Throughout the Baldur's Gate series there a lot of party members who as clerics, monks and paladins are devout worshippers of their respective deities, this got me thinking about the other party members, the likes of Valygar and Coran, who would they worship? So because I like making lists (hey, typing's relaxing) I thought I could make a list of who the non-divine class NPCs would probably worship.
Note: This refers to BG I and BG II, also there are a few NPCs that are not clerics but missing from the list, e.g. Rasaad, Dorn, Mazzy, this is because it is confirmed in game that they worship Selune, Ur-Gothoz and Arvoreen respectively.
Good Aligned NPCs:
Neera: Fenmarel Mestarine (Elven god of outcasts) or Erevan Illsere (elven god of mischief)
Minsc: Tempus/Uthgardt? Edit: Mielikki
Dynaheir: Mystra
Coran: Halani Celanil
Alora: Brandobaris (Halfing god of trickery and mischief)
Kivan: Shevarash (Was once an archer himself, hates drow and deals with vengeance, nuff' said)
Khalid: Maybe Silvanus but I'm not sure
Nalia: Ilmater, although Siamorphe (goddess of nobility) is a possibility
Valygar: Mielikki/Faithless?
Neutral NPCs:
Yoshimo: At first I thought of Tymora but he does say to the PC to take his heart to a temple of Ilmater so most likely he worships Ilmater.
Garrick: Milil
Jan: Gond or Baravar Cloakshadow (Gnomish god of deceptions, traps and illusions)
Haer'dalis: Tymora/Finder Wyvernspur
Xan: Fenmarel Mestarine?
Safana: Sune/Sharess
Skie: ????
Evil aligned NPCs:
Korgan: Abbathor (Dwarven god of greed)
Kagain: Abbathor
Edwin: ????
Xzar: Cyric
Montaron: Cyric
Eldoth: ????
Shar-Teel: Loviatar
Baeloth: Lolth
Hexxat: ???? Edit: From what I read about her romance, she's not a big fan of Ubtao and has an association with shadow so she most likely worships Eschowdow, the Chultan aspect of Shar.
Sarevok: ????
Anyway these are my thoughts as to who non-divine NPCs would worship. Suggestions? Opinions?
Note: This refers to BG I and BG II, also there are a few NPCs that are not clerics but missing from the list, e.g. Rasaad, Dorn, Mazzy, this is because it is confirmed in game that they worship Selune, Ur-Gothoz and Arvoreen respectively.
Good Aligned NPCs:
Neera: Fenmarel Mestarine (Elven god of outcasts) or Erevan Illsere (elven god of mischief)
Minsc: Tempus/Uthgardt? Edit: Mielikki
Dynaheir: Mystra
Coran: Halani Celanil
Alora: Brandobaris (Halfing god of trickery and mischief)
Kivan: Shevarash (Was once an archer himself, hates drow and deals with vengeance, nuff' said)
Khalid: Maybe Silvanus but I'm not sure
Nalia: Ilmater, although Siamorphe (goddess of nobility) is a possibility
Valygar: Mielikki/Faithless?
Neutral NPCs:
Yoshimo: At first I thought of Tymora but he does say to the PC to take his heart to a temple of Ilmater so most likely he worships Ilmater.
Garrick: Milil
Jan: Gond or Baravar Cloakshadow (Gnomish god of deceptions, traps and illusions)
Haer'dalis: Tymora/Finder Wyvernspur
Xan: Fenmarel Mestarine?
Safana: Sune/Sharess
Skie: ????
Evil aligned NPCs:
Korgan: Abbathor (Dwarven god of greed)
Kagain: Abbathor
Edwin: ????
Xzar: Cyric
Montaron: Cyric
Eldoth: ????
Shar-Teel: Loviatar
Baeloth: Lolth
Hexxat: ???? Edit: From what I read about her romance, she's not a big fan of Ubtao and has an association with shadow so she most likely worships Eschowdow, the Chultan aspect of Shar.
Sarevok: ????
Anyway these are my thoughts as to who non-divine NPCs would worship. Suggestions? Opinions?