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The Adventures of Gaspar: The Prequel-Sequel (ctrl+q playthrough)

In which we shall see how many scripts we can ruin by brainwashing friends and foes alike.@Elrandir wanted to see Gaspar's adventures from up and down the Sword Coast and I had been contemplating doing...

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Question & Possible Feature Request - Styles

Possible dumb question, but no evidence found yet: Do the benefits of single weapon and dual weapon styles stack?Not nearly as dumb question, and possible feature request: should they??

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Unused Resources?

Looking for some technical assistance:I'm currently trying to put together a Hexxat Expansion mini-mod for BG2:EE (http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/33369/help-wanted-hexxat-expansion-spoilers)....

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Slaver stockade bug?

I've finished the slaver stockade quest, returned to Hendak at Copper Coronet with the key etc, but all the dialogue options are the same as if I hadn't finished yet ("is there more you can tell me...

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Poison thrown daggers

Is anyone aware of a good source for these? Preferably a merchant with unlimited stacks

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Right now I have Jajeira Khalid, Minsc , Imoen and Neera. Is it worth getting rid of one to get Tiax? So far I have found Khalid and Jefeira pretty useless. Any suggestions?

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Assassin or shadowdancer?

Hey guys. I just got bgee. I've tried bg a long time ago but never got to beat it. I did so with bg2 and had a blast with the assassin, I just loved stabbing people to chunks.Now, I wanted to know how...

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Main game + Black Pits transfer question

Hello. Is it possible to beat the main game and transfer my character over to Black Pits where I can continue playing and go over the level cap (if I was capped when completing the main game) and then...

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On Steam both BG and BG2 keep losing the OpenAL32.dll file?

So I have both BG and BG2 on steam. But for some reason if I don't play either game for a while it seems the OpenAL32.dll file keeps deleting itself. I know there are some sites that you can download...

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Shadowdancer leveling question

I am planning on playing a halfling shadowdancer in BGEE1, with an eye on taking her through the trilogy. To begin, is it better to get my trap and lock skills up to quality, and then dump into stealth...

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You have changed, my friend, and not entirely for the better! Opposite...

Sooo, imagine if (yeah, it's a "what if" thread, nothing to see here) NPCs we all know and love had the exact opposite alignment of what they really have! Like, a Chaotic Good Kagain; Neutral Good...

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Baldur's Gate (Steam Version) Questions

I am aware that some of these questions have been asked and (partially) answered before, but the threads for them are over a year old and I'm curious if there has been any change or news in regards to...

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Your 'Head-Canon' Charname?

In @jackjack's thread about Fighter/Mages, I read that that class seems to be the canonical charname in the views of many players. (Not without reason: great class, and unique in that there are no NPCs...

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Minsc, before his head injury.

I've been thinking about this a fair bit, I've been writing banters for an NPC I've been working on and I wanted to know what you guys think Minsc was like BEFORE he got his little head knock and went...

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Thoughts on NPC Project mod?

I never tried any mods back when I played the original BG1, but I recently decided to give the "experimental" version of the NPC Project for BG:EE a try. Although I only tested it out relatively...

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Going to try the ultimate challenge - BG2/SCS Solo No Reload...with a...

Hi, long time BG player but new to these forums :).I'm going to start a solo no-reload game of BG2 with a bunch of the popular mods, including Ascension, SCS and Item Randomiser. I will do a write up...

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The no reload challenge (spoiler warning)

One of the most fun thing to do in BG is to play with no reload.The point of the thread is for you to describe your attempts (failed or successful)I'll start with mine (i just list the significative...

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Multiplayer game of Baldurs gate

Anyone wanna game on baldurs gate tablet version your welcome the name of the game is Welcome

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Fighter/druid vs cleric/ranger

what are the pro's and cons of each?

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Stupid BG Tricks

Feel free to add you own idiocy.Has anyone else ever knocked out a cow, just to be sure you could?How about a bear? (I don't recommend this, unless you are EXTREMELY well protected, and have 18/91+...

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