With the help of pharmaceuticals (i.e. Thieving Pots), you can almost deprive whole cities of their wealth. Almost like robbing every house in Manhattan and never getting caught. My question is, is there some role-playing caveats or restrictions that you impose on yourself or your thief in the group (whether it's alignment, need, or something else)?
In my experience, the rush of accumulating so much wealth is fun and all - making sure I nick that last piece of gold from that haughty noble or rude merchant, or selling a pompous merchant an item them stealing it back to sell to a fence. I never rob fences though - it's just bad business, even in real life. At the end of it all, I kinda feel guilty doing it since I like playing the Chaotic Good alignment. There are some instances where I can justify it - the ransom for Imoen at the start of SoA for instance, or maybe buying that item that I really, really want early on in the game. I make sure not to go overboard though.
In my experience, the rush of accumulating so much wealth is fun and all - making sure I nick that last piece of gold from that haughty noble or rude merchant, or selling a pompous merchant an item them stealing it back to sell to a fence. I never rob fences though - it's just bad business, even in real life. At the end of it all, I kinda feel guilty doing it since I like playing the Chaotic Good alignment. There are some instances where I can justify it - the ransom for Imoen at the start of SoA for instance, or maybe buying that item that I really, really want early on in the game. I make sure not to go overboard though.