Share your Black Pits roster :)
Here's mine:
Pearl - Cavalier, Human, Lawful Good
Jeremy - Barbarian, Half-Orc, Lawful Good
Theodore Bloodfury - Fighter, Dwarf, Chaotic Evil
Scarlet - Archer, Elf, Neutral Good
Dorothy - Priest of Helm, Human, Lawful Neutral
Albazar - Illusionist, Gnome, True Neutral
I'd give myself a 3/10 on Naming Creativity and expect to be blown out of the water, if people care enough to post
Here's mine:
Pearl - Cavalier, Human, Lawful Good
Jeremy - Barbarian, Half-Orc, Lawful Good
Theodore Bloodfury - Fighter, Dwarf, Chaotic Evil
Scarlet - Archer, Elf, Neutral Good
Dorothy - Priest of Helm, Human, Lawful Neutral
Albazar - Illusionist, Gnome, True Neutral
I'd give myself a 3/10 on Naming Creativity and expect to be blown out of the water, if people care enough to post