Yes, the Barbie vs 'Zerker question has been asked and answered a million times, everyone has a favorite, TL;DR etc, stop trolling.
Don't get me wrong, I do love Barbies, if you want a solid indestructible character that can solo anything with ease, and still has 75% of their hit points when all other builds died ten rounds ago, well (s)he can be your man. Or half-orc.
Of course, not all fights in the game are as long as the final Ascension battle. In this case, a 'Zerker is probably better. They deal more damage, their rage protects against imprisonment, 60% physical immunity is not that much less than 80%, and their hit point aren't that much less either.
Enter the Dwarven defender. It matches the barbarian's innate 20% physical immunity, so with the defender of Easthaven and Hardiness, this can get up to 80%. It can get 4* in axes & hammers, between the 'zerker's 5* and the barbie's 2*. So the same indestructibility of the barbie, with some of the zerker's DPS.
Of course, instead of any sort of rage, it has a mild sort of blade's defensive spin. How dare I even suggest these three are comparable. In truth, I don't think I am, probably what I'm saying is, a duo comprising a 'Zerker & Dwarven defender may well be better at everything than a pair of barbarians would be?
OK .. go!
Don't get me wrong, I do love Barbies, if you want a solid indestructible character that can solo anything with ease, and still has 75% of their hit points when all other builds died ten rounds ago, well (s)he can be your man. Or half-orc.
Of course, not all fights in the game are as long as the final Ascension battle. In this case, a 'Zerker is probably better. They deal more damage, their rage protects against imprisonment, 60% physical immunity is not that much less than 80%, and their hit point aren't that much less either.
Enter the Dwarven defender. It matches the barbarian's innate 20% physical immunity, so with the defender of Easthaven and Hardiness, this can get up to 80%. It can get 4* in axes & hammers, between the 'zerker's 5* and the barbie's 2*. So the same indestructibility of the barbie, with some of the zerker's DPS.
Of course, instead of any sort of rage, it has a mild sort of blade's defensive spin. How dare I even suggest these three are comparable. In truth, I don't think I am, probably what I'm saying is, a duo comprising a 'Zerker & Dwarven defender may well be better at everything than a pair of barbarians would be?
OK .. go!