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Monster Party Members

Now that there's a vampire on the roster, let's talk about other non-PC-races you'd like to see as recruitable party members!

I'm going with Duergar simply because Magda was easily the best thing about the first Black Pits and I would have loved to have her join up in BG2:EE...

I can has retina resolution?

Throne of Bhaal.

I had a debate in another thread about this, so i come to ask how many of you regularly play Throne of Bhaal and how many times have you completed it compared to SoA? Do you enjoy Throne of Bhaal?

I've completed SoA well over 40 times and I've completed ToB around 8-9. The only times I've completed ToB were to finish a trilogy no-reload run as i actually don't enjoy it, and most of the time have to force myself through it.

What about you?

My One and Possibly Only Rant...

...Detect Traps.

I understand this is an older game, in fact, this was something I loathed when I first played back in 1998. My thief is constantly looking for traps. I set up her AI to do so. However, what's the point if I have to stand for a long period of time before I see a red box pop up on the screen? It's easier to just run all of my characters through the stony halls of a dungeon, and if they happen to set off a trap, I simply reload and send my thief in to stand in one spot for a bit of time and disable the trap.

It costs less time to do it that way than it does to play through and find traps organically.

Okay. Rant is done. I love this game and it will always have a place in my heart, but damn those traps infuriate me!

Dual classing fighter-mage - have I messed up my proficiency points already?!

Hi – really sorry about starting yet another thread about dual classing a fighter-mage combo. I have tried to search through past threads but I couldn't find anything specific to my situation (though, being totally honest, I did not go through however many hundreds of them there are!).

I have just completed BG:EE after playing it non-stop for about 3 weeks. I think I must have easily clocked up well over 150 hours on it but I do have completionist tendencies and also played with the AI switched off (I'm sure I would have saved so much time but I just didn't trust it not to send my mage within range any and all mobs armed with their magic elemental arrows).

So next up is BGII:EE right? Having heeded advice on how new players can make their first play through both games (relatively) painless, I had played through BG:EE with a human fighter, intending to dual class into a mage in BGII:EE at some point. Anyway, I was gearing up to start on BGII:EE and was reading to see if there were any differences in gameplay between the two games or if I could just jump in and I have become a bit worried that I have nerfed my character even before I have started on the sequel.

It seems that the general consensus on the fighter/mage dual or multi-class to try to get two * in dual wielding and also to avoid allocating too many * against bows as they're much weaker in the sequel than in the first game. My main character though has 3* in longswords and 3* in longbows which did make much of the game a bit of a cakewalk (though I did play on normal mode rather than core…).

So it seems my options are:

1. To dual at level 9 as intended and just accept that for much of the new game, I won't be sniping enemies at range. A massive shame as it was only during the late parts of the game that I discovered the joys of arrows of detonation and magical dispelling. If I go down this route, does it matter where I put that extra proficiency point I get at level 9? I assume there's no point sticking it in dual wielding as the penalties would still be quite significant, so should I just go for being a high master in long swords?

2. To dual at level 13 and stick the proficiency point I get at level 9 and 13 in dual wielding. However, that would mean that I would need to level up to 14 as a mage to get my fighter abilities back. So it looks like I would need to get 2,250,000 XPs over and above the 250,000 XPs needed to get to level 10 as a mage! My worry is that I will be pretty late into the game before this happens or that the wait will put me off the game – I dual classed Imoen at level 6 and waiting for her to get to level 7 seemed to drag on forever. Plus I guess dual-classing at this stage might mean less progression in terms of late game mage abilities?

3. Re-roll a new character and start afresh with the proficiencies which would be a pain as it'd mean losing my existing character who has 19 in everything now apart from wisdom and charisma. On the plus side, it would at least let me play around with one of the other fighter kits before dual-classing.

So any thoughts/comments very gratefully received and thanks for reading!

Three different charcters

I'm gonna start a new play through but i have three different charcters and their possible through a mod i used should i go with a stalker half-orc, a drow blade or a Gnome Barbarian

Did you know?

So this is just a thread for interesting things that people have picked up over the years. While most of the information has been freely available for some time, the game is big enough that you might find something you missed. If not, it's still fun to see just how much detail the developers put in.

Did you know that if you are playing an elf named Drizzt, and your reputation is under 12, Drizzt will attack you? Did you also know that if you kill the three mages guarding the skyship devices in Baldur's Gate, then Shandalar skips the 'asking' part of sending you to the Ice Island? Not surprising, given that they were his daughters. Guy is probably a bit angry at you.

iOS max binary size just doubled to 4GB

Can we haz CLUA Console in the iOS games now? Pretty please??

(Also, kind devs, while you're at it, can you please get around to fixing this rather shocking UI problem:
I know you're all excited about Adventure Y and Project Beartrap, and those things are exciting because new games make you more money. But it would really be super swell to make your current games work really well.)


BG:EE and Lightning.

I have nothing at all to base this on except my personal experience with the games, but it feels like Lightning strikes a lot more in BG:EE than it ever did in the original game. And i LOVE the lightning strikes in this game! I play no-reload and losing 50% of your health randomly when it rains makes every single rain cloud a dangerous risk to my survival.

I've never really felt the need to rest in Baldur's Gate before, I only ever rested to refresh my spells. Now when I'm outside and it starts raining, i'll try to find somewhere safe to put up camp and rest until it's over. It makes the game so much more immersive for me.

And yes I've had characters die to the lightning. I was fighting the group of adventures outside gullykin in the rain, the lightning first struck the dwarf fighter on the enemy team and i was like "Wohoo! This is awesome! I'm getting help!" after that it struck again to kill the enemy cleric and i was sold, this was such an awesome feature! Then while i was busy looting it struck my own Cleric and the reloading screen greeted me. That's 3 strikes in one battle, and two of them actually killed people.

I remember that in the original the lightning would rarely strike, and when it did strike it didn't deal any damage. I don't know if it strikes more or less in BG:EE but it seems to always remove 50% of your maximum health.

I love you lightning, you're awesome even if you take some of my most precious characters away from me!

How to Install Cheats

Just in case I accidentally lose an item or something.

The Dumbest Way You Died

I know, I'm sure there's been a thread about this but I couldn't find it & perform a resurrection. Pretty much as the title suggests, what's the stupidest way you've bitten then dust in these games?

This particular idiot here was too busy running to the Adverturer's Mart to flog all the booty we'd gathered that I forgot to return the Rift Device to the avatar. Oops! Thank the gods for the Q key.

Questions about dual-school spells

So what are the rules of these spells?
Why can abjurer learn Fireshield(red/blue)(Evocation,Alteration) Lower Resistance Spell Strike(Abjuration,Alteration)Melf's minute meteors(Evocation,Alteration), but not Wizard Eye(Divination,Alteration )Wraithform(Alteration,Illusion)?
Transmuter can't learn Lower Resistance Spell Strike(Abjuration,Alteration),
both Enchanter and Diviner can learn Wish(conjuration,invocation), both are banned from learning Limited Wish(Conjuration,Invocation)
Edit:Otiluke's Resilient Sphere is bugged in bgee,fixed in bg2ee.

Who is your favorite Black Pits 2 NPC/Gladiator?


I really like all of the gladiators you can hire/team up with in Black Pits 2 and some would make really great mod NPCs for BG, too. I'm adding the joinable ones I'm aware of to the poll. Not sure if the dwarf, halfling and drow can/will join under some circumstances. Also not sure about some classes, because some of them die before I can find out. Please enlighten me.

What's the news on Baldur's Gate 3?

NPC Portraits & Kirinhale Spells/Abilities

Two questions for you smart folks & old timers (Playing BGI/TotSC Tutu):

1) I want to change the M & S portraits of Branwen to those of Lagertha the Shieldmaiden from the Vikings series on History Channel (who's based on a real woman from Norway of the same name & who was married to the infamous Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. She is a buttkicking woman & find her exactly what I think Branwen would look like.

a. But...when you pull up an NPC, the only thing you can change really is their Script/AI. I want to change her appearance/portrait. I've already gotten some great M & S Images of Lagertha from the series & sized them for BG but don't know how to do it.

b. I tried to use Shadowkeeper but that seems only to have the basic portraits & few others but does not seem to have an option for 'uploading' an image.

2) Second question is: who can tell me the spells/abilities that are assigned to Kirinhale the Succubus on the third upper level of the keep. I'm writing my update but, as always, that takes me more time than to play the game. I really want to know what spells & abilities she has in order to flesh out my narrative & make it interesting. I don't know how to go in & find code & stuff & I wouldn't know what it meant anyway. :I In AD&D they were able to: cause darkness 5' radius; their kiss drains the victim of one energy level; become ethereal; charm person; ESP; clairaudience; suggestion; shape change (to any humanoid form of approximately their own height and weight), or gate in a type IV Demon (70% chance), type VI = Balrog (25%), or a Demon Lords or Prince (5% chance). I'm sure Kirinhale's abilities are a bit different. Please help.

Thanks for a quick reply folks. Been working on this narrative all day & want to get it posted so I can hit the 1st Labyrinth Level & get into some of the big stuff.


Party composition question - should I go for Rasaad, Branwen, and/or Edwin ?

I currently have the following party :
me (Elven Archer)

At this point, I have Kivan up front with his halberd helping out with Jaheira and Khalid (mainly because Jaheira seems to really suck as a fighter, using a club)
I have Imoen and myself providing missile fire. Myself, longbow, Imoen, shortbow.

At the point in the game I am approaching (pre-Nashkel Mine), I am wondering if I should pick up Rasaad, and replace Kivan with him, or, replace Jaheira with Branwen, then bring in Rasaad to replace the departing Khalid. Also is Neera worth replacing with Edwin and would he get any aggro from Jaheira ?

Thanks !

The cutest little elf you will ever see!

My eldest son has seen me play the Baldur's Gate series since his birth. Until now, I've told him the games are too complex for children. But when he recently turned nine I realized that argument wouldn't work on him any longer. So despite not really understanding the rules - or even English very well, for that matter - he started playing BG1 on his Android tablet last week. He was very determined to play an elven archer, so I helped him with that. Before leaving for a week at his mom's, he made it so far as to the Friendly Arm Inn. When he arrives home again tomorrow, this portrait awaits him:


I still have a little work to do on it, but I'm more or less done. Below is the original I worked with:


Black Pits 2.

Amazing, I enjoyed the hell out of that. The gear that you get along the way is awesome, the fights are awesome, love the characters. Love the "easter egg."

Baldur.ini edit on android

hi all, HELP! I CANNOT get cheats to work on android. Could someone maybe post their. Ini file? I will try to put mine up. Also, I am using hackers keyboard for ctrl etc. All ctrl+v etc. Commands work but I'm having no joy with console :( tried to attach .ini file and says 'uploaded file type is not allowed.'

The (solo) no-reload adventure of Finbar, Halfling Cleric/Thief

After Norgath's tragic death in his own pocketplane, it was time for Blackraven to look for new inspiration. As often he went searching for portraits, until he found an irresistible little Halfling. Thus Finbar was born, a CG nordic Halfling Battleguard of Tempus/Thief.[spoiler]image[/spoiler]I rolled him as a Battleguard of Tempus and added the Thief kit in Shadowkeeper.
The 95 roll must have been my highest roll on a Cleric ever. I adjusted his stats, applying my method of lowering one stat to a minimum, i.e. his CHA, and raising the rest. And then I somehow failed to lower his INT to 15 and raise his CHA back to 10, before clicking 'Accept'. (The +3 INT doesn't really add anything except a few lore points, while +3 CHA seems to fit the character I have in mind a bit better). Anyway I'll just have to roleplay Finbar as comely and festive, yet utterly unconvincing due to his diminutive Halfling stature, an apparent lack of earnestness, a boyish voice and feminine features (mutton chops notwithstanding), and his bewildering gypsyish attire that causes many a Faerunian to question Tempus' judgement in bestowing divine powers in the little fellow. Thankfully the game offers 2-3 CHA increases, allowing him to at least end up more or less average.

The Battleguard of Tempus is a Divine Remix mod kit, with the following properties:[spoiler]image[/spoiler]I don't know which spells he'll get as each new spell level becomes available to him, so I'll be in for a couple of surprises... :)
The Halfling's starting spells were: Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Curse, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Faerie Fire, Magical Stone, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Sanctuary, Shillelagh, Strength of Stone, and Sunfire. In the earliest encounters, the latter spell was used, along with Staff backstabs (weapon profs are *Staves and *Flails), with reasonable results, as Ogrillons, a rogue Ogre and Tarnesh would discover.[spoiler]imageimage
image[/spoiler]In spite of his non-proficiency in ranged weapons as imposed by the Battleguard of Tempus kit, the Halfling bought a Sling +1 at Taerom's and found that with it, and with his 19 DEX and racial bonus to slings, he successfully coped with the hefty Thac0 penalty that comes with non-proficiency.[spoiler]image[/spoiler]Finbar did the usual quests that would raise his reputation to heroic proportions, such as Firebead, Joia, Brun's son (using Sanctuary to ensure safe conduct past the Ankhegs), Charleston Nib, Brage, and some of the Mini Quests & Encounters mod quests) before Algernon was relieved of his cloak, and valuable but useless items were bartered for more practical goods: the +1 DEX Red Ioun Stone, Shadow Armor, Aule's Staff, Cloak of Displacement, Greenstone Amulet, and Necklace of Missiles. The latter item proved instrumental in his victory over Mutamin, after a backstab and a Sunfire failed to dispatch the Gnome, and a save vs spell (Horror) had to be made.[spoiler]imageimageimage[/spoiler]The Halfling had an exciting time in Black Alaric's cave, where he would not prevail over a number of Flesh Golems without getting hit himself.[spoiler]imageimage[/spoiler]The treasure and some spare gold he exchanged at Thalantyr's for the Claw of Kazgaroth. He's currently a level 6 Cleric / 6 Thief.[spoiler]imageimage[/spoiler]I changed his alignment to CN after a number of heists and morally questionable decisions (such as the decision to backstab Kirian).
It meant that next to the Cure Wounds, the Cause Wounds spells would become available to him as well (not that he ever memorizes them). His level 3 spells are: Call Lightning, Cause Medium Wounds, Cure Blindness or Deafness, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding, Hold Animal, Holy Smite, Invisibility Purge, Miscast magic, Moonblade, Negative Plane Protection, PfEvil 10' Radius, PfFire, PfGood 10' Radius, Remove Curse, Remove Paralysis, Summon Insects, and Zone of Sweet Air. Thieving skill points have gone to Stealth and (Set/Disarm) Traps.
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