So! I was once again wondering about what char to start with. It's going to be something fancy, because I like diversity.
Bard would be cool for a change and I never played the Fighter/Mage/Thief, cuz I allways thought it would suck..... but then I went over the progression tables.
Now I actually think the F/M/T is the BETTER Bard! Why? Here are the stats I calculated:
lvl: 18/17/22
HP: 95
Thac0: 3
ST: 3/4/4/4/5
PP: 10
Att/round: 2
ThiefSkills: 550 points & every perk
Magic: 8th-Circle (2x)
lvl: 40
HP: 120
Thac0: 10
ST: 8/4/7/11/5
PP: 12
Att/round: 1
ThiefSkills: only pickpocket
Magic: 6th-Circle (5x)
HD=HitPoints, ST=SavingThrows, PP = ProfiemcyPoints
If this is correct, the FMT should own the Bard at 8m XP. The FMT has a set of advantages: better ST, better Thac0, more Att./round, he gas ACTUAL thieving skills like backstab (x5), open locks, etc. He has magic up to 8th circle, access to most HLAs, grandmastery (only **, thx @mjs)...
The Bard has only more lore, more HP and a crappy bardsong.
So..... I say that if you put those 2 in the arena the bard would end up begging for mercy! Your thoughts?
Bard would be cool for a change and I never played the Fighter/Mage/Thief, cuz I allways thought it would suck..... but then I went over the progression tables.
Now I actually think the F/M/T is the BETTER Bard! Why? Here are the stats I calculated:
lvl: 18/17/22
HP: 95
Thac0: 3
ST: 3/4/4/4/5
PP: 10
Att/round: 2
ThiefSkills: 550 points & every perk
Magic: 8th-Circle (2x)
lvl: 40
HP: 120
Thac0: 10
ST: 8/4/7/11/5
PP: 12
Att/round: 1
ThiefSkills: only pickpocket
Magic: 6th-Circle (5x)
HD=HitPoints, ST=SavingThrows, PP = ProfiemcyPoints
If this is correct, the FMT should own the Bard at 8m XP. The FMT has a set of advantages: better ST, better Thac0, more Att./round, he gas ACTUAL thieving skills like backstab (x5), open locks, etc. He has magic up to 8th circle, access to most HLAs, grandmastery (only **, thx @mjs)...
The Bard has only more lore, more HP and a crappy bardsong.
So..... I say that if you put those 2 in the arena the bard would end up begging for mercy! Your thoughts?