Human Monk vs Dwarven Defender
This has been a toss up for me for this game. While the DD does have amazing saves vs pretty much everything and his Defensive Stance does give him increase tankyness, the Monk almost comes close to...
View ArticleThe Manliest Monk Class v.1
The final chapter of my class polls has come, and this is one dear to my heart. Monks are just plain awesome. Note, I'm not putting Chuck Norris on this list because he would always win the title of...
View ArticleJaheira Romance problem, help
Greetings guys, so i started a new game with half elf male, i get out of irenicus dungeon i do some quests here and there, and then head on to finish the trademeet quest which i did. The problem is...
View ArticleHelp with bizzare bug which can only be fixed with EE keeper
Hi all,I've had this strange bug become apparent in my game where two of my characters have been cursed and drop to 3 hp but can't be restored in game with healing. I can return them back to full...
View ArticleHelp with a Sorcerer's spellbook
My next playthough of the entire Baldur's Gate (straight from BG1 to TOB) will be of a Sorcerer. I'm not great with Sorcs, and my skill with arcane magic is towards Blades and Fighter-Mages rather than...
View ArticleState of Ascension
Release date is getting ever closer and i cant help but wonder how fares my favorite mod. Cant imagine playing without it. And im sure many others feel the same.Has any brave soul taken it as his/hers...
View ArticleWhat do you think is the overall best familiar from a powergaming perspective?
Not that it really matters that much but, assuming you were to use your familiar as something other than an inventory item, which one is the overall best in terms of overall usefulness, offensive...
View ArticleProblem with Hexxat Storyline (Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition) [Contains...
So I just finished helping the pseudo-Hexxat free the real Hexxat from Dragomir's Tomb. Hexxat mentioned that I should meet up with her in two hours at the Copper Coronet to discuss some further...
View ArticleDungeons & Dragons Legends of Baldur's Gate
Are you aware of this?Read the announcement here : is also an interview available here : are...
View ArticleDo BG:EE and BG2:EE bugs come from the original versions of these games?
Are all these bugs or the vast majority of them present in original versions of these games or were they introduced by enhancing them? I would expect Enhanced Editions to actually iron out majority of...
View ArticleCUSTOM VOICES?!?!
I've added my own voices to my main character before without using the DLT program. I just can't remember what I did. Whats the easiest way for me to add a custom set of 13 voices to my main character?
View ArticleWhat would you like to see in an NPC mod.
I would like to try to approach this from a bit of a different angle. I have seen many post about what is a “good” NPC or “bad” NPC mod. This approach makes me a bit uncomfortable for several reasons....
View ArticleConfusing Inconsistency in Rejiek Hidesman (Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced...
So, I've come across something odd regarding the Rejiek Hidesman quest and storyline that I'm curious if you guys can clarify. After acquiring the Elephant Hide from the beggar, I confronted Rejiek and...
View ArticleCome suggest some theme songs for each NPC!
For the music lovers out there!What songs do you guys think would be fitting for each NPC? Share a tune that fits their character, their story or their attitude. All suggestions welcome!I'll begin with...
View ArticleShapeshifter/Fighter dual-class?
I've been toying around this certain character in my head, a character that bitten and infected against his will (and one who would have become a more combat-oriented character, but in order to keep...
View ArticleWhich NPC's in which order? [Thar be spoilers in dem thar hills]
Playing with a custom party of 4, but I still want to do all of the NPC quests. Is there a good order to do them in and a way to sort of force the quests to start other than cheating? I don't want them...
View ArticleSpell hold dilemma
I'm heading out to Spellhold and I'm facing a party make-up dilemma, since I replaced a certain bounty hunter with Fade. My party (note the modifications):- Charname = a ranger dualled to cleric. He...
View ArticleAll you wanted to know about the “Adventure Y”
Now with BG2:EE released and we all know about Hexxat at last it’s time to anticipate something new. So I think the discussion about the “Adventure Y” is going to be the next hit. There’ve been several...
View ArticleHelm of Opposite Alignment goodness!
This little thing is very nice. Not only you can get an evil planetar/deva if you are good (and you can cast it even after removing curse the helmet off of you...), but it also changes the familiar you...
View ArticleBig Ass Steroid Wyvern the hell is that beast? Did a dragon rape a wyvern and this was the result? Steroids in the bay water?
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