Sup, fools!
I just loaded up my game and I realized how much my style of play had evolved. I've played this game on and off for so many years with major restartitis, so I have really, really, REALLY changed my preferences a lot. I used to just fireball with mages and hit things with fighters, using my thieves just to open stuff and not get me killed while begrudgingly taking a cleric along so they can heal me.
Man did I suck!
Nowadays there are so many things I do differently. I'm trying to recall what spell or item or ability or whatever I discovered that changed my style, and came up with a couple.
Debuffing spells:
SLOW is such an incredible spell and makes some really tough battles an absolute joke.
Sleep is very similar too. I never used it in my early years, but now I realize just how super important it is for the earlier parts of the game. Its the only way I survive BG1 playing on the hardest difficulty.
Doom/Greater Malison: These spells open up a whole lot of possiblities
Breach: I used to have Keldorn dispel everything.... derp
I didn't like the idea. I thought that having "other people/creatures" do all the work would detract from my characters being the stars of the story. Minsc needs to kill things, not some spider. Yet as I discovered how many cool things you can bring in I gave it a chance. Mordekein's sword is such a beast, and planetars/devas just dominate things.
Speed Weapons: Sad story... I used to not know what this meant. I didn't even know you only got one extra attack on your offhand. I used to put flail of ages offhand and not bother with items that increase your APR. Man, does Belm, Scarlett and Kundane really make your fighters so much more effective or what?
Efreeti bottle. Didn't even know this baby existed until someone on this website told me (think it was my girl Dragonspear). Now this is my favorite summon
Robe of Vecna: just... amazing. I heard hear and there how powerful mages could be but I always hated casting times. This is a game changer, and on a cleric/mage it just works magic (literally)
Then I had a brilliant idea: If I learned so much over the years, and still am nowadays, maybe I should ask around. I might find a new trick or two myself. Heck, I still don't use Spike Traps.
So please, feel free to share what sort of items/spells/abilities really changed your style of play and made "encounter x" easier or made you rethink entire classes.
I just loaded up my game and I realized how much my style of play had evolved. I've played this game on and off for so many years with major restartitis, so I have really, really, REALLY changed my preferences a lot. I used to just fireball with mages and hit things with fighters, using my thieves just to open stuff and not get me killed while begrudgingly taking a cleric along so they can heal me.
Man did I suck!
Nowadays there are so many things I do differently. I'm trying to recall what spell or item or ability or whatever I discovered that changed my style, and came up with a couple.
Debuffing spells:
SLOW is such an incredible spell and makes some really tough battles an absolute joke.
Sleep is very similar too. I never used it in my early years, but now I realize just how super important it is for the earlier parts of the game. Its the only way I survive BG1 playing on the hardest difficulty.
Doom/Greater Malison: These spells open up a whole lot of possiblities
Breach: I used to have Keldorn dispel everything.... derp
I didn't like the idea. I thought that having "other people/creatures" do all the work would detract from my characters being the stars of the story. Minsc needs to kill things, not some spider. Yet as I discovered how many cool things you can bring in I gave it a chance. Mordekein's sword is such a beast, and planetars/devas just dominate things.
Speed Weapons: Sad story... I used to not know what this meant. I didn't even know you only got one extra attack on your offhand. I used to put flail of ages offhand and not bother with items that increase your APR. Man, does Belm, Scarlett and Kundane really make your fighters so much more effective or what?
Efreeti bottle. Didn't even know this baby existed until someone on this website told me (think it was my girl Dragonspear). Now this is my favorite summon
Robe of Vecna: just... amazing. I heard hear and there how powerful mages could be but I always hated casting times. This is a game changer, and on a cleric/mage it just works magic (literally)
Then I had a brilliant idea: If I learned so much over the years, and still am nowadays, maybe I should ask around. I might find a new trick or two myself. Heck, I still don't use Spike Traps.
So please, feel free to share what sort of items/spells/abilities really changed your style of play and made "encounter x" easier or made you rethink entire classes.