Does anyone know how the Assassin / Blackguard Poison *Strength* Progression works? Also, it the progression the same for both kits?
The manual only says what the initial effect is i.e.
Each successful hit within the next round will inject poison into the target, dealing an extra 2 points of damage per second with no Saving Throw (for a total of 12 points of damage). Moreover, if the target fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison, he will suffer 1 additional point of damage per round for 4 rounds thereafter.
According to the Chris Lee's excellent Thief guide ( ):
(I think this from level 5 or 6):
Can coat weapon in poison, meaning that in the next 24 seconds, any hits will cause 6 damage to be dealt over 6 seconds for 30 seconds [this doesn't make sense! - Oxford_Guy], Save vs. Death to 6 total damage over 6 seconds.
In addition, the effect strengthens as the Assassin gains levels:
At 10th level, this changes to 30 damage over 14 seconds (Save for 6 damage over 2 seconds). So, it's roughly twice as fast, damage-wise.
At 15th level, this changes to 42 over 14 seconds (Save for 12 damage over 4 seconds). So, it's roughly three times as fast as normal poison, in addition to being more damaging. In addition, the enemy must Save vs. Death or be slowed for 30 seconds.
The manual only says what the initial effect is i.e.
Each successful hit within the next round will inject poison into the target, dealing an extra 2 points of damage per second with no Saving Throw (for a total of 12 points of damage). Moreover, if the target fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison, he will suffer 1 additional point of damage per round for 4 rounds thereafter.
According to the Chris Lee's excellent Thief guide ( ):
(I think this from level 5 or 6):
Can coat weapon in poison, meaning that in the next 24 seconds, any hits will cause 6 damage to be dealt over 6 seconds for 30 seconds [this doesn't make sense! - Oxford_Guy], Save vs. Death to 6 total damage over 6 seconds.
In addition, the effect strengthens as the Assassin gains levels:
At 10th level, this changes to 30 damage over 14 seconds (Save for 6 damage over 2 seconds). So, it's roughly twice as fast, damage-wise.
At 15th level, this changes to 42 over 14 seconds (Save for 12 damage over 4 seconds). So, it's roughly three times as fast as normal poison, in addition to being more damaging. In addition, the enemy must Save vs. Death or be slowed for 30 seconds.