What's your favourite part of the game and why? I'll add in the two main TotSC quests since they're pretty much mini-adventures in their own right with cutscenes and all.
For me the game only gets more and more interesting the further you go get into it. I probably enjoy chapter 7 most of all, there are quite a lot of new dialogues and NPCs to meet in the city if you can avoid the Flaming Fist, as well as several pretty fun quests (infiltrating the Flaming Fist compound, the Assassins in the Undercellar, the Coronation Ceremony). You're at your most powerful and defeating your opponents with ease up until the big battle at the end leading to the awesome final cutscene. I like it a lot.
I also really enjoy Balduran's Ship for what it is. It's not too long and all of the Balduran stuff is pretty interesting, particularly combined with information (and items) gathered in BG city beforehand. The slightly bittersweet ending adds something too.
For me the game only gets more and more interesting the further you go get into it. I probably enjoy chapter 7 most of all, there are quite a lot of new dialogues and NPCs to meet in the city if you can avoid the Flaming Fist, as well as several pretty fun quests (infiltrating the Flaming Fist compound, the Assassins in the Undercellar, the Coronation Ceremony). You're at your most powerful and defeating your opponents with ease up until the big battle at the end leading to the awesome final cutscene. I like it a lot.
I also really enjoy Balduran's Ship for what it is. It's not too long and all of the Balduran stuff is pretty interesting, particularly combined with information (and items) gathered in BG city beforehand. The slightly bittersweet ending adds something too.