Channel: General Discussion (Spoiler Warning!) — Beamdog Forums
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How do I use CluaConsole in BG2:EE?

Dummy question, I know. But I'm terrible with computers. I imported my paladin from BG1 and I really want to get the Cloak of Balduran back. Google tells me I need to add to the Baldur.ini file, but...

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Finally finished!

Just thought I'd share...it took me about 7 months, but I finally got all the way from Candlekeep to the end of Throne of Bhaal. My M/T (Larry) was a real trooper. I've got a pretty good backlog of...

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In general, is a Thief required?

For most of all the IE games. If I wanted to solo the game as say, a druid or something like that, would I be able play the game without thieving skills (detect/remove traps and lockpicking) or the...

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Convince me to play a ...

So I have debilitating rerollitus. Its so bad I can't bring myself to even get to BGEE2. I would really appreciate if you guys could take a class you've enjoyed and try to convince me to play it. I...

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Near Infinity

Sorry to start a new thread about this wonderful little tool, but I am having a heck of a time determining what the newest available version is and where to get it from. Could someone point an...

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Dualling Imoen with BGT (spoilers)

I just finished the BG1 portion of BGT, having kept Imoen a thief the entire game. After getting Yoshimo in Irenicus' dungeon, I dualled her to mage, and she was level 5 by the time she was whisked...

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As I learn more from this forum, I realize how much about the game I didn't know about. There were items, strategies and spells that could have made my life a lot easier against various monsters. There...

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Custom PC & NPC Portraits

Building on the original thread, started by @Syntia13, this is intended to be a hub to share alternate, fan-made portraits for the enhanced editions of the series. In order to keep the thread running...

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You know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when...

1. You complain to your family about having to live in "such a pissant town"2. You search for objects at the base of every tree you see.3. You walk into a complete stranger's house and start rummaging...

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Two Weapon Style vs. Two Handed Weapon Style (Power Gaming vs Roleplaying)

Hey guys, I would assume somewhere in the past this thread has been done before, but I have a few things bugging me about the debate. One thing I have always hated to do in life, is ride the fence on...

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online tests for alignment and class

If you know of any online tests for the alignment and class that best matches the real you, can your please post them here? Comments about the tests you post (e.g., did you agree with the result?), or...

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Dualling Imoen at Level 3

I am thinking of an all female playthrough with Fighter/Thief Charname then recruiting Jaheira, Branwen and Garrick [RPing that he is afraid of retribution from Silke's relatives and uses the Ogre's...

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State of Ascension

Release date is getting ever closer and i cant help but wonder how fares my favorite mod. Cant imagine playing without it. And im sure many others feel the same.Has any brave soul taken it as his/hers...

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The path finding in these games is so bad...

I know it's not really that big a deal. But the path finding is so bad. So many times if I have to walk down like a narrow hallway at least one of my party will just randomly start walking in the...

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super choppy framerate

I finally got my game started, and I'm noticing that the framerate is super choppy. I mean, I know the game is old and a little rough, but it's flat out skipping, which it never did before when I ran...

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Most fitting character build for good playthrough

I'm thinking of replaying BG EE and BG2 EE, and I'm wondering what would be the best character build for a good playthrough. I mean storywise of course, not in terms of most effective or easiest to...

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Assassin or shadowdancer?

Hey guys. I just got bgee. I've tried bg a long time ago but never got to beat it. I did so with bg2 and had a blast with the assassin, I just loved stabbing people to chunks.Now, I wanted to know how...

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"We're All Doomed" - a thread covering Blackraven's Charnames' attempts at...

Hey folks, I've decided to just use a single thread, this one, to report on the progress I make with different Charnames in my SCS No-Reload playthroughs. So far they just keep on falling, in early SoA...

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cleric/mage, when to dual? or maybe a sorc?

I'm feeling nostalgic and taking another run through the series. My plan is to create a cleric, then dual over to a mage at some point, using shadowkeeper kit it to a wild mage. My original plan was...

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Saving te Duke eltan

I think I did something backwards. When I returned to Baldur's gate after doing the tales of the sword coast. I am arrested, got out of that but I can't get back into Flaming fist to save the Duke....

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