This thread is meant to be a spiritual successor to the now-discontinued List Of Things That Have Been Announced.
The change log for every patch the developers release for BG:EE—starting from the current build (v. 1.0.2011)—will be featured in its own post within this thread for your reference and perusal. This will also assist in keeping track of features that have been implemented, and bugs that have been fixed.
As this is meant to be a quick reference tool, the thread will be closed and won't allow for discussion; hence, you may want to keep discussing new features, or posing related queries, in the aforelinked List Of Things That Have Been Announced.
The change log for every patch the developers release for BG:EE—starting from the current build (v. 1.0.2011)—will be featured in its own post within this thread for your reference and perusal. This will also assist in keeping track of features that have been implemented, and bugs that have been fixed.
As this is meant to be a quick reference tool, the thread will be closed and won't allow for discussion; hence, you may want to keep discussing new features, or posing related queries, in the aforelinked List Of Things That Have Been Announced.