Channel: General Discussion (Spoiler Warning!) — Beamdog Forums
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Something is up with to hit rolls

I turned on displaying to hit rolls because I have a character missing way more than they probably should. As near as I can figure, the first number is the roll, and the second number is the bonus to...

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The no reload challenge (spoiler warning)

One of the most fun thing to do in BG is to play with no reload.The point of the thread is for you to describe your attempts (failed or successful)I'll start with mine (i just list the significative...

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Complementing the canon party

I'm probably overthinking this, but after 16 years of this game, one digs deeper. :PI'm currently running through two different characters (kinda switching back and forth). My plan is to finish BG1...

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Noob's Guide to Custom Portraits

I recently purchased and downloaded BGEE and BG2EE. I am wondering how a player can use custom portraits for the single player game. I remember in the original games, all you had to do was make a...

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The tale of a Drow (no-reload)

It is a dark time for the forum, the recent inactivity has caused fear and lack of no-reload playthroughs to read. In a world where @bengoshi‌ 's hero, Yahiko, is still nowhere to be found and...

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A few Hexxat problems (obvious spoilers)

Okay I was having a blast with the (real) Hexxat, and I think I learned how her death/regeneration worked. Then in the epic shodown with the Shade Lord, she was struck down with a Finger of Death. (I...

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where to get dispel magic in bg1

I think I found a scroll somewhere in BG1, but I must have given it to Dynaheir thinking I could buy another from High Hedge. The problem is that Dynaheir is having an unusually long visit with...

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getting into the bandit camp

In every other play through, charname lies to some bandit lieutenant in Peldvale/Larsville about wanting to join the gang, and that's how I get in. This time around, I was thinking of taking a more,...

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All you wanted to know about the “Adventure Y”

Now with BG2:EE released and we all know about Hexxat at last it’s time to anticipate something new. So I think the discussion about the “Adventure Y” is going to be the next hit. There’ve been several...

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Best AI fail ever

Once again, the AI outperforms itself.Suffice to say he didn't last long afterwards.Fun fact: Kivan has a Protection from Magic spell on him, which was a misclick on my part as I forgot ProMag can't be...

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Least Effective Parties and Most Effective Parties.

In your opinion what is The Least Effective or Most Effective Combination of NPCs for BG1 and BG2 (vanilla game, excluding EE characters and Mods). Please include PC as well, it adds to the uselessness...

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Is this song in this game?

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B000TOOTCC?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Briddes Roune&index=digital-music&search-type=ss-Brid by a Strem-down at the bottom of the list. I...

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You know you're playing too much Baldur's Gate when...

1. You complain to your family about having to live in "such a pissant town"2. You search for objects at the base of every tree you see.3. You walk into a complete stranger's house and start rummaging...

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Cult of the Eyeless, Beholder dead, still have the charged wand

So I took on the big bad beholder, and killed it. I forgot to use the wand, so i still have it. What does it do? Do I have any use left for it?

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Most Difficult Non Storyline Fight

In your opinion, what is the most difficult Non Main Quest Fight in the Entire Series?

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To us SCS, or not to use SCS, that is the question....

I've never actually installed this mod, indeed the only two I have found essential in all my searching and surfing are the BG NPC mod and the improved Wizard Slayer kit. What kind of difficulty...

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Wizard slayer + Ranged Combat?

Does anyone know if the wizard slayer fighter kit applies the %casting failure when using a ranged weapon, or is it only applied on melee attacks?

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Custom Portrait Help

I require a Custom Portrait for my CN Dragon Disciple. The Original Portrait I used is Edwin's Portrait from Vanilla BG1, because that is the closest to how is probably looks, as he wears Orange-Ish...

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Couple of questions about Yoshimo in BG1 and a tavern rumour...

When you first recruit Yoshimo, you have a dialogue option that implies you've heard of him. I think it's ''THE Yoshimo? Feared by all?'' option. Now Yoshimo's journal (if you have unfinished business...

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playing as a fallen ranger...

Are there any mods that specifically allow a ranger to use his abilities even if he has fallen status without adding extra "fluff" mods? Or a way to ee keeper it?

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