Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition patch, Anrdoid version and Icewind Dale:...
With the IWD:EE announced and being released "likely within a month", whats the timeline for BG2:EE 1.3 patch and Android version?
View ArticleDennis' mother's gong, sea troll mission
I talked to Roger in the sewers and he asked me to kill a sea troll. Looking at a guide I'm sure that I already killed that troll before doing the quest, when I did the beholder cult quest, but Roger...
View ArticlePortraits for BG from Pillars of Eternity
In the latest Pillars of Eternity update we finally got a character portrait in a good resolution. It looks gorgeous!So, no doubt about it: when Pillars of Eternity are out, portraits from that game...
View ArticleThe whole maps of Baldur's Gate
Recently I've come across these maps by Shade-os from deviantart. As soon as I saw them I was completely sold. I just feel obliged to share them. Not only the whole maps of Baldur's Gate city, the...
View ArticlePotion of insight? what does it do?
what benefit do I get out of having my wisdom set to 18? I know If you re a cleric you get more spell slots or smth but in my case my cleric has a natural 18 in wisdom. any other uses I can get out of...
View ArticleBG:EE Order of the Stick minimal reload run
Hi, I'm about to start an OotS BG:EE run, and I thought it might be fun to post about it here and share. Here are my versions of our favorite Burlew toons I've created for this run, along with the new...
View ArticleXan's Deity
Xan comes from Evereska and their religion is the Seldarine. I don't know if Xan follows any of the Seldarine, but if he did, which would he/she be?◾Corellon Larethian, greater deity leader of the...
View ArticleConcept art? Art assets? Stuff?
So as an artist myself, I really love seeing concept art, story boards, character designs and stuff like this.I wonder if there is any stuff like this both the devs and the users have available and...
View ArticleNew iOS app
I'm guessing these guys have probably violated ip?
View ArticleIf BG came out today...
We have a successful You know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when... thread.Recently, having seen a post by @terzaerian , another idea of a thread came to me.So, if BG came out today...1. Each...
View ArticleYou know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when...
1. You complain to your family about having to live in "such a pissant town"2. You search for objects at the base of every tree you see.3. You walk into a complete stranger's house and start rummaging...
View ArticleZeckul is back
It's on., retarded URL. Better subscribe so you don't have to memorize it. ;)I put up a little video with my actual face in it...
View ArticlePSA: Boo is a hamster.
Why do people keep posting pictures of guineapigs here and claim they are Boo? Boo is a *hamster*.Come on, the differences are not that hard to spot ;3;
View ArticleHoly cow, Xan is a psychotic pervert!!!
So I'm currently playing BG1 with my barbarian Alandra, pictured below.While I know that her appearance is surprisingly alluring for a barbarian, I never expected the sort of reaction that she received...
View ArticleRank the 5 main IE games
BG1, BG2, PS:T, IWD1, IWD2 - how would you rank them in order from your favorite to least favorite?My list:1. BG1 - While it used the most prototypical and limited version of the IE, I still believe...
View ArticleWhich character would you like to read about?
For my next playthrough I'm a bit torn between three characters, and I would appreciate your input. So here are the options:
View ArticleIf They Made a Baldur's Gate Movie: Redux, The Definitive Casting
Alright, alright, before you roll your eyes at me and sigh, this perennial discussion seems to have resurfaced over in 'Teh Meme' thread again, with some pretty good suggestions too, so rather than...
View ArticleWhat hobbies do you (or would you) like to practises in the Baldur's Gate...
Everyone of us knows that battling numberless enemies, rescuing Damsels in distress, raiding villages to the ground, ect. is quite demanding for both mind and body. But what can we do to replenish the...
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