"Advertise" Your Written Play-through(s)!
So as I'm sure we all know, there are a lot of really cool written play-throughs of the BG saga on these forums. Some of them are very challenge based, while others are more for the role-play. There...
View ArticleYou know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when...
1. You complain to your family about having to live in "such a pissant town"2. You search for objects at the base of every tree you see.3. You walk into a complete stranger's house and start rummaging...
View ArticleIf Other BG1 NPCs Made the Transition to SoA
The question is simple: how would you have handled it? What stats would've gone up? Where would they have spawned? What would their quest be? Would they be romancable, and if so, by who?I'll start this...
View ArticleDynaheir Mod Question
Is there a Dynaheir romance mod that doesn't require the tutu or the trilogy mod? I really want to try out this mod but only one I've found is the BG1 NPC Project and it requires the tutu or trilogy...
View ArticleNo Love for The Barbarian
I like to try out all the classes and even had a decent run with a Wizard Slayer, so I decided to try out the Barbarian even though I heard bad things about it. But nevertheless I rolled a great score...
View ArticleAll Clerics party No-reload SCS BG2 run
I'm been thinking of this run since a long while ago, but actually never started it until now, I'll be playing with a full party of Clerics and Cleric multi-classses (3 clerics, a fighter/cleric, a...
View ArticleOh, sure, that's an invasion...
Wendric tells you that there is zombie invasion going on in his farm, but there are only 20 freaking zombies actually, and it looks like most of the times, that you have to search in the map for the...
View ArticleSarevok vs the Five & Amylessan
What if Sarevok succeeded in his plan in BG1 and found out that he had to defeat the Five to ascend as the new Lord of Murder, how would he have fared against the Five? Would he have attempted to join...
View ArticleMajor WTF?? Moments in the Games (SPOILERS)
OK, so I've killed my evil half-brother Sarevok in the first game. Then at the end of the second game, I have to kill him (or at least his ghost) ALL OVER AGAIN! in Hell. And then I meet him at the...
View ArticleDurlag's tower
When to do tis? Before or after the city of Baldur's Gate. How about the Tales of the sword coast? Since it ends in Baldur's gate should I do these firs?
View ArticleWhat in the name of Boo is with monster attack bonuses???
So, I'm playing through BGEE right now, currently running around Durlag's Tower.What the heck is with the attack bonuses of monsters that I keep fighting? Not just here, but elsewhere? My frontline...
View ArticleHighest legit stats rolled
The best roll I ever got was a Ranger what netted me 96 pts.However I was desperate to dual class a fighter to druid and kept at it until I had:str: 18/00 (I would have taken anything)dex 18con 18int...
View ArticleMore Party Members (CTRL+Q question)
Hi guys!I always found the 6 persons limit a great limitation for the party. Some say that with 7-8 people the game become too easy.. But a higher difficulty level and less summons easily fix this for...
View ArticleThe Adventures of Gaspar: The Suavest Swashbuckler to Sail the Seven Seas!...
In which we shall see how many scripts we can ruin by brainwashing friends and foes alike.Inspired by the ctrl+q thread, and something I had been meaning to do for a long time, this is a playthrough of...
View ArticleCrazy Celvan and the new NPCs
I'm sure you guys have seen Crazy Celvan (the guy in the docks on top of Mae'var's guildhall) and heard his limericks regarding Aerie, Keldorn, Anomen...etc. But does he say anything about the new NPCs...
View ArticleObe the Illusionists' Helper Party - Where's the exploit??
Help, folks!I swear that no more than a week ago, on this site, I read a detailed description of an exploit to get the training party out of the storehouse without having to use export/import or an...
View ArticleSarevok sound-alike contest.
Do you know anyone who sounds like the booming voice of doom intoning "I'm sorry that you feel that way old man"
View ArticleWhat's your favorite race?
Well as the Forurms seem to be somewhat quiet, I decided to spice things up a bit with a new poll. :)I'm wondering whether you guys have a favorite race and if so, which one. So let's hear it! It would...
View ArticleAbout Wilson the Bear . . .
Don't laugh, but . . . I'm actually thinking about taking Wilson into my party for most of BGEE2 and Throne of Bhaal. Has anyone ever done this? Does anything interesting happen anywhere (random...
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