I stumbled across this today while roaming aimlessly through the D&D related back alleys of the internet, so of course I share the find with all of you:
From: http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mc/mc20010829fGa ‘nomes went in, ga ‘nomes went out,
Now look at ga fields all about.
Ga men of course get all ga ‘lory,
Forgotten again, same old story!
We may be here, we may be there,
Like men of course we’re everywhere!
We may be fair, but so are elves,
Ga People, see, are just themselves!
We may be stout, but so are dwarves,
At least we’re not afraid of wharves!
We may be small, but so are hin,
At least we have hair on our chin!
We may be fierce, but so are orcs,
At least we do not taste like pork!
We may be here, we may be there,
Ga misty trail runs everywhere!
Ga ‘nomes went in, ga ‘nomes went out,
Now look at ga trees all about.
Ga elves of course get all ga ‘lory,
Forgotten again, same old story!
Ga ‘nomes went in, ga ‘nomes went out,
Now look at ga gems all about.
Ga dwarves of course get all ga ‘lory,
Forgotten again, same old story!
Ga ‘nomes went in, ga ‘nomes went out,
Now look at ga pipes all about.
Ga hin of course get half ga ‘lory,
Forgotten again, same old story!
Ga ‘nomes went in, ga ‘nomes went out,
Now look at nothing all about.
Ga orcs of course get all ga ‘ory,
Oops, not our fault, and not our story!
gnome drinking ditty entitled "Ga Nomes"
blamed on Mintiper Moonsilver
Year of the Boot (1343 DR)