So, in a world with magic, demons, and multitudes of gods granting actual powers, *War* could take many disturbing turns. But it is to be expected that the major forces of the 'civilized' world would still agree on what can and cannot be employed in an act of war.
If the major powers of the Forgotten Realms were to agree on rules of engagement, what would they be?
- is all Necromancy detestable?
(A lich scouring the country side with a swarm of zombies is likely not tolerated, but one of the ruling top Red Wizards of Thay is a lich.)
- how about demon summoning?
(Is it okay to use some friendly mephits as helpers in your lab? How about as city cleaners?)
- are Clerics protected during battles?
(in the same way that medics are supposed to be down here)
- Gas attacks (Cloud Kill, Death Fog etc.) are banned, perhaps?
- is mind control considered taboo?
(Dire Charm and Domination to make one kill their comrades)
- is there a limitation on the 'calibre' of weapons used for peacekeeping?
(no greater than +2 enchantment; or non-lethal damage only for city patrol)
- how about biological warfare?
(Contagion, Mold Touch)
If the major powers of the Forgotten Realms were to agree on rules of engagement, what would they be?
- is all Necromancy detestable?
(A lich scouring the country side with a swarm of zombies is likely not tolerated, but one of the ruling top Red Wizards of Thay is a lich.)
- how about demon summoning?
(Is it okay to use some friendly mephits as helpers in your lab? How about as city cleaners?)
- are Clerics protected during battles?
(in the same way that medics are supposed to be down here)
- Gas attacks (Cloud Kill, Death Fog etc.) are banned, perhaps?
- is mind control considered taboo?
(Dire Charm and Domination to make one kill their comrades)
- is there a limitation on the 'calibre' of weapons used for peacekeeping?
(no greater than +2 enchantment; or non-lethal damage only for city patrol)
- how about biological warfare?
(Contagion, Mold Touch)