Channel: General Discussion (Spoiler Warning!) — Beamdog Forums
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Booyah! Cleared Unseeing Eye on no-reload with my lvl 9 party!

The Pit of the Faithless took 9 trips to clear up (going back to Ghoul town to rest). I realized that my F/M can solo any number of Gauths by: Prot. from Electricity / Spell Immunity: Necromancy /...

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Looking for BG-Related Art/Prints/Posters

I've recently moved into a new place, and my art/gaming den has a lot more wall space than it used to. I was hoping to fill it with posters and prints related to my favorite games, and the Baldur's...

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Come suggest some theme songs for each NPC!

For the music lovers out there!What songs do you guys think would be fitting for each NPC? Share a tune that fits their character, their story or their attitude. All suggestions welcome!I'll begin with...

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Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale Jeopardy! (May contain spoilers!)

Dear Ladies and Gentlehamsters,welcome to the Reverse Question Thread, or"Baldur's Gate Jeopardy" if you like.In this thread I want users to provide answers.But without any questions asked...

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How do you keep the game unique?

After completing the game about 3 times, I now find myself opening the game (BG2 and ToB), going to Character Creation, making one and when I finish, I just delete it and exit the game. Now I'm not...

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Critiquing The EEs: A Pure Story Perspective 4/6

Welcome to Part 4 of a critical look at Beamdog's creative contributions to Baldur's Gate. We're going to analyze and discuss the Enhanced Edition characters and their storylines, their strengths and...

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Famous Last Words of Epic Fail

Upon entering the Cloakwood Mines in BGEE an unnamed guard walks up to the nearest character and delivers this memorable line shortly before his swift demise: "You're those bastards who've been taking...

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Looking for help with a few portraits

I was wondering if there are anyone out there with some photoshop skills who could help me with 2-3 portraits? It is mostly alteration of the original portraits.

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What protects from Stun? [e.g. Celestial Fury stuns you through Free Action]

Okay: so, I just quit my Guarded Compound fight mid-fight, when I realized that Koshi (wielding Celestial Fury :: which has Stun-or-save on every hit) managed to, in fact, stun me, even though I am...

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Potion of Heroism

After I finish the game I usually have epic stacks of these potions left over. Who benefits most from them. Am I reading it right that THACO is reduced to 90 percent or increased by 90 percent.

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Monk Question

So I just finished BG1 and am now running my Sun Soul Monk through SOA, and I had a question about the monk's fist weapon. I know it becomes a +1 weapon at 9 and ever few levels after that it...

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Code of honor

If you are someone who knows pretty much where everything is and how to get it in the most efficient way, it is often too easy to play through this game. To offset this, you may choose to play with...

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Miscellaneous stuff

Do I have to keep carrying miscellaneous things from completed quests like journals or keys and so on? I haven't found anywhere to buy a bag of holding, so it's an issue. Or if you can tell me where to...

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Can I start a romance with Neera now that Viconia has "broken up" with me?

I think Viccy & charname are through, because she gave me the "Look I like you, but this cannot go on" speech. I persuaded her to stay on. (She's an awesome cleric after all.)I have yet to go to...

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How do you guys play your Blades (the bard kit)

I was so pumped to play him... but he's so squishy. He does okay damage with the spin, but his ac is crap since I don't have armor for him yet (that allows him to cast spells) and he takes a hit like a...

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Baldur's Gate - Choice of Game Name

I've always pondered why the series was called Baldur's Gate, I mean the first one is a no-brainer since it culminates in the city of Baldur's Gate, with everything on the way leading up to the city...

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upsides/downsides of no-reload games

I play two different styles using the no-reload premise: One is strict no-reload wherein there is no reloading except for a crash or clear glitch; so when the PC dies and that's it. This is what I use...

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You know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when...

1. You complain to your family about having to live in "such a pissant town"2. You search for objects at the base of every tree you see.3. You walk into a complete stranger's house and start rummaging...

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Would rather have IWD3 than a BG3 (or new IP if license-fail)

Assuming that Overhaul will deliver a stable & sensible IWDEE and continue patching BGEE/BG2EE they will have assembled a decent base of supporters. So, *if* they have license to produce more...

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Rasaad the last Airbender

or The characters and what inspired their designs I always suspected that Rasaad was the product of someone at Overhaul being very fond of Nickelodeon's Avatar.Who or what do you guys think where the...

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