After Norgath's tragic death in his own pocketplane, it was time for Blackraven to look for new inspiration. As often he went searching for portraits, until he found an irresistible little Halfling. Thus Finbar was born, a CG nordic Halfling Battleguard of Tempus/Thief.[spoiler]
[/spoiler]I rolled him as a Battleguard of Tempus and added the Thief kit in Shadowkeeper.
The 95 roll must have been my highest roll on a Cleric ever. I adjusted his stats, applying my method of lowering one stat to a minimum, i.e. his CHA, and raising the rest. And then I somehow failed to lower his INT to 15 and raise his CHA back to 10, before clicking 'Accept'. (The +3 INT doesn't really add anything except a few lore points, while +3 CHA seems to fit the character I have in mind a bit better). Anyway I'll just have to roleplay Finbar as comely and festive, yet utterly unconvincing due to his diminutive Halfling stature, an apparent lack of earnestness, a boyish voice and feminine features (mutton chops notwithstanding), and his bewildering gypsyish attire that causes many a Faerunian to question Tempus' judgement in bestowing divine powers in the little fellow. Thankfully the game offers 2-3 CHA increases, allowing him to at least end up more or less average.
The Battleguard of Tempus is a Divine Remix mod kit, with the following properties:[spoiler]
[/spoiler]I don't know which spells he'll get as each new spell level becomes available to him, so I'll be in for a couple of surprises...
The Halfling's starting spells were: Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Curse, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Faerie Fire, Magical Stone, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Sanctuary, Shillelagh, Strength of Stone, and Sunfire. In the earliest encounters, the latter spell was used, along with Staff backstabs (weapon profs are *Staves and *Flails), with reasonable results, as Ogrillons, a rogue Ogre and Tarnesh would discover.[spoiler]
[/spoiler]In spite of his non-proficiency in ranged weapons as imposed by the Battleguard of Tempus kit, the Halfling bought a Sling +1 at Taerom's and found that with it, and with his 19 DEX and racial bonus to slings, he successfully coped with the hefty Thac0 penalty that comes with non-proficiency.[spoiler]
[/spoiler]Finbar did the usual quests that would raise his reputation to heroic proportions, such as Firebead, Joia, Brun's son (using Sanctuary to ensure safe conduct past the Ankhegs), Charleston Nib, Brage, and some of the Mini Quests & Encounters mod quests) before Algernon was relieved of his cloak, and valuable but useless items were bartered for more practical goods: the +1 DEX Red Ioun Stone, Shadow Armor, Aule's Staff, Cloak of Displacement, Greenstone Amulet, and Necklace of Missiles. The latter item proved instrumental in his victory over Mutamin, after a backstab and a Sunfire failed to dispatch the Gnome, and a save vs spell (Horror) had to be made.[spoiler]
[/spoiler]The Halfling had an exciting time in Black Alaric's cave, where he would not prevail over a number of Flesh Golems without getting hit himself.[spoiler]
[/spoiler]The treasure and some spare gold he exchanged at Thalantyr's for the Claw of Kazgaroth. He's currently a level 6 Cleric / 6 Thief.[spoiler]
[/spoiler]I changed his alignment to CN after a number of heists and morally questionable decisions (such as the decision to backstab Kirian).
It meant that next to the Cure Wounds, the Cause Wounds spells would become available to him as well (not that he ever memorizes them). His level 3 spells are: Call Lightning, Cause Medium Wounds, Cure Blindness or Deafness, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding, Hold Animal, Holy Smite, Invisibility Purge, Miscast magic, Moonblade, Negative Plane Protection, PfEvil 10' Radius, PfFire, PfGood 10' Radius, Remove Curse, Remove Paralysis, Summon Insects, and Zone of Sweet Air. Thieving skill points have gone to Stealth and (Set/Disarm) Traps.