So surprise! After my last thread on lawful alignment went super well and I love my Doomguide character I now want to learn to RP as evil better. All my characters tend to be very light-hearted people that help their friends. You'd think with being a Necromancer that evil would be easy to do but NOPE. I usually play Neutral or Good Necromancers. Sooooooo. Can I be evil while still being nice and helpful to my friends? Basically I want to be able to play an evil cleric someday in IWD:EE and not RP as a super doucher. Like, I want all the cool evil-only Cleric spells as well as Rebuke Undead without being super evil. So how do I be evil without being an ass? Or if that's not a thing how do I better get into the mindset of being an ass?
Help me overcome my aversion to evil alignments.
no arcane party
i want to start a playthrough using no arcane casters.
As usual for me, it will be a no reload game.
Very unusual for me, i will bring some NPC along. However i will limit the party size to a maximum of 3-4 (the thought of a party of 5-6 is just unbearable for me
Any advice on which charname/NPC i should take? I am looking for something that works mechanically but also fits the theme of the against arcane casters.
Since there is so little thieves in BG2 (especially if you remove nalia, imoen and jan), i was thinking of having a thief-like charname. Like an assassin 6 / fighter dual, or a pure assassin or a swasbuckler.
NPC wise, keldorn fits the theme nicely with his kit and is a powerhouse. I was thinking to include him.
Any other thought or advice?
Thanks in advance
i want to start a playthrough using no arcane casters.
As usual for me, it will be a no reload game.
Very unusual for me, i will bring some NPC along. However i will limit the party size to a maximum of 3-4 (the thought of a party of 5-6 is just unbearable for me

Any advice on which charname/NPC i should take? I am looking for something that works mechanically but also fits the theme of the against arcane casters.
Since there is so little thieves in BG2 (especially if you remove nalia, imoen and jan), i was thinking of having a thief-like charname. Like an assassin 6 / fighter dual, or a pure assassin or a swasbuckler.
NPC wise, keldorn fits the theme nicely with his kit and is a powerhouse. I was thinking to include him.
Any other thought or advice?
Thanks in advance
Ajantis broke with Dorn, any other conflicts?
I just picked up Dorn on the way to the Nashkel Mines just to see what his items, stats, etc. are (wasn't going to keep him) with Ajantis in my party. Ajantis broke the instant I added him to my party (thank ye godz for the autosave). I'm assuming it is the Paladin/Blackguard being polar opposites that is the problem, but I'm not sure. Are there any other class/npc conflicts I need to worry about? I'm thankful I had an autosave, but I don't want to have to redo a whole area just cause another party member breaks. Thanks in advance.
Unkitted Fighter Question + Return From Hiatus
Hey guys, first of all before I get to my question, I just want to say I have returned after an unexpected hiatus this time last year due to issues I had to deal with in real life. I am just glad to be back to playing the games that I love again.
I don't know if many of the guys I remember still post here very much or not, but I will list a few of them to see if anyone knows. Blackraven, CrevsDaak, Booinyoureyes, Meagloth, Calonord, Elrandir, Bengoshi among many others. I think I have seen one or two of them just browsing for the few minutes I have. Anyway, just wanted to say hi again and hope that everyone has been well over the past year and I am excited for the new BG expansion coming up.
I am starting a IWD:EE run and I am playing a Kensai for the fun of it for Charname, I will probably end up dual classing later on but that is not what I am asking about. I know that early on the Kensai will not be a sufficient tank, so I need to find a character who can do that job for me.
I know a Barbarian is probably an excellent joice for this job, but Fighters have always had a place in my heart as Fighter was my first class I ever played on the Infinity Engine. The issue I am having is that I have played with Berserkers plenty of times in the past and this time I wanted to be a little different. Not to mention Berserker single handedly made so many tough encounters easy mode when they would of been wipes otherwise. I just wanted to try something different this time.
Other than a Barbarian or Wizard Slayer for obvious item issues, is there anything inherently wrong with a Vanilla Fighter? I just need someone to soak up damage and keep my squishies from getting beat up and I think that a Vanilla Fighter would do that job just fine. I just want to make sure that I am not making a big mistake. I also considered a Fighter/Thief, but I know they can fall behind in HP early on, not to mention they are more concentrated on the damage side and not so much tanking.
So is there anything wrong with having a Vanilla Fighter as the main tank in my party? Let me know guys. Thanks and its good to be back on the BG forums again.
I don't know if many of the guys I remember still post here very much or not, but I will list a few of them to see if anyone knows. Blackraven, CrevsDaak, Booinyoureyes, Meagloth, Calonord, Elrandir, Bengoshi among many others. I think I have seen one or two of them just browsing for the few minutes I have. Anyway, just wanted to say hi again and hope that everyone has been well over the past year and I am excited for the new BG expansion coming up.
I am starting a IWD:EE run and I am playing a Kensai for the fun of it for Charname, I will probably end up dual classing later on but that is not what I am asking about. I know that early on the Kensai will not be a sufficient tank, so I need to find a character who can do that job for me.
I know a Barbarian is probably an excellent joice for this job, but Fighters have always had a place in my heart as Fighter was my first class I ever played on the Infinity Engine. The issue I am having is that I have played with Berserkers plenty of times in the past and this time I wanted to be a little different. Not to mention Berserker single handedly made so many tough encounters easy mode when they would of been wipes otherwise. I just wanted to try something different this time.
Other than a Barbarian or Wizard Slayer for obvious item issues, is there anything inherently wrong with a Vanilla Fighter? I just need someone to soak up damage and keep my squishies from getting beat up and I think that a Vanilla Fighter would do that job just fine. I just want to make sure that I am not making a big mistake. I also considered a Fighter/Thief, but I know they can fall behind in HP early on, not to mention they are more concentrated on the damage side and not so much tanking.
So is there anything wrong with having a Vanilla Fighter as the main tank in my party? Let me know guys. Thanks and its good to be back on the BG forums again.

NPC Soundsets. NEED HELP!
I know how to replace NPC (party member) portraits by using Override folder. My question is how do I replace NPC (party member) soundsets?
Specifically, I want to replace Hexxat's original soundset with another soundset.
I'm pretty sure I just need to drag the new soundset into the Override folder and rename the files to something like a code for Hexxat (like the OHHEXXM code for Hexxat's portrait).
Is it that simple or am I missing something?
If it is like that I am just wondering what the code for replacing Hexxat's soundset, and perhaps the others' too.
If it isn't, please explain.
(Sorry, if I am in wrong section)
Specifically, I want to replace Hexxat's original soundset with another soundset.
I'm pretty sure I just need to drag the new soundset into the Override folder and rename the files to something like a code for Hexxat (like the OHHEXXM code for Hexxat's portrait).
Is it that simple or am I missing something?
If it is like that I am just wondering what the code for replacing Hexxat's soundset, and perhaps the others' too.
If it isn't, please explain.
(Sorry, if I am in wrong section)
Will you join the SKELETON WARS!?
It's time I revealed something dark and terrible.
A war that I have been fighting alongside our moderators.
FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES! They come in droves at night! Seeking to plague our sacred and holy forum grounds with their dark promises of EDUCATION!
We must band together and STOP this threat before it consumes us all! I ask of thee! LEND ME YOUR BODIES SO THAT I MIGHT CREATE A SKELETON ARMY TO PROTECT THESE FORUMS FROM THE DASTARDLY FOES!
I fear we must have angered some evil and eldritch god that has sent this against us! What offence have we made!? How can we appease it!?!?
We cannot.
A war that I have been fighting alongside our moderators.
FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES! They come in droves at night! Seeking to plague our sacred and holy forum grounds with their dark promises of EDUCATION!
We must band together and STOP this threat before it consumes us all! I ask of thee! LEND ME YOUR BODIES SO THAT I MIGHT CREATE A SKELETON ARMY TO PROTECT THESE FORUMS FROM THE DASTARDLY FOES!
I fear we must have angered some evil and eldritch god that has sent this against us! What offence have we made!? How can we appease it!?!?
We cannot.

Anyone completed the entire BG saga solo without cheese?
I'm thinking of creating a solo character from Bg1 till TOB/insane/SCS mod.
Possibly using a fighter/mage.
So I'm wondering if anyone has ever completed the entire BG saga solo without cheese?
If you did, which character did you run with and which difficulty and mod did you use?
Possibly using a fighter/mage.
So I'm wondering if anyone has ever completed the entire BG saga solo without cheese?
If you did, which character did you run with and which difficulty and mod did you use?
Will BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE be compatible with Windows 10?
I am considering the idea to update my OS to Windows 10.
Will BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE be compatible with this new operative system?
They say that there should be no problem, but I'd rather have an official statement about it.
Will BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE be compatible with this new operative system?
They say that there should be no problem, but I'd rather have an official statement about it.

Stalker(Ranger Kit) Or Blade(Bard Kit)
So I am trying to start my second big play though Of BG1EE and BG2EE and I cannot decide.I have narrowed it down ti these two classes and I plan on duel wielding no matter which on I chose. I am going to play a half evil half good party in both games but I am also not sure who should be in that too. Any help would be great
Blackrazor Question (Spoilers)
I have a question about the Longsword Blackrazor.
Is there a way of getting blackrazor without turning evil? I really wanna get the weapon for my blade, but if there isn't a way to get it and stay NG, then I'll prolly just go scimitar in BGEE and Katana in BG2EE.
Thank you in advance.
Is there a way of getting blackrazor without turning evil? I really wanna get the weapon for my blade, but if there isn't a way to get it and stay NG, then I'll prolly just go scimitar in BGEE and Katana in BG2EE.
Thank you in advance.
Adding too many things to BG:EE/BG2:EE.
So before i start writing this, I would like to mention that I'm probably a minority when it comes to thinking like this. What I'm about to write hasn't happened yet and it might not happen at all, it's just a slight worry I'm having about the future of BG:EE and BG2:EE.
When BG:EE came out I was skeptical about it and worried that it wouldn't be the same game, when i saw the NPCs i cried "Doom!" and wanted to dig my head into the ground, trying to ignore it. It took me over a year to make the change from TuTu/BGT to BG:EE. Yet to this day I'm not too fond of the new NPCs, it's not that i dislike, I just don't feel anything for them. I've actually played with all of them and I'll have to admit that i like Rasaad, he was the closest to the original in my opinion. What i did like a lot about BG:EE was the improved AI, GUI and all the small improvements and tweaks, it was still like the game i fell in love with so long ago, just a bit improved and made easier to install.
BG2:EE came out a bit later and i was really looking forward to it, not so much for the added content, more for the amazing AI/GUI improvement we had seen in BG:EE. Beamdog did not disappoint and i was finally able to play an improved version of two of my favorite games.
So at this point what had been added to the game was the following : Improved AI/GUI, new NPCs and a few new classes. Nothing of this stood out very much, and it was still the game i had fallen in love with so long ago, just improved. Life was good for me and then Beamdog dropped IWD:EE and i was in love again. They took IWD:EE and added the improvements from BG:EE along with throwing in a few new kits, I was SOLD! I gained a lot of faith in Beamdog with IWD:EE and in my opinion it has no flaws, it's better than the original in almost every possible way.
When we heard about adventure Y and then later on SoD i was really excited, went over to my brother to bang on his door, screaming "They are making a Baldur's Gate sequel! We finally get to experience how we ended up in that cage!". My brother wasn't nearly as excited as me, but that didn't matter, I could have entered a meeting for depressed people and cured them instantly (joke, no touchy feelings), I was radiating like that solar in ToB and nothing could bring me down.
After quite some time, a few pictures came out of SoD and I was a bit like "Whaat...?". While I was amazed at the improved graphics and the interesting and refined GUI, I couldn't help but to notice a lot of things (small and big) that were new, and they were many. We're actually getting a new class and not just a kit, HP bar above our names (which can be turned of, but still) and many other changes. Well i ended up shrugging my shoulders and thinking "Ah well, It's just SoD" but then there was a quote from somewhere that said something like "We'll tune up the early BG2:EE to make the level jump from SoD (12) feel less severe" and It struck me that this isn't just SoD anymore. We also got information that the Improvements from SoD will be patched later on into BG:EE and BG2:EE. Now recently there have been talking about introducing the SoD NPCs into BG2:EE if 'SoD sells well' (this is a rumor so far). I understand that SoD is a completely new game and they have to make changes for it to sell, but with the connection between the games you'll have the inevitable - changes made to SoD, will most likely end up in the other games too, so they aren't just making SoD a brand new game, they are changing BG:EE and BG2:EE even more.
So there I was, sitting down and pondering what does this mean for my beloved games. I was a bit frustrated and a lot of confused, it didn't help that people were making threads about getting the IWD:EE spells into BG2 to improve the druid and cleric, making even more changes.
Here comes the part where I am certain that I'm in the minority, I don't want all these new things. For me BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE is a wonderful remake of the game, but still at core the same game. I'm feeling now that there are plans of adding too many things to the game and it's getting to the point where I feel like someone should say "Stop!", more is not always better. This leads me to another question, when will it stop? Will beamdog keep adding more stuff to the game and update it, or will they accept that they have done the improvements needed and not have the game stray too far away from the original. It doesn't help my anxious mind that there are talks about a real expansion for BG2:EE. I'm not against this at all, I would love to get more content to BG2:EE, but I'm worried about what new changes there will be, and certain things they add that is wanted today in the gaming market (HP bar) might actually contaminate the original game. / From what I've heard the HP bar is a thing you can toggle on and off, which is great, but I'm certain there are many new features you can't do the same with, or the options menu will require a field manual.
I don't want this to come of as Doom 'n gloom, and it might not be like I'm thinking, once it gets released. But right now the way I'm looking at it, even if I don't buy SoD (which i will) my games (BG:EE, BG2:EE) will still be changed with the upcoming patch. It's gotten to the point now where I feel that Beamdog has done what they can with BG:EE and BG2:EE, and they should put all this energy into another game (that I'll most certainly buy). Worst case scenario i can see myself on purpose install and play one of the earlier versions of BG:EE/BG2:EE.
I would like to stress that this is the way I'm feeling, it's my opinion, you might not agree with it but that doesn't change the way I feel about it. Feel free to add things if you want, but do it in a civil tone please.
When BG:EE came out I was skeptical about it and worried that it wouldn't be the same game, when i saw the NPCs i cried "Doom!" and wanted to dig my head into the ground, trying to ignore it. It took me over a year to make the change from TuTu/BGT to BG:EE. Yet to this day I'm not too fond of the new NPCs, it's not that i dislike, I just don't feel anything for them. I've actually played with all of them and I'll have to admit that i like Rasaad, he was the closest to the original in my opinion. What i did like a lot about BG:EE was the improved AI, GUI and all the small improvements and tweaks, it was still like the game i fell in love with so long ago, just a bit improved and made easier to install.
BG2:EE came out a bit later and i was really looking forward to it, not so much for the added content, more for the amazing AI/GUI improvement we had seen in BG:EE. Beamdog did not disappoint and i was finally able to play an improved version of two of my favorite games.
So at this point what had been added to the game was the following : Improved AI/GUI, new NPCs and a few new classes. Nothing of this stood out very much, and it was still the game i had fallen in love with so long ago, just improved. Life was good for me and then Beamdog dropped IWD:EE and i was in love again. They took IWD:EE and added the improvements from BG:EE along with throwing in a few new kits, I was SOLD! I gained a lot of faith in Beamdog with IWD:EE and in my opinion it has no flaws, it's better than the original in almost every possible way.
When we heard about adventure Y and then later on SoD i was really excited, went over to my brother to bang on his door, screaming "They are making a Baldur's Gate sequel! We finally get to experience how we ended up in that cage!". My brother wasn't nearly as excited as me, but that didn't matter, I could have entered a meeting for depressed people and cured them instantly (joke, no touchy feelings), I was radiating like that solar in ToB and nothing could bring me down.
After quite some time, a few pictures came out of SoD and I was a bit like "Whaat...?". While I was amazed at the improved graphics and the interesting and refined GUI, I couldn't help but to notice a lot of things (small and big) that were new, and they were many. We're actually getting a new class and not just a kit, HP bar above our names (which can be turned of, but still) and many other changes. Well i ended up shrugging my shoulders and thinking "Ah well, It's just SoD" but then there was a quote from somewhere that said something like "We'll tune up the early BG2:EE to make the level jump from SoD (12) feel less severe" and It struck me that this isn't just SoD anymore. We also got information that the Improvements from SoD will be patched later on into BG:EE and BG2:EE. Now recently there have been talking about introducing the SoD NPCs into BG2:EE if 'SoD sells well' (this is a rumor so far). I understand that SoD is a completely new game and they have to make changes for it to sell, but with the connection between the games you'll have the inevitable - changes made to SoD, will most likely end up in the other games too, so they aren't just making SoD a brand new game, they are changing BG:EE and BG2:EE even more.
So there I was, sitting down and pondering what does this mean for my beloved games. I was a bit frustrated and a lot of confused, it didn't help that people were making threads about getting the IWD:EE spells into BG2 to improve the druid and cleric, making even more changes.
Here comes the part where I am certain that I'm in the minority, I don't want all these new things. For me BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE is a wonderful remake of the game, but still at core the same game. I'm feeling now that there are plans of adding too many things to the game and it's getting to the point where I feel like someone should say "Stop!", more is not always better. This leads me to another question, when will it stop? Will beamdog keep adding more stuff to the game and update it, or will they accept that they have done the improvements needed and not have the game stray too far away from the original. It doesn't help my anxious mind that there are talks about a real expansion for BG2:EE. I'm not against this at all, I would love to get more content to BG2:EE, but I'm worried about what new changes there will be, and certain things they add that is wanted today in the gaming market (HP bar) might actually contaminate the original game. / From what I've heard the HP bar is a thing you can toggle on and off, which is great, but I'm certain there are many new features you can't do the same with, or the options menu will require a field manual.
I don't want this to come of as Doom 'n gloom, and it might not be like I'm thinking, once it gets released. But right now the way I'm looking at it, even if I don't buy SoD (which i will) my games (BG:EE, BG2:EE) will still be changed with the upcoming patch. It's gotten to the point now where I feel that Beamdog has done what they can with BG:EE and BG2:EE, and they should put all this energy into another game (that I'll most certainly buy). Worst case scenario i can see myself on purpose install and play one of the earlier versions of BG:EE/BG2:EE.
I would like to stress that this is the way I'm feeling, it's my opinion, you might not agree with it but that doesn't change the way I feel about it. Feel free to add things if you want, but do it in a civil tone please.

If They Made a Baldur's Gate Movie: Redux, The Definitive Casting
Alright, alright, before you roll your eyes at me and sigh, this perennial discussion seems to have resurfaced over in 'Teh Meme' thread again, with some pretty good suggestions too, so rather than clog that thread up with OT stuff let's gather them all here. (Or of course we could summon Xzar to perform thread necromancy on about a dozen other similar threads!
I'll fire the opening salvo and throw George Clooney as a suggestion for casting as Keldorn Firecam, and the no-brainer of Joe Manganiello as Anomen.
Have at it!
I'll fire the opening salvo and throw George Clooney as a suggestion for casting as Keldorn Firecam, and the no-brainer of Joe Manganiello as Anomen.
Have at it!
Things NPCs wouldn't say
I'm of the opinion that there're some things NPCs wouldn't say. Let's share out thoughts.
1. Minsc: "I want a HAMSTER sandwich!"
2. Valygar: "Say, Edwin, would you mind teaching me magic?"
3. Nalia: "Burn the needy!"
4. Viconia: "I bow before your will, male."
5. Khalid: "The sixth sheik's sixth sheep's sick. Rubber baby buggy bumpers. She sells seashells by the seashore. Boy, getting rid of my stuttering has inspired me with such confidence. Excuse me, but I'm feeling a little bloodthirsty now...."
6. Quayle: "People tell me I'm not really as smart as I say I am--but for the life of me, I can't understand what they mean."
7. Irenicus: "But, 'snif' I just want to be - LOVED. Is that so wrong?"
8. Anomen - "Your alignment doesn't concern me. There is some good in everybody."
9. Kangaxx: "At last! My body is once again complete! Now I can finally resume my long-laid plans and become the Master.....of DISCO KARAOKE!!! Swing it! Yeah!"
10. Shangalar: "Oh, sh**, here comes another pack of adventurers. Here, just take the goddamn staff and leave us alone, OK? Jesus, it's worse than telemarketers."
1. Minsc: "I want a HAMSTER sandwich!"
2. Valygar: "Say, Edwin, would you mind teaching me magic?"
3. Nalia: "Burn the needy!"
4. Viconia: "I bow before your will, male."
5. Khalid: "The sixth sheik's sixth sheep's sick. Rubber baby buggy bumpers. She sells seashells by the seashore. Boy, getting rid of my stuttering has inspired me with such confidence. Excuse me, but I'm feeling a little bloodthirsty now...."
6. Quayle: "People tell me I'm not really as smart as I say I am--but for the life of me, I can't understand what they mean."
7. Irenicus: "But, 'snif' I just want to be - LOVED. Is that so wrong?"
8. Anomen - "Your alignment doesn't concern me. There is some good in everybody."
9. Kangaxx: "At last! My body is once again complete! Now I can finally resume my long-laid plans and become the Master.....of DISCO KARAOKE!!! Swing it! Yeah!"
10. Shangalar: "Oh, sh**, here comes another pack of adventurers. Here, just take the goddamn staff and leave us alone, OK? Jesus, it's worse than telemarketers."
Baldur's Gate is like...
Ladies and gentle skunks,
a new forum game arises. In this forum game
I want content of the Baldur's Gate games or the games themselves to be compared to all kind of things
and the next poster must explain the comparison. You may also make comparisons about Icewind Dale if you wish.
For example:
"Baldur's Gate is like a burrito"
Next poster: "They both start with a 'b'.
Irenicus is like a mother-in-law"
And now the next poster would have to explain why Irenicus could be like a mother-in-law.
And so on. The explanations and the comparisons may be as absurd as you wish and hopefully funny![;) ;)]()
However, please refrain from outright disrespectful comparisons and explanations.
I'd like this forum game to be lighthearted and funny.
You can compare the games themselves or any specific content of them, be it NPCs or certain quests
or areas and so on.
And the next poster has to explain your comparison and
can then post a comparison themselves!
a new forum game arises. In this forum game
I want content of the Baldur's Gate games or the games themselves to be compared to all kind of things
and the next poster must explain the comparison. You may also make comparisons about Icewind Dale if you wish.
For example:
"Baldur's Gate is like a burrito"
Next poster: "They both start with a 'b'.
Irenicus is like a mother-in-law"
And now the next poster would have to explain why Irenicus could be like a mother-in-law.
And so on. The explanations and the comparisons may be as absurd as you wish and hopefully funny

However, please refrain from outright disrespectful comparisons and explanations.
I'd like this forum game to be lighthearted and funny.
You can compare the games themselves or any specific content of them, be it NPCs or certain quests
or areas and so on.
And the next poster has to explain your comparison and
can then post a comparison themselves!
Monk stronghold suggestion (warning: Rasaad quest spoiler)
Just had this thought: wouldn't it be cool if a monk PC could take the Two-fold temple as a stronghold after completing Rasaad's quest? Im not 100% certain what it would take for such a feature to be implemented but I still like to dream! Plus, what about all of the new monk-ish quests that we could embark upon! Monks and monkeys everywhere rejoice!
"We're All Doomed". Blackraven's No-Reload SCS runs, latest CHARNAME: Streg, Half-Orc Cleric/Thief
Hey folks, I've decided to just use a single thread, this one, to report on the progress I make with different Charnames in my SCS No-Reload playthroughs. So far they just keep on falling, in early SoA at the latest, which is why I think it sensible to use a single thread instead of starting one or two new ones every week.
Most of the time I play a heavily modded version of the game, still BGT rather than EE as there are a couple of non-EE mods that I'm quite attached to (such as Item Randomization, Hard Times, Song & Silence, aTweaks).
Some of my playthroughs are heavily role-played whereas others can be seen more as technical/tactical... experiments, and may be more metagamed, though I do generally stick to Charname's alignment and personality. Other rules I tend to apply is to not abuse resting (which makes playing a spellcaster a bit more challenging), to give all creatures in the game including Charname and party members full hitpoints at level up as I don't like the 'luck factor' there, and to play no-reload. I still have a few savegames of fallen Charnames and I often tell myself I'll pick those games up again, but somehow I always end up rolling a new Charname. I might be convinced though by readers to go minimal-reload if they think a character was particularly interesting to read about.
Other Charnames you might have read aren't included here because they never died. My playthroughs with Aya the Avenger and Grynne the 2nd (Half-Orc Wizard Slayer) are lost due to game crashes and simplified re-installs, with less mods. I kind of gave up on Serene (Half-Elf Beast Mistress) after a bug at near death status, but strictly speaking she never died.
† Nelsy †
CG Halfling Bounty Huntress
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Insta-killed by Jenkal’s backstab.
Nelsy was a friendly, kind-hearted and naive young Bhaalspawn. She died a premature death in Gullykin where she had wanted to meet more of her (Halfling) kind and make some friends. The villagers all received her amiably and one, Alora, had even joined her, much to Nelsy's joy, until Jenkal ended her bliss. Maybe she was a bit too soft to be a successful Bhaalspawn or even adventurer.
† Elloysia †
CN Gnome Transmuter
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Shoal’s kiss of death proved that not only males have to be wary of Nereids.
Elloysia was an aspiring young mage, and a very unlucky one at that as she could only cast Alteration spells. Would a wider range of spells have saved her though? Probably not.
† Teyl the 1st †
NE Halfling Priest of Cyric/Thief (solo)
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Charmed by Hareishan in the Cloakwood Mines.
Truth be told Teyl was a bit of a jerk: a double-crossing, conniving little trickster who was only out for himself and expected no less of others. Many would underestimate the sneak due to his unimpressive physique, his dapper appearance and the absence of friends surrounding let alone protecting him, but that’s exactly how he liked to work.
† Teyl the 2nd †
NE Halfling Priest of Cyric/Thief (solo)
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: PW Stunned by Rayic Gethras and subsequently slain by the wizard’s MMMs.
† Grynne the 1st †
LN Half-Orc Wizard Slayer
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Fainted in Mulahey’s Stinking Cloud and finished off by the latter's ‘improved’ Battle Horrors
With her honesty and her sense of honor Grynne could have been a Paladin if only she had been human, and probably a bit less suspicious of magic. She distinguished herself as a merciless hunter of evil arcane magic users, and had difficulty staying her hand even against non-evil casters.
† Gylliane the 1st †
TN Elf Swashbuckler/Mage
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Webbed by Kysus at the Cloakwood Mine entrance and finished off by the latter and two of his Ogrillon minions
Gylliane was a typical ‘what you see is what you get type of girl’, turning heads wherever she went with her elven beauty and very no-nonsense in her dealings with others: courteous when she could, ruthless when she had to.
† Gylliane the 2nd †
CG Elf Swashbuckler/Mage (solo)
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Unknown. During the final showdown she had already taken down Angelo and was gaining the upper hand against Tazok when all of a sudden she instantly died. One theory is that Semaj successfully petrified her, but it’s something we’ll never know.
† Lenno †
CN Halfling Swashbuckler
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Combination of (modded) Traps and Flesh Golems at Alaric’s Cave
Flamboyant, risk-prone and with an unmatched talent to choose the wrong friends and generally fail at missions, Lenno was unlikely to live a long and healthy life. Even so, his unfortunate death in a pirate cave came disappointingly early.
† Ocker †
NG Dwarven Skald
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Charmed and death-kissed by Shoal.
Ocker was a good Dwarf, noble of heart. A brave warrior poet who took his role as the leader of an adventuring party very seriously, Ocker would inspire his companions with his battlesong but suffered when he saw his friends in trouble, causing him to step into battle ill-prepared on more than one occasion. His valor in the end also meant his death.
† Vallon †
LG Human Undead Hunter
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Panicked, cornered and slain by TorGal at Nalia’s Keep.
Vallon combined his outstanding fighting prowess with an impeccable moral integrity, and a humble disposition he often found lacking in fellow Paladins. He singlehandedly saved the Sword Coast from the brute Sarevok and was already making a name for himself in Amn before mind-altering magic ended his life.
Most of the time I play a heavily modded version of the game, still BGT rather than EE as there are a couple of non-EE mods that I'm quite attached to (such as Item Randomization, Hard Times, Song & Silence, aTweaks).
Some of my playthroughs are heavily role-played whereas others can be seen more as technical/tactical... experiments, and may be more metagamed, though I do generally stick to Charname's alignment and personality. Other rules I tend to apply is to not abuse resting (which makes playing a spellcaster a bit more challenging), to give all creatures in the game including Charname and party members full hitpoints at level up as I don't like the 'luck factor' there, and to play no-reload. I still have a few savegames of fallen Charnames and I often tell myself I'll pick those games up again, but somehow I always end up rolling a new Charname. I might be convinced though by readers to go minimal-reload if they think a character was particularly interesting to read about.
Other Charnames you might have read aren't included here because they never died. My playthroughs with Aya the Avenger and Grynne the 2nd (Half-Orc Wizard Slayer) are lost due to game crashes and simplified re-installs, with less mods. I kind of gave up on Serene (Half-Elf Beast Mistress) after a bug at near death status, but strictly speaking she never died.
† Nelsy †
CG Halfling Bounty Huntress
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Insta-killed by Jenkal’s backstab.
Nelsy was a friendly, kind-hearted and naive young Bhaalspawn. She died a premature death in Gullykin where she had wanted to meet more of her (Halfling) kind and make some friends. The villagers all received her amiably and one, Alora, had even joined her, much to Nelsy's joy, until Jenkal ended her bliss. Maybe she was a bit too soft to be a successful Bhaalspawn or even adventurer.
† Elloysia †
CN Gnome Transmuter
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Shoal’s kiss of death proved that not only males have to be wary of Nereids.
Elloysia was an aspiring young mage, and a very unlucky one at that as she could only cast Alteration spells. Would a wider range of spells have saved her though? Probably not.
† Teyl the 1st †
NE Halfling Priest of Cyric/Thief (solo)
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Charmed by Hareishan in the Cloakwood Mines.
Truth be told Teyl was a bit of a jerk: a double-crossing, conniving little trickster who was only out for himself and expected no less of others. Many would underestimate the sneak due to his unimpressive physique, his dapper appearance and the absence of friends surrounding let alone protecting him, but that’s exactly how he liked to work.
† Teyl the 2nd †
NE Halfling Priest of Cyric/Thief (solo)
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: PW Stunned by Rayic Gethras and subsequently slain by the wizard’s MMMs.
† Grynne the 1st †
LN Half-Orc Wizard Slayer
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Fainted in Mulahey’s Stinking Cloud and finished off by the latter's ‘improved’ Battle Horrors
With her honesty and her sense of honor Grynne could have been a Paladin if only she had been human, and probably a bit less suspicious of magic. She distinguished herself as a merciless hunter of evil arcane magic users, and had difficulty staying her hand even against non-evil casters.
† Gylliane the 1st †
TN Elf Swashbuckler/Mage
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Webbed by Kysus at the Cloakwood Mine entrance and finished off by the latter and two of his Ogrillon minions
Gylliane was a typical ‘what you see is what you get type of girl’, turning heads wherever she went with her elven beauty and very no-nonsense in her dealings with others: courteous when she could, ruthless when she had to.
† Gylliane the 2nd †
CG Elf Swashbuckler/Mage (solo)
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Unknown. During the final showdown she had already taken down Angelo and was gaining the upper hand against Tazok when all of a sudden she instantly died. One theory is that Semaj successfully petrified her, but it’s something we’ll never know.
† Lenno †
CN Halfling Swashbuckler
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Combination of (modded) Traps and Flesh Golems at Alaric’s Cave
Flamboyant, risk-prone and with an unmatched talent to choose the wrong friends and generally fail at missions, Lenno was unlikely to live a long and healthy life. Even so, his unfortunate death in a pirate cave came disappointingly early.
† Ocker †
NG Dwarven Skald
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Charmed and death-kissed by Shoal.
Ocker was a good Dwarf, noble of heart. A brave warrior poet who took his role as the leader of an adventuring party very seriously, Ocker would inspire his companions with his battlesong but suffered when he saw his friends in trouble, causing him to step into battle ill-prepared on more than one occasion. His valor in the end also meant his death.
† Vallon †
LG Human Undead Hunter
Date of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Panicked, cornered and slain by TorGal at Nalia’s Keep.
Vallon combined his outstanding fighting prowess with an impeccable moral integrity, and a humble disposition he often found lacking in fellow Paladins. He singlehandedly saved the Sword Coast from the brute Sarevok and was already making a name for himself in Amn before mind-altering magic ended his life.
Character Development Discussion
Hey guys, ever since my recent playthrough of IWD:EE, I have been brainstorming up an idea for a new character that I can put time into developing because I never have really taken the time or had the motivation to create a character that I can call my own that is not extremely generic like some of the characters I have made in the past.
So heres the deal. I had not played through IWD in so long, that I totally forgot about a major part of the story line. I eventually ran into a character that I totally forgot about, that I remember from my teenage years that used to captivate my imagination...
Larrel, the Undead Elven Sorcerer....
It turns out that Larrel is what you call a "Baelnorn Lich" or just a "Baelnorn". They are basically Undead Elven Mages / Sorcerers, that became Baelnorns through a high level necromantic ritual so that they may serve their people through undeath, protect something sacred or sometimes wright a wrong that had happened in their lifetime. I am not 100% certain exactly what a Baelnorn is, but that is the basic information I got online about them.
Larrel goes on in the game to describe how he became that way, but I do not want to give away any story line or plot information about the game incase anyone reading this has not played IWD before, so I will leave it at that.
Now onto what my thread is mainly about.
Now the other main thing that has inspired me, was the art for Larrel's sprite in game. I noticed when I met Larrel that he had this almost combined Undead / Mechanical appearance. I am prety sure that is just the way the artists rendered a skeleton / lich, but I always thought he look pretty cool. That paired with the fact that he is wandering around an astrolabe, mindlessly ranting and also the fact that according to the manual that he is basically invincible, are a couple of the reasons why I was so fascinated with his character.
My question is, is there anyone who is familiar with the combination of the Undead with the Steampunk genre? I am thinking up something like a combination of half lich/skeleton and half machine. Only instead of modern computer technology fusing the two together, it would of course be the power of magic!
If you had the patience to read all of that, then I would love to know what you guys think. Thanks everyone, I hope you all have a great day and remember to have fun!
So heres the deal. I had not played through IWD in so long, that I totally forgot about a major part of the story line. I eventually ran into a character that I totally forgot about, that I remember from my teenage years that used to captivate my imagination...
Larrel, the Undead Elven Sorcerer....
It turns out that Larrel is what you call a "Baelnorn Lich" or just a "Baelnorn". They are basically Undead Elven Mages / Sorcerers, that became Baelnorns through a high level necromantic ritual so that they may serve their people through undeath, protect something sacred or sometimes wright a wrong that had happened in their lifetime. I am not 100% certain exactly what a Baelnorn is, but that is the basic information I got online about them.
Larrel goes on in the game to describe how he became that way, but I do not want to give away any story line or plot information about the game incase anyone reading this has not played IWD before, so I will leave it at that.
Now onto what my thread is mainly about.
Now the other main thing that has inspired me, was the art for Larrel's sprite in game. I noticed when I met Larrel that he had this almost combined Undead / Mechanical appearance. I am prety sure that is just the way the artists rendered a skeleton / lich, but I always thought he look pretty cool. That paired with the fact that he is wandering around an astrolabe, mindlessly ranting and also the fact that according to the manual that he is basically invincible, are a couple of the reasons why I was so fascinated with his character.
My question is, is there anyone who is familiar with the combination of the Undead with the Steampunk genre? I am thinking up something like a combination of half lich/skeleton and half machine. Only instead of modern computer technology fusing the two together, it would of course be the power of magic!
If you had the patience to read all of that, then I would love to know what you guys think. Thanks everyone, I hope you all have a great day and remember to have fun!

Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale Jeopardy! (May contain spoilers!)
Dear Ladies and Gentlehamsters,
welcome to the Reverse Question Thread, or
"Baldur's Gate Jeopardy" if you like.
In this thread I want users to provide answers.
But without any questions asked beforehand.
Instead it works the other way around.
You present answers and the others must find
appropriate questions that fit your given answer.
Example: Answer: "Boo"
Possible Questions: "Who's the cutest miniature space giant hamster?"
"What's the name of Minsc's animal companion?"
"What is Oob spelled backwards?"
Please post only one new answer at a time.
However you may post several questions to all answers given so far in this thread.
Answers and questions have to be Baldur's Gate related.
I'll start first:
Answer: "Plug tails"
Now it's your turn to think of questions that fit that answer or to provide
a new answer.
Have fun!
for clarification: You can provide questions to old, given answers as many as you like.
The rule above just says that you must not provide more than one new answer at a time.
for example: You do not always have to provide a question to the latest answer.
Just provide questions to any previous answers you like.
Announcement: With the upcoming Icewind Dale:EE I hereby extend this thread to the Icewind Dale games.
welcome to the Reverse Question Thread, or
"Baldur's Gate Jeopardy" if you like.
In this thread I want users to provide answers.
But without any questions asked beforehand.
Instead it works the other way around.
You present answers and the others must find
appropriate questions that fit your given answer.
Example: Answer: "Boo"
Possible Questions: "Who's the cutest miniature space giant hamster?"
"What's the name of Minsc's animal companion?"
"What is Oob spelled backwards?"
Please post only one new answer at a time.
However you may post several questions to all answers given so far in this thread.
Answers and questions have to be Baldur's Gate related.
I'll start first:
Answer: "Plug tails"
Now it's your turn to think of questions that fit that answer or to provide
a new answer.
Have fun!
for clarification: You can provide questions to old, given answers as many as you like.
The rule above just says that you must not provide more than one new answer at a time.
for example: You do not always have to provide a question to the latest answer.
Just provide questions to any previous answers you like.
Announcement: With the upcoming Icewind Dale:EE I hereby extend this thread to the Icewind Dale games.
Asian portraits for BG - the Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence pack
Ladies and gentlemen, dear BG community!
It is my great pleasure and honour to introduce you new portraits that can be used for your beloved Baldur's Gate characters.
As you probably know, there's a portrait pack for IE games based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms game series.
But there can't be enough oriental faces in portraits for IE games, especially if they're professionally made.
The Japanese video game developer Tecmo Koei ( has been creating Romance of the Three Kingdoms games for 30 years. These games are about the history of China.
But as it turnes out, for 30 years Tecmo Koei has also been creating Nobunaga's Ambition games, about the history of Japan. These games are also full of awesome portraits.
And it happened so that a new game in the Nobunaga's Ambition series was released in September 2015, called Sphere of Influence,
The quality of portraits in this game is amazing. This is why I want to introduce a portraits pack for IE games based on this game.
The artwork for those portraits is the intellectual property of Tecmo Koei but Koei is usually very kind to fans of their games in terms of not-for-profit use.
Take a not, please, that all these portraits can be used freely during only your own playthroughs of IE games.
But if you plan to use any portrait in a mod or something else that is available not only for you, you have to get a permission from the appropriate rightholder. Even if you edit a picture from any source, in order to use that edited picture in a mod you still have to get a permission from the rightholder of the vanilla picture.
You can read more about it here:
In this case, all the portraits are the property of Tecmo Koei, so you should contact them on the subject of using a portrait in your mod, if you wish so.
It is my great pleasure and honour to introduce you new portraits that can be used for your beloved Baldur's Gate characters.
As you probably know, there's a portrait pack for IE games based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms game series.
But there can't be enough oriental faces in portraits for IE games, especially if they're professionally made.
The Japanese video game developer Tecmo Koei ( has been creating Romance of the Three Kingdoms games for 30 years. These games are about the history of China.
But as it turnes out, for 30 years Tecmo Koei has also been creating Nobunaga's Ambition games, about the history of Japan. These games are also full of awesome portraits.
And it happened so that a new game in the Nobunaga's Ambition series was released in September 2015, called Sphere of Influence,
The quality of portraits in this game is amazing. This is why I want to introduce a portraits pack for IE games based on this game.
The artwork for those portraits is the intellectual property of Tecmo Koei but Koei is usually very kind to fans of their games in terms of not-for-profit use.
Take a not, please, that all these portraits can be used freely during only your own playthroughs of IE games.
But if you plan to use any portrait in a mod or something else that is available not only for you, you have to get a permission from the appropriate rightholder. Even if you edit a picture from any source, in order to use that edited picture in a mod you still have to get a permission from the rightholder of the vanilla picture.
You can read more about it here:
In this case, all the portraits are the property of Tecmo Koei, so you should contact them on the subject of using a portrait in your mod, if you wish so.
Tomes of Ability Increase
I am curious how other players utilize the various tomes they discover during the course of game. Do you just use the ability increase on your MainChar/Bhaalspawn or do you ensure that they are made available to the NPC that can use them to the most advantage.
Whenever I play Baldur's Gate, I always have Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal in the back of my mind, so I generally only use them for my Mainchar/Bhaalspawn, but with the impending release of SoD, I am starting to think maybe Viconia could use a little extra Wisdom, maybe Minsc could tote a 19 Strength without a belt.
I must admit, I am hoping they do something with next patch/game release that allows for BG2EE NPCs to retain any permanent Stat adjustment they received in BGEE.
Whenever I play Baldur's Gate, I always have Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal in the back of my mind, so I generally only use them for my Mainchar/Bhaalspawn, but with the impending release of SoD, I am starting to think maybe Viconia could use a little extra Wisdom, maybe Minsc could tote a 19 Strength without a belt.
I must admit, I am hoping they do something with next patch/game release that allows for BG2EE NPCs to retain any permanent Stat adjustment they received in BGEE.