Channel: General Discussion (Spoiler Warning!) — Beamdog Forums
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Search for the Karwal Portraits

The Karwal Portraits are a series of Baldur's Gate portraits made from photos of celebrities originally available at http://www.karwal.dk/portraitportal/ by Karsten Dahl (a.k.a. Karse Soze of the...

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Minsc, before his head injury.

I've been thinking about this a fair bit, I've been writing banters for an NPC I've been working on and I wanted to know what you guys think Minsc was like BEFORE he got his little head knock and went...

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If you've played before, how do you NOT metagame?

Maybe I just misunderstand the term. But typically, at the very least you're preparing your character in terms of weapon proficiencies and spells based on what you know you'll "discover" later on. How...

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Most reliable builds from BG1 to ToB? (On a Multiplayer Game)

Hello!I am one of those guys who used to play Baldur's Gate when I was a teenager. Oh man, I used to have a lot of time back then! With EE, my old group and I decided to give it a full run, from the...

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BG:EE Order of the Stick minimal reload run

Hi, I'm about to start an OotS BG:EE run, and I thought it might be fun to post about it here and share. Here are my versions of our favorite Burlew toons I've created for this run, along with the new...

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Under Review: Nalia

For some unknown reason, my thread committed to discussing Dynaheir recently had a revival, and this was always a character review thread I had wanted to make, as it saves everybody else from seeing me...

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The real story on Kivan

There seems to be some conflicting information about when, were and how Kivan will leave the party if you don't get to the bandit camp. On the current play I picked him up right around 9 days and just...

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Dragon Disciple in BG2:EE

Ok, so in BG:EE, Sorcerers got a kit. And it was cool. Dragon Disciple trades one casting of your level 1/2/3/4 spells per day in return for -2AC, 50% Fire Resistance, +1 con (which isn't really a big...

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so....I found my epic paladin pic


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Roleplay point of view...LG PC BHAALSPAWN and hexxat

Just because someone is lawful good would that require them to kill hexxat on site after witnessing her entrance? If not and say hexxat joined the party wouldn't LG pc despise using the dragomir's...

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Under Review: Dynaheir

What did everybody think of Dynaheir? It has occurred to me when I was reading through the forums that there are actually a lot of different compliments and criticisms being levied at her.Personally, I...

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The Sexiest Sorcerer Class v.2

We're coming down to the last of my class polls now. This one should be pretty simple due to only having two options, but I'm interested to see the divide between them. As always, this is for personal...

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Boo seriously needs to go on a diet!

I'm not sure if it was part of a mod, or part of the original game, but Minsc did tell one of my PCs off for feeding Boo. (Has anyone else had this conversation?) This is what happened when I ignored...

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What's your best stats roll?

I just started vanilla BG2, and wanted to make a character. I tend to play with the first 80+ roll for my PC. But this one I got upon the very first roll (after stats re-assignment).STR 18/99DEX 17CON...

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Backstab with any weapon? (Level 1 NPC mod)

For a while now I've been wanting to change up my play style with thieves, and backstabbing with any weapon sounds like it would do the trick. The problem is that the Level 1 NPC mod is still not...

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Arkanis Gath??

Lol 1 shot my whole group one at a time who is this guy?

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The Sword Coasts Not So Deadliest Warriors. ROUND 1

Everyone can debate on who can win in a fight versus a Beholder and a Lich, but what about the bottom feeders of the XP chain? Which one holds the glory over all other minor annoyances.If one of these...

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Kobold PCs

For a variety of reasons (underdogs, mechanical trickery, Tucker's Kobolds, adorable for some (?), etc.), these ugly, smelly, weak but vicious, dragon-blooded, trap-laying little bastards have been a...

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Where would you make your home on the BGT map?

Just a fun thought I have been playing with. Imagine you were given a choice to settle down in any of the locations visited throughout the Bhaalspawn saga. Where would you choose to live and why?

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A different (realistic?) take on fighting styles

I've always been kind of underwhelmed by the fighting style benefits. Other than the first point of 1 handed and 2 handed weapon and the mandatory 2 points in two weapon fighting, they don't really...

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