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How do you RP Lawful Neutral?

Pretty much the good and bad alignments write themselves. But Lawful Neutral? Hm. I always play a good character but recently revisited with a Solo Sorcerer (First time with Insane SCS, love the tactical challenge) of Lawful Neutral alignment. Apart from loving order and discipline, what motivates them?

baldur's gate style portraits tutorial

so im new here, as you can probably see, but i've stumbled across this forum multiple times while browsing for nice baldur's gate style portraits. im a fan of the game, obviously, and have beaten it many many times normally, and quite a few times completed some challenges (single character on impossible, single character on impossible without items, no reloading, no reloading no resurrection, etc).
here's the thing, i really like the style of the portraits in baldur's gate (opposed to icewind dale portraits, they are good, but i like baldur's better), and i would like to learn how to make them (if possible). i understand that basically they are made by picking a portrait of someone, get some armor, hair, weapon (maybe) and slap it all together, smudge it a bit with some filters, add some scars maybe and magically you would get a cool baldur's gate style portrait. but im not that good at photoshop, and i have only ever tried once to make something similar (as a joke) and i feel like i would be able to do it if i found a good tutorial for it.
so what im asking is: do any of you guys and girls know of a good tutorial on making baldur's gate style portraits, or even any photoshop tutorial that can help me accomplish something similar at least?

Does anyone else prefer swapping party members in and out?

I find that more and more when I play either Baldur's Gate, instead of having a set party configuration, I just sorta swap people in and out constantly. Like I'll essentially pick up party members and drop them off in an inn, and then just cycle the entire party out every few quests. It's been a great way to experience characters I might not use as much and especially with mods like the BG npc mod get the most out of all the possible dialogues and combinations of characters. The only problem with this approach is that some NPCs during specific states aren't so amicable to being kicked out of the party (and this breaks a lot of romances) so it does require some console help to make sure there's minimal disruption for doing so.

I'm interested to see if there's anyone else who finds themselves doing this.

Suffering from rerollitis!

Hello! I unfortunately appear to be suffering from rerollitis! I come up with a great character RP concept and start and get through all of Baldur's Gate 1 before going and trying a new character and never getting to BG2. I've completed BG2 only twice while I've completed BG1 numerous times. I have a Dirgesinger Bard (song and silence mod), Cleric, and Wizard all at the end of BG1 ready to move on to BG2 but then I get a new idea and feel like I must start all over again.

So I ask of thee to help me either come up with a reason to skip BG1 and go straight to BG2 with my char concepts or just actually be able to stick with one character from beginning to end. I'm currently wanting to make a Neutral Evil Elf Female Blackguard (BG2 tweaks, my savior~) and make an evil necromancy-themed party but I don't want to hit the end of BG1 again only to want to start over again @_@.


New url new forum images

shouldnt the url be changed to forums.beamdog.com and the images of the forum be updated now with icewind dale as well ?

Did you know?

So this is just a thread for interesting things that people have picked up over the years. While most of the information has been freely available for some time, the game is big enough that you might find something you missed. If not, it's still fun to see just how much detail the developers put in.

Did you know that if you are playing an elf named Drizzt, and your reputation is under 12, Drizzt will attack you? Did you also know that if you kill the three mages guarding the skyship devices in Baldur's Gate, then Shandalar skips the 'asking' part of sending you to the Ice Island? Not surprising, given that they were his daughters. Guy is probably a bit angry at you.

Should golems be able to be punched unconscious?

I'm not sure if this should be made into a bug report, a feature request, or just fade away as a non-issue.

In the BG2 starter dungeon, me CHARNAME knocked out a clay golem with her fists.

Are golems supposed to be able to go unconscious like that? I thought they'd be immune. But maybe there's some crazy D&D logic which says they can be punched out? XD

CHARNAME is cleric/thief: not a monk.

The golem is one of 2 [Lesser] Clay Golems near the sewage golem you ask to open the doors. The 2 golems will attack if you go into the room south of the dryads. (I'll get the exact creature reference if a report is necessary.)

Canon Confusion

So you awake in Irenicus' dungeon. You're tired, sore and imprisoned by a mad man. Then suddenly out of nowhere, Imoen appears and frees you from a cage. But wait a second. Wasn't she mauled to death by werewolves? You remembered seeing her body being torn apart and how devastated you were with her loss. And there's Jaheria, who offered to help you in your quest but you refused. What the heck is she doing in Irenicus' dungeon. And who's the big guy in the corner who talks to you like you're best buddies.

So what do you do? Even if you ignore Minsc and Jaheria as dopplegangers or some sort of trick, Imoen is a different matter. You can tell her to beat it, but once out of the dungeon she's one of your primary motivations throughout the game.

So, to those of you who don't use the canon party, how do you rationalize it? Is all of this one of Irenicus' tricks or have you gone slightly mad during your imprisonment. Maybe it was a dream all along and Imoen was never eaten alive by werewolves.

I knocked a skeleton man unconscious. Am I God?

Imoen and me where taking the road less traveled and a scary undead creature started throwing daggers at us! In a panic, I ran up to defend us and I used my 18/00 STR to good use. Beating the undead menace until it shattered...only it didn't shatter, it became...sleepy?

I am emailing Morgan Freeman right now, this needs to be addressed on Through the Wormhole.

New Power Word spells

After just threatening Dee with Power Word 'Tickle' (in order to get the 1.3 patch released), I started thinking there's a lot of potential here with these power words. It'll be entertaining to see what you all can come up with. After presenting your newly christened power word, maybe suggest what spell level you think it should be as well. I figure 'Tickle' would probably be 2nd level as it would be pretty distracting to any enemy who wasn't a complete grump...


Hey all,
A quick question about the lore of the forgotten realms.
Up to now, has Gauntlygrym been reclaimed yet or is the Delzoun and Luskan Corsairs still fighting for it?
Personally, I would love for the Delzoun to succeed in claiming the place and make it into another dwarven bastion of good.

After all, the Spellplague did give the bad guys a lot of power ups (Asmodeus, Lolth, etc)
Only good that came of it was the return of Bahamut and the empowerment of Torm. (In my opinion)


Nerf request: fast weapons

So, I'm sure that I'll be imploded with righteous flame for this.

But, why do fast weapons give an extra attack with the mainhand rather than with the weapon itself?

If it's a limitation of the engine, fair enough. However, if it's possible I think it should be changed to give +1 attack *with the weapon*.

This small change would have a significant impact. Yes, it's a significant nerf. However, it would open up a whole host of weapons as candidates for use in the offhand rather than the current default selection of 3 (in BG2).

The only issue I see with this idea is that it would be a defacto buff to Whirlwind Attack.

Comments, criticisms etc welcome.

Use Any Item Nerf

What weapon type would you prefer BG2EE had a new badass magical weapon.

Only have 10 options so i had to put a few together! I hope i arranged them in an apropriate way.

Number reference question

On the inventory menu, where they have the list of numbers, in various shaped boxes. The upper most one, for Khalid, is at 1, then I give him the fists of the brawler, and it goes to -1, his dex goes from clean 16, to red 18.

What significance is that 1 to -1, and why is his dex going in the red?

Don't understand Neera's concept

First of all, I just wanna say that the work done on the new NPC's is amazing . But I can't understand Neera's concept . Believe me, I tried.

I mean, what is really a wild mage? They kept showing it as if they were some kind of sorcerer.

"Oh, my innate chaotic abilities keep getting me into trouble!"
But hey, no one becomes a mage by accident. You don't become an invoker and then weep about the mess your fireballs cause. You do it because you love it, because it took you years, maybe a decade, to learn your first spell.

Second, in BG2 she seemed to rescue a girl who was , supposedly, a wild mage. So she had no choice but to study magic? Or was she some kind of sorcerer? The whole "wild mage refuge" , no matter how beautiful it looked , made it less interesting, after all, having about twelve wild ones in Amn makes it look like they aren't that rare , after all.

But what really mixes me up is the fact that she never seems to take magic seriously. She looks like a college dropout who suddenly thought of following her dreams.

I know we can always say that "she's an exotic character" or "you must open your mind" - but I prefer when they make it clear that spellcasters are what they are because they dug deep into it.

I know that there are people who like her a lot, but, when creating a character, isn't there a line between BG-Goofy and Disney-Goofy?

A Dwarf's Journeys Through Loneliness (Solo Dwarven Defender Play-Through)

I wanted to play a dwarven defender solo, so I did. This character is completely meta-gamed, with no role-playing aspects. In fact, I’ll be explaining his activities using short sentences and bullet points. (Well, hyphens, but you get my point) I also won’t be using (many) pictures. I’ll take a few, but for the most part it’ll be just text. He’ll also take party members for specific things that he considers greatly important. (Ex. Imoen for the STR tome) Without further ado, here he is. (Just after leaving Candlekeep)

Treyve Goldbeard (shortened to just Treyve in game for simplicity's sake)

So he’s pretty well made from a meta-gaming sense. He does have two points in S&S style, but that’s because he’s a dwarven DEFENDER. I’ll put points into 2W style once we reach BG2, but he’s got plenty of points to go around, being a fighter kit.

As for any sort of bio, he’s basically lacking. He was trained by Arkanis and he’s very powerful. He doesn’t really train for any specific reason, however, he just enjoys it. He figures he’ll live in Candlekeep his whole life, eventually opening a shop or something. He’s a little more intelligent than an average man, and has slightly above average wisdom and charisma as well. The intelligence and wisdom mainly play into his combat strategy, while his charisma is due to his jovial nature and general friendliness. He’s not brilliant or charismatic, but he’s a da** good warrior and a fine dwarf. He studies with Gorion but he’s not exactly diligent. He’s learned the basics of life, and really doesn’t care to read and study any more, especially when the books don’t have any practical application to his life.

So now, onward to the game journaling.

Chapter 1: Wilderness Exploration
-Bought equipment at Winthrop’s (after “borrowing” some stuff from Winthrop)
-Completed Firebead’s, Phlydia’s, Dreppin’s, Reevor’s, Hull’s, and Fuller’s quests
-Killed the two assassins
-Looted the whole town
-Left with Gorion and was ambushed.
-Left Imoen at the ambush site.
-Robbed Montaron and Kagain, leaving them destitute of all but armor and weapons.
-Found the tree diamond.
-Left area

Current inventory:

-Entered the Crossroads
-Picked up protection ring in rock
-Killed belt ogre
-Went to FAI
-Picked up Ring of Evermemory
-Killed Tarnesh
-Had items identified by Gellana, starting with Evermemory ring to be sold for money.
-Entered inn and sold items
-Spoke to Dorn/Khalid/Jaheira
-Robbed Khalid/Jaheira of their potions and abandoned them
-Finished identifying items
-Finished selling items
-Took Landrin’s quest
-Accepted and completed Joia’s quest
-Traveled to Beregost
-Calmed Marl down
-Gave Firebead the book
-Killed spiders
-Saved Neera and took her items as payment
-Leveled. +1 to axes
-Killed Silke
-Sold items
-Killed Karlat
-Traveled South of Beregost
-Killed ogrillons
-Killed Flaming Fist
-Killed hobgoblins
-Searched cave
-Returned to Beregost
-Gave Mirianne her note
-Gave Zhurlong his boots
-Traveled to High Hedge
-Traded with Thalantyr
-Obtained Perdue’s short sword
-Traveled to FAI
- Completed Landrin’s quest
-Slept at FAI (He was so hurt that it cost 64 gp to heal fully! 2 days & 16 hours in a royal room!)
-Traveled to Beregost
-Completed Perdue’s quest
-Traveled to the Red Canyons
-Killed Bassilus
-Killed Zargal
-Found Melicamp
-Traveled to Thalantyr’s
-Saved Melicamp
-Traveled to the Temple
-Completed Bassilus Quest

Character selfie and current inventory:


-Killed wolf pack
-Killed Cattack
-Returned to Beregost and slept to recover from wolf fight
-Accepted Bjornin’s quest
-Traveled to Fisherman’s lake
-Killed half-ogres, Teyngan, Jemby, and Zekar
-Used invisibility potion to have Drizzt die
-Returned to Beregost, completed Bjornin’s quest, and traded

Current inventory:

-Traveled to North Nashkel Road
-Obtained Colquetle family necklace
-Returned to Beregost
-Returned necklace to Mr. Colquetle
-Traveled to Xvart Village
-Killed Xvarts
-Searched Cave
-Killed Borda
-Traveled to Bear River
-Killed Neville
-Helped Laurel
-Traveled to Gnoll Stronghold
-Killed Gnarl and Hairtooth
-Cleared all three caves
-Traveled East to Dryad Falls
-Killed Ingot
-Looted cave
-Helped Dryad
-Traveled to Beregost and traded
-Traveled to FAI, slept, and traded
-Traveled to Fishing Village

I’ve forgotten to take note of most of my level-ups… Just to clear things up, here Treyve is.


As for proficiencies, he has 2 pips in axes, hammers, and S&S style. Continuing on now…

-Hired Ajantis to be a pack mule
-Spoke with Brun
-Retrieved Nathan's body
-Fired Ajantis for being a terrible pack mule
-Returned Nathan’s body
-Paid Brun 100 gold
-Cleared Ankheg nest
-Traveled to the farm and killed the zombies
-Traveled to Ulcaster and traded
-Returned to Beregost, traded, and rested
-Traveled to Thalantyr’s and traded
-Traveled to the Lighthouse
-Killed Arkushule
-Saved child from worgs
-Killed Sil and the Sirines
-Looted Black Alaric’s cave
-Recruited Safana
-Traveled to Thalantyr’s to identify and trade
-Traveled to Shipwreck Coast
-Used Safana to kill Shoal and Droth
-Fired Safana
-Helped Mad Arcand
-Killed ogre-kin party
-Used the Surgeon to heal
-Traveled to the Archaeological Site
-Killed Ba’ruk
-Dealt with the archaeological expedition and doomsayer
-Saved Brage

Current Character Selfie and Inventory Shot:


Dwarven Fighter/Thief

What is the best approach to building a Dawarf F/T with more of a focus on melee and backstabbing? Previously I played a halfling F/T with a focus on darts and daggers. For an Elf starting with LS** and Dual Wield** seems a popular choice due to THACO bonus or swapping in a bow.

However, what about a Dwarf? I was thinking *SWS **Melee Weapon *Dual Wield? Or should I have a range option and hold off on dual wield? Or dual wield from the start?

Also, since Dwarves don't get the THACO bonus, what weapon choice? I have only played dwarves with hammers or axes, but those can't backstab.

New content - When?

So.... When are we going to see additional content? I would pay for quality NPC additions, new areas to explore and more adventures. I thought back when we first purchased and fund raised that the idea was an enhanced game with follow up DLC to follow?

Favorite NPC Voice of Enhanced Edition?

Enhanced edition added plenty of new voices, even for minor characters who only said a few lines. I think the quality of the voice acting was quite good overall. (at least in BG1. Haven't heard anything from 2 yet) What're some of your favorites?

My personal favorite is Senjak from BG1. His voice is just so... His voice is ambrosia. 'Nough said.
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