with a party of adventurers.

What a wonderful Christmas present is was!

In this thread I want to look back through the years.

To say there was scepticism over the very first mention of the future game would be an understatement. There hadn't been a genuinely classic D&D RPG since Eye of the Beholder II, released in 1992, and the most recent high-profile releases (Blood and Magic and Descent to Undermountain) had been unmitigated disasters. The RPG fanbase was also lukewarm on the idea of the game being in real-time, as Fallout had show what could still be done with turn-based combat. BioWare's lack of experience was also a concern. Their first game, a MechWarrior-alikecalled Shattered Steel, was a modest success.

However, this scepticism soon turned to cautious excitement. Early screenshots showed a (relatively, for the time) lush, vibrant art style. Interplay soon began showing signs of palpable excitement over the game as builds came in. In fact, the 'Infinity Engine' so impressed them that they had their own internal RPG development division, Black Isle Studios, use it for their own projects. Doubts over the combat were assuaged when it was revealed that the game could be paused at any time, but orders could still be issued. This approach mixed the very best of turn-based combat (being able to consider the battlefield and all available combat options at leisure) and the immediacy of real-time fighting.

Baldur's Gate was released in December 1998, barely two months after the release of Half-Life and seven after StarCraft, two other games that completely redefined their genres. Those opening the box were greeted with an unprecedented sight: the game shipped on five CD-ROMs. A full install would take up about 1.5GB of hard disk space, a jaw-dropping amount at a time when most games still took up a few hundred at most (Half-Life clocked in at 400MB and was considered large; StarCraft scraped barely 180MB). The game wasn't in 3D, but its 2D artwork, complex animations and AI routines all put a heavy load on processors and RAM, with only the most powerful PCs capable of running the game at its maximum potential.

It was the culmination of nearly 90 man-years of work by a number of inexperienced, but very talented and creative individuals at BioWare. - Ray Muzyka

Baldur's Gate would be a huge success. It received positive reviews from virtually every major computer gaming publication that reviewed it. It sold about two million units quickly after the release. PC Gamer US said Baldur's Gate "reigns supreme over every RPG currently available, and sets new standards for those to come." How perceptively;)

It got the 1998 Game of the Year Award from Computer Games Online, Computer Games Magazine, GameCenter Reader's Choice, Games Domain, IGN and Vault Network.

It became the 1998 RPG of the Year by Adrenaline Vault, Computer Games Online, Computer Gaming World, Electric Games, GameCenter, GameCenter Reader's Choice, Games Domain, Gamespot, Gamespot Reader's Choice, IGN, PC Gamer and Vault Network.

Baldur's Gate's influence has been huge, it’s hard to overestimate it. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn is listed as the sixth highest-scoring PC game on the Metacritic site. Everything BioWare has done since, from Knights of the Old Republic to Mass Effect and Dragon Age franchises, stems from Baldur's Gate, 2D, modestly-budged game. Though games now have gotten flashier and moved into full 3D, the DNA of Baldur's Gate can be still be seen in many current RPGs.

And no words in the word can express my joy of reviving Baldur's Gate through enhanced editions. Only several weeks separate us from experiencing this great game on Android devices. This kind of progress if compared to the vanilla 640*480 resolution... seems fantastic just to think about it;)

Thank you, Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuk, Michael Hoenig, @TrentOster, @CameronTofer, @PhilipDaigle, @samhulick, @AndrewFoley, @LiamEsler, @CamDawg, @Cuv, @AndreaColombo, @Avenger_teambg, @AlexT, @Dee and so many others who contributed to the creation of Baldur's Gate and BG:EE.

Let us all celebrate the 15th anniversary of Baldur’s Gate!

BG2:EE No more 9th lvl or HLA spells without 18 int

Since devs are finally fixing the missing intelligence limitation when learning spells, i.e. in BG2:EE you cannot learn or cast 9th level spells unless you have at least 18 int, Neera, Aerie, Imoen, Jan and Nalia can't cast these any more. Since most HLAs occupy 9th level spells slots, you can't use them either. Since Neera, Imoen and Nalia have 17 int, you can raise them to 18 fairly easily with Golden Ioun Stone that can be acquired in Saradush. Aerie and Jan however, can't really reach 18 without some extra effort.

I think its good to fix obvious bugs, but personally I think fixing this one has a major negative impact on the NPC choices you have in the game. Edwin just becomes too good, as if he wasn't already...

Any thoughts?

EDIT: Above is incorrect. Only scribing spells is affected by the limitation. So you can temporarily increase your Intelligence with potions for example to scribe spells and then cast them just fine afterwards. Also HLAs aren't affected at all.

What is your favorite mage class for protagonist, and why?

I want to know, if you create an arcane spellcaster for main character, what class or combination of classes you give to it! Also, please give out some more details, as to what race you choose (and why), at what level you dual (and why it is a good idea to choose that level), and so on!

2 general BG questions

1) How often is stealth checked once hide in shadows succeeds?

2) If a char can see an invisible foe and can successfully entangle that foe, will that foe then become targetable by those party members who cannot see through invisibility?

Thank you for your attention.

Improved buff icons

Hello everyone,

I have just reached level 5 with a monk in BGEE, and with that level he gets immunity to diseases and
can not be slowed or hasted. However, I did not see any icon for that appearing on my
character image as well as any description in the character screen.
For me, I like to see the improvements of my character visually. I would prefer if icons that represent
immunity to poison or disease etc. would be implemented for all classes that get those specific benefits
when they reach higher levels.

Is it possible to do that? Any thoughts or ideas about that?

"powergaming" or "strong" party Icewind Dale II?

so there is BG2 thread with powergaming but what about IWD2? it is more complicated but also way bigger on character creation and so on.

i am curious of your party especially rogues coz i have read ultimate powergaming party and other guide and their "thief" is drow thief(1)/conjurer
Str: 11
Dex: 20
Con: 16
Int: 20
Wis: 8
Cha: 5

but not only drows are ECL -2 u also pick 1 lvl thief for all the thief bonus skills and that means u are 3 levels behind normal wizards

Kensai > Mage and a roll of 98. Advice on point allocation, pip choice, and when to duel?

I got an amazing roll using the autoroller - a roll of 98.

Human Kensai, Lawful Neutral

I have the game running but I thought I would ask for some quick opinions on where to put the stats. I am going through the first game, so I know I will have some tomes to obtain. Here is what I was thinking:


I was thinking INT could be kept at 17, eventually getting it to 18 and finally 19 via the machine in BG2.

I was thinking Wish is useful, so I would eventually get my wisdom to 18 and finally 19, and I could dream sacfrice it back down to 18, as 18 is all I will need - if Wish benefits cap at 18, that is. I am not sure they do.

And I am not sure if I will ultimately need 19 int for a dueled mage. How many spells are really useful? The main thing I am worried about is whether I can go with such low charisma - I don't want to use the ring. I am going to want a mix of evil and good characters so I am thinking charisma might come in handy. I am definitely going to want Serevok and Keldorn both, which may not even be possible.

And then there is the issue of where to put the pips. I am think scimitars (for one of Drizzt's weapons and Rashard's Talon), along with duel wield. Then I can grandmaster scimitars in BG2 and start putting points in Katana for Celestial Fury + Belm (and Belm + Spectral Brand for enemies requiring +5). Is that even the best plan?

I am pretty set on dueling at 13 for the extra half attack. Unless someone can convince me of why I should do it sooner.

I have the game running and will surf the web letting it run awhile. I could use some advice if anyone happens to be on and can give me advice on what to do.

How do YOU Fighter/Mage?

Ah the Fighter/Mage. We know it, some of us love it, a few of us even consider it the canon class for CHARNAME.
What is your favorite way to combine these two classes? For this poll, I am excluding triple classes.
Mine is the Gnome Fighter/Illusionist. Shorty saves, specialist, HLAs from both classes, loss of Necromancy spells somewhat mitigated by Fighter abilities.
But I want to know what you all think!

Prices in beregost smithy

Just re-downloaded BG1EE and was about to buy a crossbow for Montaron when I saw the prices.image

I have no mods so what is up with those prices!? 150 000 gold for a dagger xD??? Probably more than the BNP of baldurs gate lol.

So, the odds that a wizard-slayer will succeed are basically zero, aren't they?;) A WS solo run

Those who stay in touch with this forum probably know I'm currently on a totemic druid solo run, already in Amn. I'm having fun with this character and will continue. It looks like this month there will be more spare time for me so I'll be able to start another adventure and will switch between them.

I like challenges, especially those that seem to be unpopular ones. The question about which class (kit) is the most difficult for a solo run through BG games seems is being raised quite often. I'm yet to finish the saga with a druid but it seems my nature just wants more.

I will place here just several of threads where in one way or another people say that a Wizard Slayer is one of the hardest characters to solo a game.


I tend to agree with this point of view. In my runs I rely heavily on potions, wands, amulets and other items. Having just finished BG1 with a druid, I can say that the main keys to the success were the Greenstone Amulet, the Shiel Amulet, potions of Magical Blocking (Protection), different rings and so on. Basically, the game was beaten by items rather than a character himself. What if there are no such items, some of them being considered OP by some people?

You know what? Challenge accepted.

I've created a dwarven WS, Valthur Blackrock is his name.

Being restricted by items a lot, a WS needs good saving throws and stats. No dualling here, because any dual-class can strongly improve a WS. No WS mods (although there's an excellent http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/24181/wizard-slayer-rebalancing-for-bg-ee-and-bgii-ee/ mod) because I want to test this kit as it is.

I know that in 1.3 patch a WS bonus against casters will cover ranged weapons as well as melee ones but while this patch is not out yet I won't change the game mechanics. As @ZanathKariashi‌ pointed out one day, WS's ability is not, and never should apply to ranged weapons, in every incarnation, even PnP, it requires a melee weapon, in melee combat. So while there's no official word on it, no modding in this part.

I have some basic ideas how I can overcome no items (except armor and weapons). Stupifier + a shield. Acid Arrows that count as +1 and do 2-12 acid dam no save, Arrows of Detonation, Arrows of Dispelling. I'm sure I'll find some other tactics as the run goes on but now I see a mace and a bow as a good combo. Throwing axes could give more damage and they get a WS bonus but there're no effects on axes, such as Biting, Piercing, Dispelling, Detonation and so on. Stupifier may be not so impressive, damage-wise, but it can stun even the Death Knight.

Having studied some rules about dwarven names and surnames (for i.e., http://www.stoneandsteelguildhall.com/names.html/), I've discovered their names often consist of 2 parts - prefix and suffix, while their surnames often reflect something about their clan, history or character.

Val means Magic/Magical and Thur means Hunter. And Blackrock just rocks;)


How (and whether) is it possible? Well, this attempt is here to bring some evidence to the myth about a WS. Will I become a Mythbuster? Or will I just prove this is unreal? We'll see.

I’ll try to play a no-reload SCS run with an option for minimal reloads if the character will be killed but I will feel myself attached to it. Also, your reactions, ideas and just a general discussion is much appreciated, as always ;)))
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