Hey guys, I would assume somewhere in the past this thread has been done before, but I have a few things bugging me about the debate. One thing I have always hated to do in life, is ride the fence on any subject. Sometimes it pays to be in the middle and sometimes not so much.
When I approach any RPG, whether it be a single player or MMO, I always seem to fall directly in the middle of Min/Max power gamer and Roleplayer. For example in the MMO Everquest, all the Min/Maxers say that if you want to play a Warrior, it has to be an Ogre. Any other race is just not good enough. In their argument Humans and Dark Elves are the worst Warrior tanks in the game. I bet you can guess what race warrior I would be compelled to play? At the same time, it would bug me that my choice was considered much weaker and sub-par.
That brings me to the thread topic. I don't know how each melee class goes about deciding which is the better option between Dual Wielding and Two Handers, but lately I have been brainstorming up a Barbarian. For some reason, when I think of a Barbarian, I think of a big bad ass dude in light armor with a giant 2 handed axe or sword. When I read the description of the Barbarian, everything about the class sounded perfect until I saw the part about them getting a bonus pip in Two Weapon Style. Is it that sole fact that Barbarians get a 3rd pip in dual wielding that makes it the best option, or is dual wielding just superior to two handed weapons?
If this is the case, then why do certain classes benefit more from a two handed weapon and others benefit more from dual wielding?
Pretty much the root of this thread is that I want to play a Barbarian that wields a two handed axe that slices and dices his opponents up like a butcher. That is the RP side of my argument. Then on the other side, it is also extremely bugging me that the Min/Maxers are saying that Barbarians pretty much have to Dual Wield.
Can I create a powerful Barbarian that uses a two handed weapon, or am I going to suffer so much of a damage nerf from not going dual wield that it is just not worth going that rout?
Thank you to everyone for your time and input on my nerdy gamer questions. So far everyone has been very kind and intelligent in their comments and responses. I am sorry if my posts can sometimes seem a bit long and winded, but I really enjoy coming to this forum and getting your opinions because where I am from, there are not many people locally that share in the interests that we do.
When I approach any RPG, whether it be a single player or MMO, I always seem to fall directly in the middle of Min/Max power gamer and Roleplayer. For example in the MMO Everquest, all the Min/Maxers say that if you want to play a Warrior, it has to be an Ogre. Any other race is just not good enough. In their argument Humans and Dark Elves are the worst Warrior tanks in the game. I bet you can guess what race warrior I would be compelled to play? At the same time, it would bug me that my choice was considered much weaker and sub-par.
That brings me to the thread topic. I don't know how each melee class goes about deciding which is the better option between Dual Wielding and Two Handers, but lately I have been brainstorming up a Barbarian. For some reason, when I think of a Barbarian, I think of a big bad ass dude in light armor with a giant 2 handed axe or sword. When I read the description of the Barbarian, everything about the class sounded perfect until I saw the part about them getting a bonus pip in Two Weapon Style. Is it that sole fact that Barbarians get a 3rd pip in dual wielding that makes it the best option, or is dual wielding just superior to two handed weapons?
If this is the case, then why do certain classes benefit more from a two handed weapon and others benefit more from dual wielding?
Pretty much the root of this thread is that I want to play a Barbarian that wields a two handed axe that slices and dices his opponents up like a butcher. That is the RP side of my argument. Then on the other side, it is also extremely bugging me that the Min/Maxers are saying that Barbarians pretty much have to Dual Wield.
Can I create a powerful Barbarian that uses a two handed weapon, or am I going to suffer so much of a damage nerf from not going dual wield that it is just not worth going that rout?
Thank you to everyone for your time and input on my nerdy gamer questions. So far everyone has been very kind and intelligent in their comments and responses. I am sorry if my posts can sometimes seem a bit long and winded, but I really enjoy coming to this forum and getting your opinions because where I am from, there are not many people locally that share in the interests that we do.