Are there new quests NOT related to the new NPC's?
Ok, so maybe I'm imagining things, but I just did this quest I don't ever remember doing in the original baldur's gate. Most of the stuff I remember, but some guy in Beregost was asking about his son,...
View ArticleManufacture stats
If you were going to manufacture stats for your character. What rules would you apply? Being a bhaalspawn they deserve high level stats. How about: +1 to all stats, that way you can save the tomes for...
View ArticleBest defensive character class for a non-metagamed run through the entire...
Hi everyone. @Ygramul's comment on a post of mine a few days back, that he only does SCS no-reload and non-metagamed playthroughs these days, which is generally my approach to the game as well, had me...
View ArticleHow often should "Command" work?
I recently downloaded the cleric of Tyr mod for BG1 (thanks to @Rhaella BTW), but while testing it out, I tried casting "command" several times during battles with Shank, and it typically didn't work....
View ArticleBiG World Setup "Tactics" 42 Hours Installation - Pure Awesome
after 42 hours of installation of the BiG World "Tactics version" it's finally done and man was it worth the time? I must tell....I finally decided to trash BGEE1&2 (but might come back for it...
View ArticleTOB banters - where are they..? :(
So I've been in TOB for 91 game days and so far all I've had is a couple of love-talks from Anomen to my PC and one between him and Aerie. And those were a very long time ago. I've got Sarevok in the...
View ArticleSave Tranfering
Do end game saves transfered from bg ee to bg ee2 have any impact apart from character stats?
View ArticleYour favorite quote
I'm sure we all agree Baldur's Gate is loaded with highly memorable quotes. Which one is your favorite? "A cutthroat in every alley, but I’ll not let them take us alive!" As remarked in urban...
View ArticleWant to finally do a full run. Start now or after 1.3?
As the title says, I want to finally play this series from beginning to end with 1 consistent character (I've been playing these games off and on since they first came out but I've never beat any of...
View ArticleNON Archer kit Bow advice
So my current fighter/mage will be going into BG2 soon and I was curious what bow proficiency I should focus on. If I were an Archer kit, I would use short bow as the Archer kit's strength's lie in the...
View ArticleBaldur's Gate and Multiplayer?
What is up with everyone and their need for Multiplayer with BGEE? This game has been out for over 15 years and it's never been that famous to play multiplayer. Not even back in the days with Gamespy a...
View ArticleStalker (9)/Cleric - A Backstabbing Druid?
As a fan of fighter/druids this sounds like a fun combo (assuming it is allowed on your install based on mods or whatnot). If I am not mistaken Stalkers get x3 backstab at level 9 (even only 2, not...
View ArticleNo, I don't want a BG3.
Unless Beamdog receives permission to use 2nd Edition or 3rd Edition rules (to recycle the engine) and all the creative freedom necessary, they should not waste their time on a Forgotten Realms game....
View ArticleI've come to feel that BG2 is very overrated as an RPG
BG2 is often rated as the best PC RPG of all time. Admittedly, I probably felt the same way about it the first time that I played it. However, I've liked the game less and less with each successive...
View ArticleProblems installing mods
So despite multiple installs I am still having a problem where after 1 or 2 mods are extracted into the game directory, the other mods refuse to extract usually with some sort of message stating that I...
View ArticleJaheira portrait by Candice "Kiwi" Rigby - seeking info
I think the portrait of Jaheira at the bottom right-hand corner of this picture is probably my favorite that I've ever seen. Unfortunately, I've yet to come across a watermark free version.I found the...
View ArticleHelp me decide my next playthroughs: Back to Basics
Even though I have a wizard slayer in early ToB (In Saradush I think, closing in on Gromir), and an evil Blade at the start of BG2 (that I sorta wanna redo with RRB). I'm looking to you my fellow...
View ArticleSaved Game
Well met, Traveller I have a macintosh laptop. Yet I had windows running on it. Yesterday I deleted the partition don't ask me why which had all my baldurs gate saved files which are nowhere to be...
View ArticleClerics and Ascension
I've often thought - how does it work if someone ends BG:TOB as a cleric, and chooses godhood? By that point one has already risen high within a faith, and presumably has some cachet with their chosen...
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