I have a problem...not sure how unique it is.
I've never been able to finish SoA.
Not because it got too difficult or anything, but I would just get to a point where I would decide that I'd rather try doing it differently. Some characters would make it further than others, but my longest run has only made it to the underdark so far.
Note that I definitely do not have similar issues with BG1. While a couple of runs have petered out in the middle, if I make it to the Friendly Arm Inn, I will typically finish the game with that character.
So, what's the deal? Do I just prefer low-level play? (sort of) Do I like the BG1 characters better? (not really) Do I find the BG1 story more compelling? (nope) I think it's because SoA pits two of my (strongly held) gaming philosophies against each other in what I fear may be an unresolvable conflict.
First, I like to have a certain degree of roleplaying with my characters. I want to have a good sense of what this character would think when presented by the various scenarios in the game. The better I formulate the concept for the character, the more I usually enjoy playing him/her. As part of this, I cannot play evil characters. Good/Neutral, Lawful/Chaotic - I can wrap my head around any of these and have fun playing the character. Playing evil characters just makes me feel like crap.
Second, I have strong completionist tendencies. I like to explore the various areas to (at least near) completion and see as much as I can of what the game has to offer. (In combination with my roleplaying, this tendency leads me to play characters like thieves, bards, or rangers more often than not.)
So, while these two traits mesh nearly perfectly in BG1 (you're on the run from who knows what, might as well get yourself lost in the woods for a while to throw off your pursuers while you gather your strength and gradually make the connections between your attackers and the problems plaguing the Sword Coast), they are at odds in SoA. This is entirely because of how one character is treated: Imoen.
The problem is that playing as a Good/Neutral aligned character, I cannot envision CHARNAME not caring deeply for their little sister (even before they find out, I always see CHARNAME thinking of her that way.) As such, CHARNAME would not sit around sidequesting in CH2/3 endlessly before going to her rescue. Might not leave immediately after collecting the necessary gold (need to gear up at least a bit before going to face Irenicus), but I can't fathom spending more than a month in game before heading to Spellhold. Which means that I can only finish around half of the major quests in CH2 before I leave, maybe a bit more if I limit my travel outside Athkatla. Compare that with BG1, where I can happily spend 6 months criss-crossing the countryside before heading to Baldur's Gate if I want, no big deal. (Hey, that note Gorion had on him did say that it was more difficult to hit a moving target...)
And after CHARNAME and Imoen have their souls taken, I can't imagine the party doing anything but chasing down Irenicus and Bohdi. If it was just CHARNAME, I could see doing a few sidequests as he/she learns to deal with the situation. But with Imoen portrayed as rapidly getting weaker, CHARNAME would see no choice but to track those bastards down as quickly as possible.
Which, of course, brings me into conflict with my completionist tendencies. While I completely recognize that Imoen is being used a plot device to provide a sense of urgency that is (mechanically) non-existent in the game, I can't help but roleplay my character's reaction to the situation. And since this provides a completely unsatisfactory feeling (as I realize how much I've missed out on by skipping all of those other quests, with their captivating little sub-plots, lovely XP, and kick-ass gear), my motivation to continue the game wanes, despite my anger towards Irenicus. And if I try to just forget about Imoen and complete more of the CH2 quests before going to Spellhold, my motivation to continue wanes as well, since I can only put off advancing the plot for so long before losing all sense for my character. But despite how Imoen is used (or misused as the case may be), I can't bring myself (or my CHARNAMEs) to dislike her.
So, is there any hope for me? Any of you roleplayers out there have any tips I can use, any ways of framing the situation that might help me keep my motivation in the face of this seemingly unsolvable conundrum?
Or should I just wait for IWD:EE to be released...
I've never been able to finish SoA.
Not because it got too difficult or anything, but I would just get to a point where I would decide that I'd rather try doing it differently. Some characters would make it further than others, but my longest run has only made it to the underdark so far.
Note that I definitely do not have similar issues with BG1. While a couple of runs have petered out in the middle, if I make it to the Friendly Arm Inn, I will typically finish the game with that character.
So, what's the deal? Do I just prefer low-level play? (sort of) Do I like the BG1 characters better? (not really) Do I find the BG1 story more compelling? (nope) I think it's because SoA pits two of my (strongly held) gaming philosophies against each other in what I fear may be an unresolvable conflict.
First, I like to have a certain degree of roleplaying with my characters. I want to have a good sense of what this character would think when presented by the various scenarios in the game. The better I formulate the concept for the character, the more I usually enjoy playing him/her. As part of this, I cannot play evil characters. Good/Neutral, Lawful/Chaotic - I can wrap my head around any of these and have fun playing the character. Playing evil characters just makes me feel like crap.
Second, I have strong completionist tendencies. I like to explore the various areas to (at least near) completion and see as much as I can of what the game has to offer. (In combination with my roleplaying, this tendency leads me to play characters like thieves, bards, or rangers more often than not.)
So, while these two traits mesh nearly perfectly in BG1 (you're on the run from who knows what, might as well get yourself lost in the woods for a while to throw off your pursuers while you gather your strength and gradually make the connections between your attackers and the problems plaguing the Sword Coast), they are at odds in SoA. This is entirely because of how one character is treated: Imoen.
The problem is that playing as a Good/Neutral aligned character, I cannot envision CHARNAME not caring deeply for their little sister (even before they find out, I always see CHARNAME thinking of her that way.) As such, CHARNAME would not sit around sidequesting in CH2/3 endlessly before going to her rescue. Might not leave immediately after collecting the necessary gold (need to gear up at least a bit before going to face Irenicus), but I can't fathom spending more than a month in game before heading to Spellhold. Which means that I can only finish around half of the major quests in CH2 before I leave, maybe a bit more if I limit my travel outside Athkatla. Compare that with BG1, where I can happily spend 6 months criss-crossing the countryside before heading to Baldur's Gate if I want, no big deal. (Hey, that note Gorion had on him did say that it was more difficult to hit a moving target...)
And after CHARNAME and Imoen have their souls taken, I can't imagine the party doing anything but chasing down Irenicus and Bohdi. If it was just CHARNAME, I could see doing a few sidequests as he/she learns to deal with the situation. But with Imoen portrayed as rapidly getting weaker, CHARNAME would see no choice but to track those bastards down as quickly as possible.
Which, of course, brings me into conflict with my completionist tendencies. While I completely recognize that Imoen is being used a plot device to provide a sense of urgency that is (mechanically) non-existent in the game, I can't help but roleplay my character's reaction to the situation. And since this provides a completely unsatisfactory feeling (as I realize how much I've missed out on by skipping all of those other quests, with their captivating little sub-plots, lovely XP, and kick-ass gear), my motivation to continue the game wanes, despite my anger towards Irenicus. And if I try to just forget about Imoen and complete more of the CH2 quests before going to Spellhold, my motivation to continue wanes as well, since I can only put off advancing the plot for so long before losing all sense for my character. But despite how Imoen is used (or misused as the case may be), I can't bring myself (or my CHARNAMEs) to dislike her.
So, is there any hope for me? Any of you roleplayers out there have any tips I can use, any ways of framing the situation that might help me keep my motivation in the face of this seemingly unsolvable conundrum?
Or should I just wait for IWD:EE to be released...