Halberd's item description in BGEE says it deals either slashing or piercing damage, whichever it better. In BG2EE it says it only deals piercing damage.
Wizard Slayer in BGEE says it add spell disruption penalty to the opponent only by melee attacks. In BG2EE it says any attacks inflect the penalty.
There are some other instances where inconsistencies can be found. Are those Beamdog's mistake or do Halberds, wizzard slayer, and some items work differently from BGEE and BG2EE?
There are some spells that says Duration:1turn and in description it says duration is 5 round. What am I supposed to believe?
These kind of inconsistencies were common in the original BG1&BG2 and were very vexing. I'm a bit disappointed they still exist in EE.