I had Rassad in the party, we met the 1st encounter in Baldurs Gate city with the 3 guys. Killed them then got the note on the tavern- went to the tavern and got story teleported to the house. Went and killed the guys on 1st and second floor got the note on the Clouds Peak mountains... and then went to Nashkill Mine area and tried to go north- no new map content...
I think maybe I missed some guy in the house there... where is the location of the double cross ambush house the guy takes you to? I think perhaps I did not explore/kill all the guys there... but I did get note mentioning bring the corpse to the clods keep mountains...
not sure what I am missing... any suggestions...
I think maybe I missed some guy in the house there... where is the location of the double cross ambush house the guy takes you to? I think perhaps I did not explore/kill all the guys there... but I did get note mentioning bring the corpse to the clods keep mountains...
not sure what I am missing... any suggestions...