What's up with...?
Not being able to multiclass a Fighter/Thief/Cleric? Or a Thief/Mage/Cleric? I had a vision of a Priest of Tymora hacking and slashing his way around the coast as a F/T/C but had to settle for a...
View ArticleDoes removing an NPC for a while mess up their quests in BG2? (Anomen and...
Spolilers below...Hopefully my questions aren't too annoying... I've only played through BG2 halfway before starting over through the series. This (with my monk) will be my one playthrough, although I...
View ArticleNeed basic info
Where is there just a basic guide for how to use the interface, etc. on the iOS game? I can't figure out some basic things, like how to get scrolls or spells into the quick slots. I have spells...
View ArticleIf Other BG1 NPCs Made the Transition to SoA
The question is simple: how would you have handled it? What stats would've gone up? Where would they have spawned? What would their quest be? Would they be romancable, and if so, by who?I'll start this...
View ArticleDid you know?
So this is just a thread for interesting things that people have picked up over the years. While most of the information has been freely available for some time, the game is big enough that you might...
View ArticleDurlag"s Tower, level 2
Durlag"S Tower Level 2, the doors are not working the way the walk trough say they should, this is the second time I have posted, I emailed support and they sent me back here, I am still hanging...I...
View Articleabout slings (newb question)
Do i need any ammo for it, cause my characters that have it wielded do not fire it, how do you make a character use it?
View ArticleWhy can I not dual class in black pits?
I have a kensai lvl 9 that I decided to dual class to mage. My plan was to return to tier 1 fights to level up the new mage, but it fails. I don't get any xp from winning the battles. What am I doing...
View ArticleGeneric Archer kit
Does anyone know of a functional version for BG:EE?Or would anyone be willing to make one? I have no idea how involved that would be, but if it were fairly straightforward, the Generic Archer kit was a...
View ArticleCHARNAME Power Ranking
Where does everyone think CHARNAME would rank among the other beings in the Realms? Even early, by BG1, he exceeds the other mortal ascendents (Kelemvor - lvl 5, Cyric - lvl 8, and Midnight - lvl 7,...
View ArticleSleep vs. Power Word Sleep
Can anyone explain why someone would use Power Word, Sleep over regular Sleep? Power Word, Sleep requires that the target have less then 20 hp while Sleep hits a whole group of enemies, but does not...
View ArticleBG Tweak Pack. How far do you take it?
Hey guys, I have finally decided to start modding the game a little bit and I really had no idea how deep the changes could go. I want to have a legit BG experience and I don't want to add any cheese...
View ArticleMinsc, a berserk rather than a ranger?
I never really looked at Minsc as a ranger and I never used his stealth and dual-wielding abilities, or even the divine spells (it always sounded dumb to me that he can manipulate magic actually). I...
View ArticleWhat's your best stats roll?
I just started vanilla BG2, and wanted to make a character. I tend to play with the first 80+ roll for my PC. But this one I got upon the very first roll (after stats re-assignment).STR 18/99DEX 17CON...
View ArticlePortraits for BG from Pillars of Eternity
In the latest Pillars of Eternity update we finally got a character portrait in a good resolution. It looks gorgeous!So, no doubt about it: when Pillars of Eternity are out, portraits from that game...
View ArticleSoo, Wraithform for a Fighter/Mage? [which mobs have magic weapons?]
Theoretically, this should be useful through much BG1, but almost useless for BG2, maybe?Which mobs can hit you through it?Wraithspider?Vampire Wolf?Ettercap?Umber Hulk?Troll?Spectral Troll?Flesh...
View ArticleThe Adventures of Gaspar: The Prequel-Sequel (ctrl+q playthrough)
In which we shall see how many scripts we can ruin by brainwashing friends and foes alike.@Elrandir wanted to see Gaspar's adventures from up and down the Sword Coast and I had been contemplating doing...
View ArticleWhat's your favorite race?
Well as the Forurms seem to be somewhat quiet, I decided to spice things up a bit with a new poll. :)I'm wondering whether you guys have a favorite race and if so, which one. So let's hear it! It would...
View ArticleHas there been any recent official mod/dev comments in regards to BG III?
I've trawled through a few topics related to BG III (there are a few out there now lol), but I don't think I've ever noticed any recent official comment in regards to a 3rd Overhaul/Beamdog game (BG or...
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